3: Bleached

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She allowed me to come in and I walked in heading straight upstairs. "Do you want anything to drink?" She called out as she ran up the stairs. "No thank you. I just want my stuff this needs to be a quick and easy trip" I was walking to our room when she start babbling again. "What about some wine?" Is she serious? "What part of quick and easy don't you understand Nicole?" I got to our room and the door was shut. Why? I have 0 clue.

My hand reached out for it but she ran right in front of it. "Don't go in there!" Her eyes wide and full of fear. "Can you move? I would like to get my stuff and be on my way" I pushed her aside seeing as she was about to fall but didn't instead her wine fell, on her. "John! What am I supposed to do?!" Her voice was squeaky and whiny, like a mixture of Vickie Guerrero and a cats claws on a chalk board.

"Don't know and frankly, I couldn't give a damn" I shrugged and opened the door seeing my clothes thrown everywhere. "Nicole, what the hell?!" I shouted while feeling my blood rise. As I walked in, I started hacking. "What is that smell?" I picked up my shirt to see white foamy stains. The smell travelled to my nose and burned it. "Nicole! you bleached my god damn clothes?!?" She stood there by the door in tears as her makeup was running. "Yes! I bleached your clothes!"

I threw my shirt on the floor and walked pushing her and not caring in the process. "John Please let me explain" She grabbed my arm but I pulled it back glaring hard right at her. "Don't you dare touch me. " I growled and stormed out and into my car.

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