Bithday pt 3

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After Tatum had waken all the boys up and they got there revenge, they all headed over to the kitchen. Bryan had made her rainbow pancakes with bacon to get her started for the day. First we were going to play games, they taught her how to play monopoly, they played operation and even taught her how to play uno. By the time they were done she saw all the presents but Bryan said she had to wait till later.they all went and hung out int the pool, Tatum was out of breath because all the boys kept throwing her in the water, she had enough and came up with a plan. She got out of the water for a second and before any of the boys could get out she ran to the door and locked it . She then went to the rest of the doors and did the same to them. She started to hear banging and it was Bryan he didn't look to happy. There was also Mel in the house so Tatum told Mel to give her about 10 minutes and then she could open the door for the boys but before she did she shut the blinds on them so they could not see where she was going. She went to Bryan's room and locked the door. Then his bathroom door to make them think she in there but she was really in the upper part of his closet covered in clothes. She could her Mel open the door and running, she knew she was in for it. She started to hear banging on Bryan door until he broke it down. They looked in the bathroom but they could not find her. They left so she got out by Bryan was waiting for her on the bed. He showered her in tickles and then threw her into the pool.

Later that night they went out to eat and then Tatum and the boys open presents and ate cake. Tatum thought this was the best birthday ever.

A/n hey guys do you want to see her presents or just go on with the story, thank you for all the support we are almost a 3k reads and keep voting please ❤️❤️❤️
Words 377

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