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(Author note: I'm going to change it up a little. Instead of seeing everything through Cindy's eyes I'm going to start doing from everyone else's point of view)

Michelle and I are laying on my bed talking about the school dance that is coming up. "Come on Amanda you have to go with us tonight!" Michelle says all of a sudden. "No way! The last time I snuck out I got caught and my mom blistered my butt for a whole week!!" I told her. "Yeah what is up with your mom and the spankings? My sister said that she got spanked the first day!! Miranda has been doing a lot better in school ever since though!" Michelle  said. "We are well behaved kids because of my mom being so strict. She keeps saying that we are all she has and she doesn't want anything to happen to us.  So she has to be that way." I replied. All of a sudden I didn't feel good. I felt light headed. I reached for my DexCom reader and just as I did it went off saying that my sugar was dropping. Michelle  got up and went to my snack box. She grabbed a bag of M&M's and handed me a few. I ate them and then asked for more. She handed me a juice box instead. I drank that and a few minutes later I started to feel better. The DexCom went back up. "Ugh do you ever get used to this?" I asked Michelle "No not really, you just have to learn how to adjust. Look Amanda I'm actually really impressed with you! You seem to take this head on. When I was first diagnosed I didn't take it seriously. I never did my shots and I never checked my blood. And I definitely didn't talk about it to anyone! What got me to change was Miranda finding me passed out on the floor of our studio.  She had to give me that emergency shot. She then called rescue.  I was in the hospital for a week fighting for my life!! I never did that again! Afterwards I started taking better care of myself." She said. "Yeah well I hope I never get to that. I'm a little OCD as well so...." I told her.  "Anyway now that you are feeling better I have an idea on how to get you out of here tonight." "Yeah how do you plan on doing that?" I asked. "We are going to say that you are going to go to the guest house with me." Michelle said. " Michelle come on I don't want to get in trouble". I said " you're not going to get in trouble you won't be found out". Michelle persisted. "Okay fine let's do it let me tell my mom that we're going to go to your house" I said. So we got up off the bed and headed downstairs so I can ask my mom if we could go to Michelle's house. "Mom will it be okay if I go to Michelle's we have to study we have a big test tomorrow? I asked. " sure just don't stay up too late Miranda will be here with the other girls in case you guys need anything." " I have to get ready to go to work so I will see you guys later have fun." My mom said as she gave me and Michelle hug. A few minutes later we were inside Michelle and Miranda's house which is actually the guest house in our backyard. We started to put on some makeup and freshen up a bit. We watched from the window to see when Miranda would take the girls upstairs to get ready for bed. As soon as we saw her go upstairs we decided to go ahead and head out. We ran to Michelle's car and got in. "Oh my God" I said 'this was so much easier than I thought." Michelle started the car and my favorite song from P!nk came on. I sat back and Michelle drove off and we sang on the top of our lungs So What! We finally arrived to the party and there were so many people there. It felt like half of the school was there. I got out of the car and ran to find Eric. I finally found him and he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug "hello my love" he said "hey Eric" I said as I hugged him back. When we make our way into the house and I find out the whole bunch of my friends there. We are having such a great time and Eric and I shared our first kiss. It was amazing. All of a sudden I hear a commotion. I look back and there are cops coming in the door. I'm thinking to myself oh shit! If I get caught in dead!! Michelle grabs my hand and I grabbed Eric's hand and we take off running! We make it to Michelle's car. All three of us get in the car and leave. "OMG!!! We almost got busted!!!" I said laughing! "Yeah right!" Eric said!! I look at the time and it was 11. Ok I know I'm ok because my mom doesn't get home until 7 in the morning.  And Miranda never leaves the main house until my mom gets home. "Michelle  this is insane!" I say as we pull into the driveway.  "I know right. Eric will you be ok to walk home?" Michelle asked. "Yeah I'm good!!" Eric gets out and starts to walk towards his house. Michelle and I get out of the car and go back into the guest house.  We are there only for a few minutes when Miranda walks in. "Where have the two of you been?" She asked. "We've been here" Michelle answers. "No you haven't. Amanda check your phone." I look at my phone and I have 7 missed calls. Oh crap!!! Oh crap!! Oh crap!! "You are in so much trouble both of you!! Michelle I am going to allow Cindy to spank you as well!!" Miranda said. Now Michelle go get ready for bed but you are going to go sleep in the guestroom in the main house. And you Amanda are going to go straight to bed." We looked at each other and then looked at Miranda. Michelle left the room to go change. I sat down on the couch. I knew that this was the last time I was going to be able to sit comfortably for a while!
We finally  made it to the main house  and I got ready for bed. I got a text from my mom.
"Amanda!? Again?!!! Why? I thought something was wrong with you! I was about to leave. Then I remembered that I put the tracking app on your phone. Why the hell were you at a party? On a school night?" Before I could even answer I get more texts from her!!! "You will not be able to sit for a week after I'm done with you. However you are going to have to wait until after school tomorrow. Oh and same as last time everyday for a week you will take a trip to the room!!" I didn't text her back. I gave myself my final shot of the day and went to bed.

The next day I was kind of quiet thinking about what was to come when I came home.  I did my stuff and headed towards Michelle's car. We got in and she started the car. As we are driving to school she started asking about the spankings and the room. I told her the truth that it hurts! I also told her for the whole week I have to go in there and get a spanking! I wasn't sure what her punishment was going to be.
We finally got to school and headed towards our classes. "Amanda.... I'm really sorry!" Michelle said to me. "Its ok it's my fault too!" I told her. I made my way to Homeroom when I ran into Eric. "Hey beautiful!" He says. "What's with the long face?" He asked.  "I'm in trouble for sneaking out last night. I'm not going to be sitting very comfortable the next few days if you know what I mean!?" He looked at me and winked. "I could always take care of that for you!" I giggled and blushed. Obviously we haven't done anything yet since we just shared our first kiss last night. I honestly can't wait to do more than just kiss!! Anyway I made my way through the day and when the final bell rang for the day I headed towards Michelle's car. We get in and start driving home. When we get to the house we see my mom and Miranda standing by the door. "Oh well here it goes! If Miranda has her way you won't be able to sit for a few hours!!" I said as I looked at Michelle.  We get out of the car and head towards the house. As we get inside mom stopped us. "Amanda you already know what is expected of you. So I suggest you go ahead and get up to the room. Michelle Miranda gave me permission to spank you as well. So I suggest that you go up to the room and wait outside in the hallway." I heard her say. I get into position. I'm not looking forward to this spanking! I mean I love my mom and she really is kind and understanding but man when it comes to us breaking the rules she doesn't play! Her warm up spanks hurt enough as it is then she adds on the "tool" spanking. By the time she is done your bottom is on fire! And when we stand in the corner we are not allowed to rub the sting away. I learned that the hard way when I was about 5 years old.
When my mom finally came in the room I was already in position. We aren't allowed to look to see what she picks. But having been in this position not to long ago I already knew that the belt was going to be used. So I waited for her to come over. She asks me the same question she always asks. "Amanda why are you in this position?" I put my head down and said "because I snuck out." "I thought you would have learned from the last time you did this. This time during the week you dont get to choose. I will and you better pray that I don't decide to use the belt the whole week!" Then she started. 15 with her hand. 15 with the belt. By the time she was done my poor butt was on fire!! She stood me and as custom she grabbed me into a hug. Told me that she loved me and put me in the corner. "Hands on the wall and no rubbing!" "Michelle come in here." I was actually surprised because my mom never spanks anyone in the room when one of us is in there. "Michelle just like Amanda you will be getting a spanking for the whole week. When I I tell you to come up here you will take your pants and underwear off and put them on this chair. Then you will come over to the bed and lay with your legs hanging down. I will come in and pick a tool. I will then ask you why you are in this position. After you answer me I will give you 15 warm up spanks and then I will give you 17 spanks with the tool. Now since you snuck out as well you will be getting the belt as well. When we are done you will stand in the corner hands on the wall and no rubbing!" Mom said. "Now Michelle why are you in this position?" She asked Michelle. "Because I snuck out". I heard mom start the spanking. When she finished she gave Michelle a hug and sent her to the corner. "Now neither one of you talk or move until I come and get you. If you do expect the punishment to start all over again. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes ma'am" we replied. My butt was already on fire and I didn't want to take the chance. I dont think Michelle did either because she was really quiet. Thirty minutes later my mom came back to get us. We all went downstairs to start dinner. After dinner Michelle and Miranda went to the guest house. All of us went and started getting ready for bed.  I was not looking forward to the rest of the week.....

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