8: Thank You John

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My eyes opened to see pitch black. At first, I thought I was being kidnapped. But after turning to see the deep blue sky and my clock reading 5:09am, I realized I had woken up early and couldn't fall asleep. My feet padded downstairs and I saw the kitchen empty. When I opened the fridge I saw milk, water and some leftover Chinese. I could have sworn Dave and Brie went shopping.

Going to the store, I'll be back soon.

I left that note and walked to my room getting my shoes on and walking out. It was windy yet warm and I was the only one on the road in the street this morning. Maybe I should apologize to Brie for the other day.

When I got to Wal-Mart I saw as a few amount of people pushed their carts through the aisles. I joined that crowd after distributing a quarter into a cart and moved to the drink section. Having to choose between orange juice and iced tea, I just put both in the cart and moved on to get some basic things. As I made my way to the checkout a girl looking about 4 ran up to me.

"You're John Cena! I'm you're biggest fan. Could you sign this for me?". She held out a John Cena doll package and a marker. "Sure" A big smile was on her face as I signed her toy. "You want a picture?" She nodded rapidly causing me to chuckle.

"Mommy! Come quick with your camera."  "Baby what is it?  We have to, oh" She looked up at me and I smiled. "Um okay, say cheese" She quickly went back to taking the picture. "CHEESE!" The little girl shouted causing an echo to form.

"Alright, Lani say bye to Mr. Cena" She waved before going back to the cashier.

I went to a self checkout and when I was done I went to the exit to see the clouds turn grey and heard thunder start rumbling. "Hey, I've been calling for the past 10 minutes, my car won't start so I need you to pick me- what do you mean you're busy? Phil it's 5:30 in the morning" I turned around to see her on the phone. She looked frustrated and worried. "I understand she's with me today but" She took the phone from her ear which gave me the feeling that he hung up.

I quickly went to my car and loaded everything before hopping in and driving to her. She looked at the car curiously and let a soft smiled form when I rolled down my window. "Need a ride?" She nodded and I got out helping her load the car. "Lani go in the back" She informed the little girl. "Mommy you're friends with John Cena!? This is totally wicked!" She got in the back and buckled up.

"Oh shit!" "What?" I looked over at her making sure to still look ahead at the road. "I don't think my sisters awake to let me in and I forgot my house keys." She rested her head back sighing. I placed my hand on hers in a friendly manner which ended up sending shocks through my entire body. I don't know why.

"You can come to Dave's for awhile" She smiled looking back at a sleeping Lani. "Thank you John."

A/N- I am sorry if it seems rushed.

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