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The day had come that the boys were going to get Tatum back. The plan was to hide so when she got up she thought no body was home. So the boys were all's set up and ready but Tatum was not up yet.
I woke up about 10, nobody came to wake me which was weird. So I just start going downstairs because I struggle getting dressed by myself so I was going to see if daddy could help. When I get downstairs and see no one and start to worry. So I keep walking around the house to see if I could find anybody but I could not. I start to freak out and go to my room and start to pack.( I knew they would not want me like my parents), as I am packing I make sure to have everything including mr.peanuts. I pick up my bag and start to go out the door and walking down the side walk. My plan is to go back to the orphanage so I can live my life I don't ever want to be adopted again, as I think about my life I start to cry and wonder what I ever did wrong. I even made sure to leave them a note saying I'm sorry.
it's about noon now and I have heard nothing from Tatum so I text the boys to all come out and meet in the kitchen. When we all get there and talk, that said they did not hear anything Ethier. So we decide we would go see her in her room. When we got there the closet was open, things were missing but there was also a note.
I read the note and started to cry my baby left, I messed up.

A/N what do you think Bryan will do, I will make a chapter soon in what the note said. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READ AND SUPPORT AND VOTES KEEP VOTING PLEASE❤️❤️❤️

Words 337

Adopted by Bryan WilliamsWhere stories live. Discover now