Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon

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Marla: Welcome back to Total Drama NFL! Over the past six weeks, we've watched twenty eight campers push themselves to the limit! And they get their butts kicked off the island by their fellow campers! Sucks to be you! Broseph, Reef, Fin, Lauren, Emma, Nikki, Jen, Jude, Jonesy, Caitlin, Ezekiel, Eva, Noah, Justin, Katie, Tyler, Izzy, Cody, Beth, Sadie, Courtney, Harold, Dallas, Trent, Bridgette, Lindsay, DJ., and Cheyenne. Only six campers remain. And after six weeks of bugs, crappy camp food, and even grosser bathrooms, our six finalists are about this close to losing it. We strove to come up with the best way to help the campers destress, then decided it would be way more fun to handcuff them together and see if we couldn't push them over the edge.

Heather: Did Duncan's parole officer send a care package?

Maverine: Neh, all in the name of today's challenge: The Tri-Armed Triathlon!

Owen: Tri-armed? Like, three arms?

Marla: Yes! Three challenges, three teams of two, three arms per team.

Heather: Have you met these people? I am not being chained to any of them.

Maverine: Winning team members both get invincibility from tonight's vote.

Marla: First of our three challenges, competitive chow-down. Each team will choose a feeder and an eater. Eaters must put their hands behind them, making it more difficult for the feeders. One last thing. This is the wimp key. A skeleton key that will open any handcuffs. You'll be offered the wimp key at each challenge to unshackle yourselves from your teammate. But... if you choose to accept it, you'll both be eliminated. I meant one, you might day.

Gwen: Hello? How do we win this thing?

Maverine: Chef's getting platters for each team. Title goes to the team who finishes their platter of delicacies fastest.

Minutes later...

Marla: The winner's are... Heather and Owen!

Heather: All right, Owen! Way to go! You are one champion eater! What a team!

Minutes later...

Maverine: Last chance for the tempting wimp key before part two!

Geoff: What's the challenge, Marla?

Marla: On the beach, you will find three canoes. One for each team. Your challenge is to paddle your canoe, while wearing handcuffs, [chuckles] All the way to Boney Island. Once there, you will open a package that is waiting for you. Go!

Minutes later...

Marla: [through megaphone] Welcome to the second part of the second challenge! Back in episode eight, your teammate Beth stole the Boney Island tiki doll!

Gwen: She said she returned that!

Marla: [through megaphone] She lied! She broke it up and flushed it down the septic tank! The pieces in those packs need to be returned to the cave of treacherous terror. And you'll wanna do a double quick, 'cause the longer you have the doll, the worse your luck! Oh yeah, one of you has to piggyback the other! Enjoy!

Minutes later...

Marla: And that's a point for the Gwen and Geoff dream team! So, an awesome day, huh? Moldy food fights, carnivorous beavers. But, it's time for someone to win this thing. Point each for everyone but Leshawna and Duncan, who could still pull a stopper. Today's final challenge... The totem pole of shame and humiliation. Your task? Assemble the heads in the order in which your comrades were voted out. Unless you want the wimp key! Time for heads to roll! [whistle blows]

Minutes later...

Maverine: Let's see what our most argumentative team is up to. What's this?

Duncan: Don't! [scoffs] It's not funny, man.

Maverine: Most guys kiss girls they like. Dude carves her head. [laughs] Mr. Tough ain't so tough. Agh! LeShawna, don't do that.

Minutes later...

Maverine: [disoriented] We have a wiener! Ladunca and Shawananan take it! That means anybody can get voted off tonight! [thud]

Later that night...

Marla: You've all cast your votes and made your decision. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the Hall of Shame to catch the Boat of Losers. That means you're out of the contest. And you can't come back. Ever. The first marshmallow goes to... Leshawna. Next, Duncan. Four campers are left, but only three marshmallows. The next marshmallow goes to... Heather, Owen. Yep. That's one surefire way to wipe a smile off a camper's face. Show them a plate with exactly one marshmallow on it. I'm left with just one marshmallow for the night. And either Gwen or Geoff is about to go home. The last marshmallow of the night goes to...Gwen. Geoff, it's time for you to go, bro.

Maverine: So, Terry, Geoff looks talented isn't he?

Terry B.: Of course, Maeve, Geoff needs get his grooves on.

Maverine: That's more like it.

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