Getting another

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it's a seven am in the morning and I have started getting dressed cause me and some of the boys are going back to the orphanage to get another little girl or boy to keep Tatum company. I decided that Tristan was going to stay back with Tatum because we have not told her yet. So me, Chris and Ian have all gotten in the car but the orphanage does not open for another hour and a half so we decided to go to breakfast. We pulled up to Waffle House, while we were sitting down we thought it would be a good idea to figure out what gender and age we want to get before we get there
B- do we want to get a girl or boy
I- girl
C- girl
B- ok but what age because we don't want to much older than T
C- what about 3 to 5
B- that sounds good
We all ordered and ate our food and by the time we finished it was about 9:15 which was good because they open at 9. We pulled up to the orphanage and went to talk to the lady and told her we wanted a girl that was in the age range of 3 years of age to 5 years of age. She called down the girls and there were about 6 of them. Some we to perky and some I just did not get a good vibe from them but then a saw a little girl about the size of Tatum. Her name was haven and she was 4. We decided that we were going to adopt her so Ian picked her up and took her to the car while I signed the papers. I really hope Tatum like Haven because if not, this will not be a good time for us but haven seem nice and I don't want to have to take her back ever but you never know.

A/n I know I made Bryan sound bad but it's kind of a hint to the next couple of chapters but I'm going to apologize in advance but thank you for voting and if I can get 8 to 10 votes on this chapter or the last one I will Ethier post another chapter tonight or tomorrow morning, let's just say it's going to get good ❤️❤️❤️

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Adopted by Bryan WilliamsWhere stories live. Discover now