6: God Given Talent

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As I opened my eyes the beat of a thousand drums came from the inside of my head. "What the hell?" I heard someone below me mumble. I sat up curious to know who else is in this room with me. I looked down to see Nick on the ground holding his head. "How wasted were we?" I grumbled. "Pretty damn wasted!" Brie came in bursting through the door. Nick and I both grabbed our heads groaning in pain and frustration. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Nick asked quietly not wanting to make his head worse.

"That's what you get for making April be your DD. Now GET UP!" She slammed our door and I groaned. "And you're married to the equivalent of that?" Nick asked standing up and stretching. "Yes, just louder" We both chuckled before exiting Dave's guest bedroom and going down the stairs. As we stepped into the kitchen we saw Brie on the counter talking to Dave while April stood by the stove. "Good morning" Nick said softly.

"GOOD MORNING!" Brie shouted causing us to wince. "Stop Brie" April said. Brie shot her a confused look before shrugging and continuing to talk to Dave. I sat at the counter that was connected to the stove watching as April made pancakes. "Morning" she beamed at me and responded back with "Morning Chip." She giggled before sliding me a glass of water. My left brow went up and I looked at her. "Chip?" "Yes, and you're Chip and blondie over there is Dale" She smiled simply. "Why are we Chip and Dale?" She laughed a little, "Because when you guys were 10 shots deep in tequila, you started taking off your clothes to get money for more drinks since I cut you off."

I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment as Nick looked distraught. "Well, that's unique." I muttered. "I made you both breakfast since I knew Dave would be lazy." She smiled at him and handed a plate to me and then Nick. I examined it seeing turkey bacon, eggs, pancakes and toast. "This is good, where'd you learn to cook like this sexy?" Nick winked at her and she smirked. "Just natural talent." she shrugged. "More like god given talent." I said taking in more bacon.

"We're gonna go run some errands so we'll be back" Dave said taking Brie outside.

"So what's on the agenda today Johnny Boy?" Nick asked shoving more eggs in his mouth. "I don't know, maybe hang here and chill." He nodded. "Sounds like fun, are you staying cutie?" He asked turning to April. "Umm I can't at the moment but maybe another time." She smiled before grabbing her backpack. "It was nice being your DD/Cook but I gotta go. Bye." She smiled warmly and waved causing us to wave back. "Bye sexy!" Nick yelled.

You Gave Him To HerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora