Hide and Be Sneaky

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Marla: Today's challenge is a good old fashioned game of hide-and-seek. You all get ten minutes to hide before Chef Hatchet comes looking for you. With his military background and advanced degree in man-hunting, he's uniquely qualified to make this game excruciatingly hard.

Duncan: What's with the water gun?

Maverine: The lifeguard chair is home base. When he finds you, Chef will try to spray you. If you escape his blast, you can try to run to home base. But if he catches you on your way, he'll douse you.

Duncan: [sarcastically] Ooh, so we're gonna get splashed by a bit of water! Now I'm terrified!

Marla: Why don't you demonstrate, Chef? Not on me, dude!

Heather: So how do we win this game?

Maverine: You've got three options. One, don't get discovered in your hiding place. Two, run to home base before Chef blasts you. Three, once you've been caught, help Chef find other campers. Do any of those, and you win invincibility. All clear?

Lindsay: Uh...

Marla: You get ten minutes to hide. Go!

Seconds later...

Marla: Uh, Lindsay. Couldn't you do any better than hiding under your covers?

Lindsay: Fooled you! This isn't even my bunk.

Marla: Oh, Chef Hatchet!

Lindsay screams, when LeShawna gets in the water...

Marla: Knock, knock.

Lindsay: Who's there?

Marla: The entire viewing world.

Lindsay: The entire viewing world who?

Marla: You're gonna have to do a lot better than that if you want to avoid capture.

Lindsay: Ah!

Marla: My guess? She's a goner. Chef, spray her.

As some of them eliminated...

Marla: All righty, campers. Game's over. Time to pick the loser and send them home.

Later that night...

Marla: When I call your name to pick a marshmallow. Heather, Gwen, Geoff, D.J., LeShawna, Cheyenne and Lindsay. There are only two marshmallows left on this plate. You each racked up a lot of votes. One of you is going home tonight. And cannot return. Ever. The next marshmallow goes to... Owen.

Owen[chomps] : Woohoo! All right!

Marla: The final marshmallow of the night goes to... Duncan. Okay, that was a shocker. Even I'm shocked and I knew the answer. Bridgette, you may leave now.

Maverine: Barry, Bridgette believes she's a stinker when it's time to eliminate.

Barry S.: Yes, she still keep an eye on me. Thanks Maverine.

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