14: Description

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(Wattpad is testing me man. they published this chapter but I didn't even finish writing itttt....smh that's the second time. sorry guys)

"Ouuu, are you new?" A woman came up to me, looking to be in her late 40's. "Uh yeah, what can I get you?" I threw the towel I was wiping the counter with over my shoulder. cliché.

It was 7pm and I had been working the bar with April for 6 hours. There wasn't really that much people so we kind of just talked.

Anyways, the woman smiled at me, putting her hair over her shoulder. "Are you on the menu?" I chuckled, shaking my head. "Afraid not." She laughed too. "Well then I'll have a dirty martini please." She placed a 10 on the table. Taking it, I walked to get the drink ready.

After I gave it to her, she winked and slipped me an extra 10 before walking away. "Wow, getting a lot of tips huh fruity pebbles?" April patted my back, coming beside me. "This face is a handsome one." She shook her head, smiling. "Yeah yeah yeah." I put one 10 in the register and the other in my pocket.

my phone vibrated as I reached out my pocket.

To: John Fr: Nick
Where are you

To: Nick Fr: John

I put my phone away, going back to April. A part of me was hoping the others didn't come. I'm just enjoying this time with April. "So, how's NXT?" "Pretty good, I'm having a lot of fun." I nodded, walking with her to a table.

"Wait till you get on the main roster. It-" The door ringing interrupted us. "April! I've been calling you the last 10 minutes." A guy called from the door. I turned around to see Phillip Brooks aka CM Punk. He walked over, looking at me. "My phones been in the back. What made you come down here?" "I'm going back on the road tonight. So Lani is with my mom," " What about my mom?"

"We agreed she can stay at my moms this time." "Fine." He looked at me one more time before walking out. "So, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's Lani's dad." She gasped, putting her hand on her chest. "How'd you know?" I shrugged, "Psychic I guess." "I'm friends with a psychic? Oh my gosh."

I rolled my eyes, chucking a crumpled napkin at her. "I dislike you." She blew me a kiss, walking away. "You love me fruity pebbles." She went into the back. I continued wiping down the tables just as the door opened.

I looked at it to see Nicole. Oh lord. "What is your problem?" She got in my face. "What? I thought bartending would be fun." I smirked, watching her glare at me. I knew what she was talking about. I just enjoy messing with her. "Don't play games John. What all of a sudden you don't love me anymore?"

"Nicole, you never really focused on our relationship. You only cared about our appearance. Never what was going on." "That's not true!" "Yes it is. Nicole when was the last time you talked to me? As in just sit down and have a conversation with me?" She wasn't looking at me, meaning she knew I was right.

"When was the last time we did more than go out and grin? Nicole I'm tired of living this marriage 80-20 when it's supposed to be 50/50." "We can make it 50/50." "I don't want to anymore. I'm sorry Nicole but I'm done." Her eyes got watery. "John you can't-" "Nicole I don't love you anymore. I'm sorry but I don't."

And she started crying. They started out quiet but then she got louder and started hitting me. Just like Nicole, make a scene. I just stood there, letting her do it, get her anger out. "Don't call me when you realize you've made a huge mistake!"

She walked out. "Quitting time?" April touched my back. I nodded, handing her my apron. "I'll get you a beer." She headed to the bar, me trailing behind.

No ones pov:

"You know you can't keep drinking everytime something goes wrong in your little dream world" A.J said to the almost drunk John Cena.

"Watch me" He said drinking the rest of the scotch in his glass. He had drank 5 beers and just finished his first glass of scotch.

"You know, not everyone you'll meet is going to love you as much as you love them." She said taking the glass from him. It was true, Cena had this mindset that he will get what he gives. Even if what he gave was unconditional love.

"I don't need or want everyone, I just want you" And with that, his lips collided with hers. April quickly detached her lips from his, staring at him. "John, you are shit faced drunk. You don't know what you want." She rubbed the top of his hand but he shook his head.

"No April, my marriage is done. I have to deal with my soon to be ex wife's sister making me feel like crap. You are the only good thing going in my life right now." She sighed, putting he hair behind her ear.

This was a lot for her to take in. "I think we should talk about this tomorrow, when you're sober. Until then, you're cut off." She smiled, moving the bottle of scotch from him.

April's heart was still beating fast from John's confession. She didn't think that's how he felt for her. She simply thought he saw her as a friend. Maybe he still does and he's just horny when he's drunk. But who really knows?

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