13: Soap Opera

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"Okay, Nicole I want you to tell John how you feel." She turned to me, pressing her lips in a thin line. "John, sometimes I feel like you're not really with me. You know?"

No Nicole, I don't know. But I'm sure you'll tell me. "Like sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself. Even if you're right in front of me."  I groaned. "Nicole, I want a divorce. I don't want to go to counselling. We don't work anymore. So why force something to be fixed?"

She started to tear up. April better have scotch because I'm getting drunk tonight.  "John, obviously Nicole isn't ready to let you go." This clown handed her a tissue. "I'm saving her money. Think if we stay together, things will change. I won't be happy and soon she won't be happy. So then she'll keep coming here and bringing me which is also known as wasting money"

I got up only for her to grab my hand. "John, tell Nicole how you feel." I glared at him. I can break this ass in half. Sighing, I decided to just do it and get it off my chest.

"Nicole, when we were together you weren't focused on US. You were focused on us, meaning our image to the public. You used us as constant examples to help your sister save her relationship not realizing you were screwing up yours." She shook her head "That's not true." "It is. I was unhappy Nicole. A-and you forcing me to be with you isn't going to change how I feel." I sighed, she was still holding my hand.

"And how do you feel John?" This damn doctor butted in again. This took a lot out me, The doctor got up to comfort Nicole since she was screaming and grabbing me. All because I said it

"I don't love you anymore, Nicole"


"April!" I yelled down the bar. She turned around smiling. "What's up? How'd  it go?" "First, bring me a beer." She grabbed a glass and then filled
it all the way to the top. "Here you are sir." She put it down in front of me, followed by a napkin. "So...how was it?" She rested her arms on the bar.

"I told her I didn't love her anymore." "I'm guessing she didn't take it well?" "It was like a soap opera in there." She laughed, shaking her head. "Well are you getting the divorce?" "Depends on what this damn counsellor says. Knowing Nicole she probably manipulated him to think I'm just a bad husband."

I was halfway through the beer. "Well it's 1 right now and people are coming in. Feel like being a bartender for the day?" I half smiled, chuckling as she threw me an apron.


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