Wanted surprise?

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The boys all know that Tatums birthday is over now, it's been about a month Since but Christmas is near and yes we are still going to get her lots of toys but we also have something else in mind.

Well you all know who was taking care of Tatum before we adopted her,no not the adoption lady that runs the place but Taylor. Tatum does not really mention her much anymore but I know she misses her.

Me and the boys decide to go look online at the adoption center and see who is still able to be adopted. We noticed a lot more kids are there now which made us very sad but not what we are looking for. As we scrolled though her face popped up,Taylor. She still has not been adopted and is now 15.

We decided it would be a great idea to adopt Taylor to help keep Tatum company but also so we can give Taylor a living home and out of this hell hole of a adoption center.

It's about a week till Christmas and we have adopted Taylor but we are hiding her so Tatum does not know. We are going to surprise her on Christmas Eve so they have spend Christmas together.

Taylor doesn't know yet but the boys all went out and got her tons of presents so she will feel apart of the family.

Even though we have already gotten Taylor we still have a lot to do to get ready for Christmas, so we had Chris and Tristan take Tatum to the park and then to go see a movie to keep her occupied. While they were out me, the boys and Taylor all got up in the basement to get all the Christmas supplies.

We have a big tree,light and all the other things, but the main thing I was excited for was decorating the tree which we are doing tonight. Dom is going to hang with Taylor while we do this so she not alone.

As night falls all of us are in the living room started to decorate the tree but with Tatum being so short she was going from shoulder to shoulder. She started on my shoulders and ended on Tristans, it took us about two hours to get all the decorating done.

When we were all done the door bell rang but I did not know who it was. I open the door and there was a pizza man,then Chris yelled "sorry I was hungry,I'll pay you back". So we all sat down and enjoyed pizza.

It's been a couple days since we decorated the house for Christmas, it was Christmas Eve. The day where Taylor will make her big surprise, as Taylor was still hiding out me and Chris made sure that her room was all ready for tonight.

This is what her room looks like...

Yes I know it dark and more of a boys room but when we asked her that what she liked so I hope she loves it

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Yes I know it dark and more of a boys room but when we asked her that what she liked so I hope she loves it.

We had Tatum set up in the living room with a big box in front of her,she started to open it and broke down into tears

A/n why do you think she broke down when she saw Taylor,does she not want her there? Merry Christmas I'm going to try to make my chapter longer but won't post as often. We are almost a 4K reads ❤️❤️❤️(thanks for the suggestions oliviagarcia564 )
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