Court pt.3

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We all arrived at court,it was really empty to be honest but I really didn't expect many people. The main people there was the judge,adoption agency,orphanage lady,our whole group and a lawyer just in case.

Since we have such a big group the only people allowed up front was me,Tatum and Chris since he is blood related but other than that every body else had to sit behind us.

As the judge called order it was the orphanage lady's turn to speak, she went on to say how she does not believe Tatum would be a good fit for us, not because of me or Chris but Tatum. She said that Taylor had been telling her stuff.

The judge stop her right there and talked to Taylor and asked if that was true and she said yes. The judge went on to say that it was illegal to do that so she will be fired.

Not only that but Taylor will ether be but back in the orphanage or to another family because of what she did.

So instead of giving a note to the judge she will be removed from the house and the choice of Tatum is up to me and the boys.

This means I get to choose I want to fully adopt her and nobody else has a say. So I turned around and looked a the boys and they all gave me a nod.

I turned to the judge and said I want Tatum to became Tatum Williams and the judge approved.

But what will I do about Taylor

A/n sadly this book might come to a end soon but what do you think Bryan will do about Taylor. I have made a new book can y'all all go check it out please. Two updates in a week 😂❤️❤️❤️

Words 311

Adopted by Bryan WilliamsWhere stories live. Discover now