Chapter twenty-five

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M/i = Your middle initial (It will be relevant later, I promise (Also if you don't have a middle name just ignore this))

"Are you alright, y/n?" Steve appeared in the doorway in the late morning, his sky-blue eyes full of concern. "I heard you had a rough night."

"Yeah," You laughed humorlessly. "You could say that."

Bucky was still beside you, one arm wrapped protectively around your waist and the other stroking Alpine, who was sitting on his lap. "We can't stay here." His statement caught Steve completely off guard, though you'd been expecting it and thinking the same thing.

"We're not safe here," You added. "If a Hydra agent could get in here that easily... what if there are more?"

Steve took a few steps closer, you noted that he didn't walk cautiously, his steps weren't calculated and quiet like Bucky's, although he was clearly prepared for either of you to make a move. You couldn't help the way your mind instantly analyzed every way you could overpower him.

"You saved my life," he said solemnly. "And you're my best friends, anything I can do to help I will."

Your brows furrowed as you thought about that, so you were Steve's friend as well, and apparently, you'd saved his life. An image of a red-white-and-blue-clad body dropping into a debris-littered river below you flitted across your mind, you could remember fire, water, feeling like you were going to die. "Save him," the voice sounded like yours and echoed around your head. "I'll be fine."

"Y/n, doll, are you ok?" Your head snapped up and you blinked quickly, looking from Steve to Bucky who were both giving you confused looks.

"I'm-" you cleared your throat. "I'm fine."

You knew Bucky didn't believe you, but he let it pass when you continued to talk. You'd been thinking long and hard about this, and knew that he was the best person to ask. "Steve, I need you to promise me something."

"Anything," Steve said softly.

"If Hydra manages to get inside our heads," You nodded to Bucky. "Promise me that you'll put us down without hesitation."

Steve recoiled, looking horrified. "I- I can't do that, you're both-"

"If Hydra gets to us, no one will be able to save us," Your voice got slightly quieter as you spoke. "Promise me, Steve."

"He'll never say yes, you know that, right?" You jumped and glared at Natasha, who'd appeared in the doorway.

"Nat," Steve seemed relieved at the sudden appearance of his friend. "You can't be thinking of letting them do this."

Natasha glanced at you and Bucky. "They're more dangerous than anything else Hydra can throw at us, and this was their idea."

"I want to speak with Fury," You stood up, tired of being treated as if you weren't there. Bucky stood with you, still keeping his arm around your waist as though he was afraid someone would attack you if he wasn't right there, even for a second.

Natasha nodded before Steve could object. "I'll show you to his office."

"No need."

You jumped again and scowled at the new figure in the doorway, before forcing yourself to calm down and keep your composure. Fury entered the room, his customary black jacket almost dragging on the ground behind him.

"The Winter Soldier and Hydra's Demon," He remarked as you raised your head to look at him, Bucky kept his position beside you, he was almost the same height as the one-eyed director. "I've been meaning to speak to you two."

To The Bitter End (Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now