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It's been four months since Leo proposed to me. It's been four months of us making wedding plans, looking for a bigger house to fit twelve people. We have the usual everyday stuff as well. The kids, their after school activities, homework, and of course our own jobs. It was chaotic but so worth it.

I had to get ready to start Christmas shopping one day, but for whatever reason I just had no energy what so ever. I dropped the girls off at school and went back home. When I got home I decided to make some oatmeal for breakfast. I tried to eat it and almost instantly I  felt sick. I went running to the nearest bathroom and threw up. I stood up and saw Michelle standing there with a scared look on her face. "Michelle are you ok?" I asked her. She was nearing the end of her pregnancy and she looked ready to pop. "Cindy I think I am in labor. I have been having contractions on and off all night last night. Now they are like five minutes apart and Miranda is at school. I tried calling her and texting her and she isn't answering her phone." She said as she was holding onto the doorknob. "But are you ok? Why are you throwing up?" She asked me with concern in her voice. "I'm ok. I am just stressed out about the wedding and stuff." I told her. All of a sudden she screamed and bent over. "Oh my God Cindy it hurts!!" Michelle grabbed a hold of my hand. I started rubbing her back. "Your ok Michelle. Breathe!" She stood back upright. Just as she did that her water broke all over the bathroom floor. "I'm so sorry" she said while crying and trying to breathe. "It's ok. You are ok. But we need to get you to the hospital." I said as I turned her around and tried to get her to walk to the living room. "Cindy I don't think I will make it to the hospital! I feel a lot of pressure down there. I feel like the baby is coming now!!" She said as she bent over in pain. "Ok... Can you lay on the couch for me. I can check you and see what's going on." I told her as I helped her lay on the couch. I got her settled and went to get my phone. I texted Leo. Then I called 911. "911 what's your emergency? "The dispatcher asked. "Hi I have a teenager who is a type one diabetic and in active labor and I don't think we will make it to the hospital in time. Tell me what I need to do. I want to make sure the baby is ok. And I need to monitor her sugar levels." I said to the dispatcher as I went and gathered towels. " Ok what you are going to need to do is prop her up with pillows when she needs to start pushing. Right now I am sending help your way. In the meantime I want you to examine her. What you are going to do is if you have an emergency kit get that. It should have alcohol wipes as well as a pair of scissors. You will also need to get a pair of gloves. And a shoe string. If you can find some rubbing alcohol." I started getting all the stuff when I heard Michelle scream again. "Hang in there hon I'm coming!" At the same time I heard the front door open. I went to the living room with all the stuff and ran into Leo. "Oh thank God you are here! Michelle is in active labor and I got her on the couch. I just got all the things 911 told me to get. " I told him as I grabbed his arm and ran to the living room. "You know I delivered babies a long time ago right?" He said in a panic. "It's like riding a bike you don't forget!!!" We got to Michelle and she was sweating. Leo went to her and told her that he was going to help deliver the baby. " Michelle I have to examine you now. I want you to lay back and put your legs up on the arm rest. Good just like that." He said. He looked and said "This baby is coming soon. I can see the head already. Michelle on the count of three I want you to start pushing. Ready.... 1 2 3 push baby girl push. Ok stop. Take a rest. Next contraction your going to push again." As Leo was saying all this we heard the door open again. With the door open we could hear sirens. "Michelle? I just got your messages." Miranda said as she came running over. " Oh Miranda this hurts!! It hurts so much!" Michelle said grabbing a hold of her sister. "I know honey! Do you want me to put on your playlist?" Miranda asked "No time! Michelle it's time to push again." Leo said. Michelle sat up a little and Miranda grabbed her hand and shoulder. "Ready? 1 2 3 push!!! That's it. Keeping pushing! The head is almost out. One more big push." Leo said as the doorbell rang. I went to answer the door. It was the paramedics. I let them in. ",Come on Michelle one more big push and the head will be out." Leo said. As he was saying hat the paramedics got to work. They put a blood pressure cuff on Michelle's arm. They put an oxygen mask on her as well. They also put a receiving blanket on her belly. ,"Ok baby one more and go!" Leo said. Michelle pushed again. This time one of the paramedics and Leo both said to stop at the same time. "Ok the head is out. I'm going to suction out it's mouth and nose. Then we are going to deliver the rest of him or her." Two minutes later Leo pulled out the baby. "It a girl! Congrats!" He said as he laid her on top of her mother. The paramedics had Miranda cut the umbilical cord. They cleaned her up and we waited for the placenta to be delivered. Then the paramedics loaded mom and baby into the ambulance. Miranda started to get in when I told her that Michelle needed to eat and do her insulin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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