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I got off the school bus and headed towards my house when I heard someone call my name. I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. I cringed and kept walking. I wish I hadn't been so stubborn a few days ago. I wish I could have just kept my mouth shut and I'd be safe in mom's car.  But no!!! I had to open my big mouth! And because I did I ended up with a sore bottom and having to ride the bus for the remainder of the year. 


I'm sitting outside the school waiting to be picked up. All my friends have already been picked up. I keep looking for my mom's car. Finally she drives up. "Hey baby! Sorry I'm late I had to drop some stuff off at Leo's. Alexa came down with the flu. You think with her dad being a pediatrician she'd get the flu shot by now!?" She said to me as I got in the car. "Yeah I'm sure your sorry" I said while slamming the door. "Amber don't give me that attitude! You know I will spank it right out of you." Mom said. "Whatever why can't I just take the bus? Besides I'm pretty sure you weren't just dropping stuff off at Leo's. I'm pretty sure you guys were fucking each other!!!" I said while rolling my eyes at her. "You are in a lot of trouble right now young lady!! You know it's an automatic spanking for cursing! And what Leo and I do is none of your business! I'm late one time in the 9 years that I have been driving you and picking you up and this is how you are going to treat me? Oh no! That stops right now!! As soon as we get home march your sorry behind to the room!!" She says. No  my mom is not a yeller and she rarely ever gets really mad. She is really mad right now. I look at her and her eyes are teary. I start apologizing right away! "Mom I'm sorry really I am!! I didn't mean it! Im hormonal that's all!!" I say to  her. "All will be forgiven once your naughty self is punished.  Now go upstairs!" I look at her and then realize that we are home. I get out of the car and grab my stuff. I head towards the house.  Mom opens the door and let's me in. I go upstairs and drop my bookbag down in the hallway outside the room. I go in and take off my pants and underwear. I fold them up nice and neat and place them on the chair. Then I go lay down into position and wait for her to come. I think she takes awhile so we can think about what we did wrong. Finally she comes in and goes towards the wall to grab a tool. We aren't allowed to look or we get extra spanks. She walks over to me and asks me "Amber why are you in this position?" I answer " because I was mean to you when you came to pick me up. And I cursed at you." "Yes and since you think I'm not good enough to drive and pick you up and stuff then you will ride the bus the remainder of the school year. I have already made arrangements with the school. You will ride in the morning and afternoon." She said. Then she started with the spanking. 15 warm up with her hand.  Then 13 with a wooden spoon?? When she was done I was crying and begging her to stop. She stood me up and hugged me. As usual I went into the corner barebottom and put my hands on the wall.


"Well if it isn't Mrs. Shepherd's little pet!!" Said Jenny. The class bully who blamed stuff on me and got me into trouble.  She walked in front of me and blocked me from walking. "What do you want Jenny?" I asked her annoyed. "I want to know why you are so fucking fat? I mean you take up this entire sidewalk! From now on you will be known as Amber the fat ass!!" I just looked at her and tried to walk around her. "Bye fat ass! Hope you lose some weight over the summer!! We wouldn't want beached whales on our beaches now would we??" She asks laughing. Then she and her minions turn around and walk away.  Of course not before calling me a fat ass again. I finally make it to my house. I go inside and mom is on the phone and my sisters are all in their rooms doing their homework. I wave at mom and go upstairs to my room. I put my bookbag down and stripped my clothes off. I look in my full length mirror and I start to see what everyone else sees. I am fat!! I have rolls!! I turn away from the mirror and put in some baggy clothes.
I sit down at my desk and I get started on my homework.  I'm done pretty early so I start googling different ways to lose weight fast. After I did that I went to the bathroom and pulled out the scale. I stood on it and waited for the numbers to register. 120 lbs! I'm 5'5. 120lbs is to much for my small frame. I decided that night that I was going to start my diet.
I go downstairs to see if my mom needed any help with dinner. As we are getting dinner ready mom being the mom she is noticed that I'm a bit quiet.  "Babygirl what's wrong? Your being so quiet tonight." She asked. "I'm just thinking that is all. But mom am I fat to you?" I asked her. She looked at me and said "Amber you are not fat. I think you are at the right weight for your age and height. Besides we dont eat a lot of junk food. Especially after Amanda's diagnosis." I smiled and hugged her. "Thanks mom!" I said. But deep down inside I knew I was fat. I knew I was going to lose weight. So that night I ate dinner, but afterwards I went upstairs and into the bathroom where I stuck two fingers down my throat and made everything I just ate come right back up.

My Daughters Part Two Where stories live. Discover now