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My oldest daughter is about to turn 15! This is crazy! Where did my baby go? Anyway... We are getting ready to go dress shopping for her birthday party.
"Girls are you guys ready yet? We need to hurry because I have to get ready for my shift at the hospital. " I call out to my five daughters. Amanda (almost 15) Amber 13, Alice 11, Amelia  9, and Annabel 7.  I hear a chorus of coming mom from upstairs. 
As I'm waiting I'm looking around the living room. The couches are nice and neat the floors are clean exactly the way I like it. The girls know if the house isn't cleaned up and looking nice before I get home from work they are in big trouble!
I work the overnight shift at the hospital as the ER administrator.  The rules in my house are simple but strict.  Clean up after yourself, listen to the people in charge, no fighting, no curse words, get good grades, no sneaking out.
"Girls let's go!!!" I say getting  a little more frustrated.  I start making my way upstairs to see what is taking so long. As soon as I do Annabel comes running out of her bathroom.  "Hey beautiful! What's going on up here? Why is everyone taking so long?" I ask her. Annabel  answered "I dont know I had to go to the bathroom and I decided to get dressed in there." "Ok baby go watch TV until we leave." I'm upstairs and I knock on Amelia's  door. "Amelia come on"! I open the door and she is on her bed tying her shoes. "Are you ready?" I look in her room and there are clothes everywhere! "Amelia!!! Why does it look like your closet threw up in here?" "Sorry mom I just couldn't find the right outfit!" She said to me. "Ok well when we get back you need to clean this up!" I told her. Next I walk over to Alice's room.  I knock on her door.  "Alice come on let's go!!" I knock on her door and go in. To my surprise she is still in her pajamas and laying on her bed texting someone on her phone.  "Alice what are you doing?" I ask her. "What does it look like I'm doing?" She asks me with a little to much attitude. "You need to get up and get dressed. We are going clothes shopping for your sister's birthday party." I tell her. Alice  looks at me and rolls her eyes. "No you guys are I'm staying right here!" I give her "the look" very slowly I tell her "get up, get dressed and be ready in five minutes.  If you are not you WILL have a very sore bottom  and you WILL go in the clothes you are in. Do I make myself clear?" She nods her head  and answers "Yes ma'am".  "Good" With that I leave to go check on the other girls. Amber is making her way down  the stairs.  "Looking good there hun!" I tell her. "Thanks mom!" I walk to Amanda's  room and I'm about to knock when I hear her talking on the phone. "I know I can't believe it either! My first real birthday party!!! My poor mom was never able to afford it.  After my dad left she worked so hard to provide for us. I'm glad she got this job! She seems really happy! I know! This house is gorgeous! I'm so glad everyone gets to have their own rooms! Ever since we moved here there has been less fighting. Yes she still has the spanking room. But in the past few months I haven't really needed to go in there. Now my sister's? Well that's a whole different story!!! Anyways  I gotta  get going. I'm going shopping  for clothes for the party! Ok I'll talk to you later!"
I quickly get away from the door. I'm on my way to check on Alice when I hear an argument from downstairs. I call from the top of the sraircase.... "Hey what is going on down there?" "Amelia took the remote and changed the channel." Annabel said. "Amelia put the channel back on and stop messing with your sister!" I tell her as I turn back to see if Alice is ready. I dont even bother knocking this time. I walk in and I find her in the same position as when I left her. "Alice!!! Get up right now!" She looks at me and stands up. "What did I tell you?" She rolls her eyes at me AGAIN!! "Whatever mom!!" I take a deep breath.  "Ok young lady you earned yourself  a visit to The Room. Now go! Oh and hand me your phone" I stick out my hand and she slaps the phone in my hand. I shake my head as I watch her walk towards the room.  In case you are wondering  The Room is where I spank the girls. I have everything from slippers to belts in there. The girls know that when I tell them to go there they have to be in position by the time I get there. Being in position means they must have their pants and underwear removed and put in a neat pile on the chair I put in there. They also must be laying on their tummies with their bottoms in the air on the mattress I have in there.
I go downstairs for a minute to tell the others that we will be leaving in a few minutes. "Ok girls Alice is in the room. Because she didn't listen to me she is getting a spanking and she will be shopping in her pajamas.  Let this be a learning lesson for all of you!"
I make my way up to The Room. I walk in and she is in position.  I walk over to the wall that I have all the spanking tools. I grab the ruler and head over to her. I always ask why they are in this position.  So I ask her "Alice why are you in this position right now?" She answers " because I didn't listen to you and I gave you attitude. " "Yup! And Alice I'm getting really tired of your attitude!! Unless you want to visit this room on a daily basis then I suggest you cut it out!" I always give them a warm up spanking.  15 spanks with my hand. And then which ever took I use I do their age. Since Alice is 11 she will be getting 11 spanks with the ruler. So I begin. I start with my hand. Left cheek, right cheek... I do that 14 times the last one is in the middle. Then I pick up the ruler. I spank her 11 times with that. I stand her up and because we are running short on time I don't do corner time with her. Usually I'll make them stand in the corner barebottom with their hands on the wall. Anyway  I give her a hug tell that I love her. "Now put your pajama pants back on and meet me downstairs." I leave to go get her socks and shoes. When I get downstairs I see her there with a shocked look on her face. "What? I told you if you weren't ready you would be going out in your pjs."
I told her. "But I didn't think you were  serious!" She whines. "Put your socks and shoes on. Now when have I ever joked about something like this?" I ask as I hand her the shoes. Alice takes the socks and shoes and puts them on and stands up.
We all pile in the van and head out to the mall. "Now when we get there can we please all stick together?" I ask the girls. "No running off. After we get some clothes we can eat at the food court. You guys can get whatever you want."  I find a parking spot and park the car.
"Now we need to buddy up! Amanda you are with Amelia. Amber you are with Alice and Annabel you are with me." "Who is ready to go get pretty???" As we walk into the mall we spot a security desk. "If we get separated from each other meet here. Everyone have your phones on just in case?" "Yes" the three older girls say. All of us grab our buddies hands and start heading towards Kohl's. We go to the junior department  first for Amanda, Amber and Alice. Almost right away Amanda finds a dress she really likes. "Mom look I really like this one!" She holds up a purple and black mini dress. "Wow Amanda that looks really pretty. Why dont you go try it on? The fitting rooms are right there. Let me know when you have it on." She turns to go to the waiting room and I turn my attention to the other girls. Amber is holding up two dresses. One blue and one green. "Mom which one do you like better? I'm kinda edging towards the green to match my eyes." "Amber I really like the green one too! Go try it on. Let me see if  Amanda is ready. Alice can you keep an eye on Amelia and Annabel?" "Sure but um mom where is Annabel?" I look around and my 7 year old is nowhere to be found! "Annabel?" I say in a panic. I tell the other girls to come out of the fitting rooms and help look for her. "Ok girls divide up. Meet me here in exactly 5 minutes." We all separate and start calling her name. "Annabel? Annabel where are yoi?" A store employee sees me and asks if she can help me. "Yeah I lost my 7 year old daughter. She's about this big, blonde hair, and is wear black and red." The store employee  looked at me and said that she saw a little girl about that age over by the toys. "Come I'll lead you to her." The employee takes me over to where the toys are. Sure enough there she was. "Annabel!!! You scared me half to death! You are in big trouble!!" "I'm sorry mommy! I just wanted to see the toys" "You know better than that Annabel!! Now let's go we have to meet your sister's. " I grab a hold of Annabel's hand. We get over to the meeting spot and I look at my watch. We still have a few more hours before we have to leave. "Girls I found her but I need to discipline her now because I won't have time when we get home. Amanda since you, Amber and Alice already picked out your outfits can you take Amelia over to the girls section? I'll meet you there." They all nod their heads as I grab a hold of Annabel's hand again. "Excuse  me but where are the restrooms?" I ask the employee who helped me earlier. "Right over there. If you are going to do what I think you are going to do I applaud you. My mom did the same thing when we were kids. If you'd like I can say the restrooms are temporary closed." I looked at her and smiled. "If you could that would be great thank you!!" I lead Annabel over to the restrooms. We go in and went into the largest stall. I look at my daughter and ask "Annabel what where you thinking? What did I  say on the way over here? Annabel you could have been kidnapped or something.  I'm going to spank your bottom here because I will not be able to when we get home. Now come here." I sit down on the toilet seat and grab a hold of her arm. I bring her towards me. I then pull down her pants and underwear.  Before I put across my lap I ask her why she is getting the spanking. "Because  I went to look at the toys and didn't wait for you." I pull her over my lap. Since I'm not at home I decide to give her 14 spanks. After I'm done I pick her up and give her a hug. "Look I love you and your sisters to death. I dont want anything to happen to you guys! Now let's go find your sisters and find you something to wear." As we exit the bathroom the employee and I make eye contact. I nod my head and she nods back. We head over to where the others are. Everyone has the clothes they want. Now we just have to find something for Annabel.  We finally find an outfit for her and we head out to the register.
After we are done paying we head towards  the food court.  By now everyone is starving!!
We each order different kinds of food and sit down to eat. When we are done eating we go to the car.
All in all we had a pretty  good day!

My Daughters Part Two حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن