The end

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I can't believe I am finally adopted,it's crazy how much shit I went though in my life. It is crazy to think that was six years ago, yes six years.

I am now ten years old and still live with Bryan and Chris and this guy named Frankie.

Dream LA is still good friends but they broke up,I never really asked why but as long as I still get to see al the guys I am ok.

Frankie came into my life when I was about six, dad explained that he has been good friends with him for a while.

He acts as one of my brothers and I love him like one to. Bryan has a wife now named Kira, I'm not a fan at all and both the boys know that but I would never say anything to dad because I don't want to ruin anything.

Him and Kira had a little boy about 2 years ago, his name is Mason. He is the cutest thing and I love him to death.

As for all the other boys I don't really know I see them about everything 3 months, but they all seem great. Oh and Taylor left after court and never saw her again,there are times why I wonder why she left but Bryan just said she did some bad things.

Other than that my life is amazing and that is my life story.

A/n I know that was a crappy ending but I didn't know any other way to do it, it is sad to say this book is done but my third book has already started so every body please do me a favor and check it out and give me feedback ❤️❤️❤️

Words 293

Adopted by Bryan WilliamsWhere stories live. Discover now