10: What Do You Want?

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"Mr. Cena, can we watch your old matches?" Lani tugged on my pants and I nodded looking down at her. "Sure" I walked with her to the living room and went on the network to find a match.  "Is me vs JBL at Wrestlemania a good one?" She nodded and smiled like I had just brought her to a candy store.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" "Ummm" She looked off  playing with her fingers. I'm guessing that's how she thinks. "Do you have apple juice and cookies?" I nodded and went into the kitchen to retrieve her snacks. My phone vibrated from my pocket as I got out the cookies. It was a text and sadly, from Brianna.

To:John Fr:Brianna
Are you busy?

To:Brianna Fr:John
I'm babysitting at the moment

To:John Fr:Brianna
At 6:30 in the morning?

To:Brianna Fr:John
Yes, now please stop distracting me

I slid my phone back in my pocket and walked out the kitchen with a tray containing cookies and juice. "Here you go Lani" I placed them down and she jumped up hugging me. "Thank you Mr. Cena, this is totally great!" She took a cookie and started eating away. I chuckled at the site of her and she smiled at me with her cheeks covered in crumbs.

The doorbell started ringing and I looked at my watch to see it was about 7:00. April must be back early. "Wow you're here early." I said as I opened the door but after seeing who was at the door I wanted to not only slap myself but also kick my own ass. Why? It would be better than listening to her.

"One night stand came back John?" She folded her arms and I sighed rolling my eyes. Leave it to Brie to make you seem like everything and anything is your fault.

"I did not have a one night stand and why are you here because I don't recall giving you an invite to come here."  She scoffed and pushed her way inside. I don't know how that was possible considering I'm twice her size but it was.

"Just came to see what little hooker you have trying to replace Nic-" She stopped when she entered the living room and saw Lani. "Brianna, you've met April's daughter right?" I smirked and brushed past her going to sit on the couch. "Where's April?" She dropped her bag and sat in the chair by the entrance of the living room despite the fact I made it clear two minutes ago that she wasn't welcomed.

"And you're sitting because?" I questioned and she rolled her eyes. "Don't be so mean John." I shook my head. "Oh I'm not being mean. If you want mean I can give you mean." I said. "Mr. Cena, do you have anymore juice?" She tapped my shoulder and I nodded smiling at her. "You want some more?" She nodded and I got up going to the kitchen and sadly I was followed by Brie. "What do you want?" I asked aggravated.

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