Getting Better and Healthy

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I start to open my eyes and I'm greeted with white blinding light. I try to sit up and I can't. "Mom? Mom? Where am I? What is going on?" My mom walks over to me and grabs my hand. "Amber! Your awake. You had us so worried!!" Mom says. "Baby your in the hospital. You passed out at dinner last week. The doctors are very worried because of how much weight you have lost in a matter of a few months. You are hooked up to IV's and you have a feeding tube in. You cant leave the hospital until you gain at least 10 lbs back. "Wait what? I've been here since last week!? How can that be?" I asked my mom. "Amber you almost died! Your blood pressure was so low they couldn't find it. Then you stopped breathing. It was the scariest thing I ever had to see! What made you do this? I want the truth too Amber!" My mom said a little to mad. "I did it because Jenny and the girls in my class started calling me the class fat ass!" I said before I started crying. "Babygirl you should have come to me when it started. But on another note your sisters and friends have been waiting for you to wake up. They cant wait to see you!" Mom said as she pulled me into a hug. We sat like that for about 15 minutes when a nurse came in. She checked my vitals and then left. A few minutes later a Dr. came in. "Hello Amber! I'm glad to see you awake. You gave us quite a scare. Listen I'm not going to sugar coat it. You are going to have to stay in the rehab part of the hospital for a few weeks. It depends on how hard you work to get better. You will not be able to go until you gain 10 pounds. You have to be eating on your own. You will also be assigned a therapist as well as a nutritionist. I will go ahead and order the transfer papers whenever you are ready. But right now I'll have the nurse come in and remove the feeding tube. I want you to eat some lunch as well." She told me. I looked at her and nodded. The doctor then left the room. The nurse came in to remove the feeding tube. "Ok Amber I'm going to lay you flat. On the count of three I want you to take a deep breath in and out." The nurse came over and laid the bed flat. "Alright you ready? One, two, three and in and out." She pulled the feeding tube out and  I coughed a bit. Then I asked her when I'd be able to get the IV's out. She said not for awhile because I was so dehydrated when I first got here. So about an hour past when my sisters, Leo and his family walk into my room. They all have balloons and cards and banners. "Hi everyone!!" I said with a smile. Amanda made her way over and gave me a hug. "I've missed you! Please don't ever do that again!!" All the other people came over and gave me hugs too. The nurse walked in with a bowl of soup. It smelled really good. I decided right then and there that I was no longer going to listen to dumb asses like Jenny. I was going to eat and get better. So I ate the soup. It was really good.

They decided to move me over to the rehab part the next day. I got to meet with the therapist (Gail) and the nutritionist (Karen). I told them from the beginning that I didn't do it because I felt fat. I did it because of Jenny making fun of me and making the whole class call me the class fat ass. The nutritionist asked me if I knew Jenny's last name. I said yeah it's Rodriguez. She looked at me and asked me what school I went to. I told  her. Then she pointed to a picture on her desk. "Is that Jenny?" She asked me? I looked at the picture and nodded yes. She gets on the phone "JENNIFER RODRIGUEZ!! Drive yourself to the rehab center now! There is someone here that you need to apologize to." She hangs up the phone and walks over to me. "I am so so sorry she did this to you! I wish there was something I could do to change her attitude!" "Spank her" I said under my breath. "What did you just say?" Karen said. "I said spank her. Just like I got spanked for something she started and I got blamed for." I told her. "You know I just might do that! Does it work for you?" She asked me. "Yeah. My mom has been spanking us since we were 2 years old. That is why my sisters and I are so well behaved. " I told her. We changed the subject and started talking about what food I should be eating. We also talked about exercising.  When our hour session was up I was allowed to go back to my room. I went up to my room and my roommate was laying down taking a nap. I decided to go watch tv in the main lobby. All of a sudden a nurse comes over to me and says that Karen wanted to see me. "But I just saw her a little while ago." I said. "I know she just told me to tell you to go meet her downstairs." She said. I shrugged and headed downstairs.  When I got there the receptionist told me to go wait by Karen's desk. So I did. A few minutes later Karen comes out of one of the rehab rooms. Following behind her is Jenny. Jenny looks at me and says "what the hell is the class fat ass doing here?" "Jennifer this is Amber. Because of your bullying she almost died! She is not fat. Even if she was this is no way to talk to anyone. I want you to apologize to her right now. And from now on Jenny everytime someone tells me that you have bullied someone I am going to spank you. I am so tired of hearing it from your teachers, from parents, and now from patients. You will apologize and then you will meet ne back in the rehab room. Oh and I also instructed your father to spank you when you get home. We have had enough!" Jenny looked at me and apologized! Then she turned around and went back into the rehab room.

A few days pass and I'm doing really well. I'm eating all my meals and I put some weight back on. I still have an hour session with Gail and with Karen. One day Karen told me that I was finally able to go home the following day.  I got excited. I couldn't wait to get back home!! That same day Jenny decided to go up to where I was. Almost as soon as she got up there she started picking on me. She came over to me and started calling me a fat ass again. But she didn't stop there. She started calling one of the newer patients a fat ass as well. I finally had enough and went to go find the head nurse. But before I could Karen walked in and saw everything! "JENNIFER ANNE RODRIGUEZ!!! Come here right now!" What Karen did next put everyone into shock. She grabbed Jenny by the arm and dragged her over to the couch. "Bend over" she said. "Mom not here in front of everyone!!" Jenny said. "Why not? You can pick on people all the time in front of others. I hope this teaches you a lesson. Now bend over the couch." Jenny did as she was told. "I want all of you to gather around and watch as the class bully gets what she deserves." Karen said. Jenny was wearing a skirt. Her mother flipped it up and pulled Jenny's underwear down. "Do not move from here" she told her. Karen walked over to the nurses desk and got a ruler. She went back over to her and started spanking her. If I may say so myself it was a well deserved spanking! As Karen continued to spank more and more kids and nurses gathered around. When she was done and allowed Jenny to stand up I started clapping! I couldn't help it! What's even better is everyone else started clapping as well. Jenny stood up and started to pull her underwear back up and her mom stopped her. "Oh no young lady you are going to stand in the corner barebottom. I really hope you learn from this!!!"

After the excitement I went back to my room. I was exhausted and I wanted to pack my stuff up.
The next day I was released. Before I left though I felt someone grab my shoulder. It was Jenny. "Look Amber I really am sorry for bullying you all the time. I guess I really needed that spanking I got yesterday. I'm glad you are better and I hope you have a great summer!" She said. Then she surprised me and gave me a hug!! "You too Jenny. I hope we can be friends after this. Enjoy the rest of your summer. Here is my number if you ever want to call me." I said as I handed her a piece of paper with my number.
After she went back inside my mom came around with the car. I got in and was glad I was finally going home!
It had been a crazy 5 months but I made it!!!

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