Proposal (Leo's P.O.V.)

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School started for the kids. As I dropped them off I wished them all a good day. On my way home I called Cindy to see what she was up to today. We really haven't had much alone time this whole summer. I loved being together with her and the kids but we needed some adult time. "Hello?" she answered. "Good morning my love how are you?" I asked her. "Good Morning Leo! I was just thinking about you!" She replied. "Oh really? And what were you thinking?" I asked. "Well you know the kids are all in school and I don't work until later tonight and I do believe you have the day off soooooo. I know a certain lady part is waiting for a certain male part!" She said giggling. "I'll be right there!" I told her as my male part as she called it woke up! Like I said before its been awhile since we have had alone time.

I decided to stop by the local doughnut shop and picked up some breakfast on the way over to Cindy's. As I was waiting on my food I started thinking about this past year. So much has changed. My love for Cindy has grown so much. I love her girls as much as I love my own 5 kids. My babies are all growing up so fast! Tommy is a senior and will be going to college in the fall of next year. Alexa just started her freshman year of high school. The twins started their last year of elementary school. And Teddy the girl who has given me gray hair since the day she was born is now in third grade!

I got the food and headed over to Cindy's house. When I arrived I knocked on the door. Cindy answered the door wearing her bath robe. "Hey beautiful!" I said as I went in for a kiss. She kissed me back and let me in the house. "I bring gifts!" I said as I walked into the house and put the food down. I pulled her into a hug and hugged her tight. "It feels so good to be in your arms" She said. "It does feel nice doesn't it!" I replied in a whisper. I pulled us out of the hug and looked at her. I couldn't help myself I had to kiss her. We kissed and kissed. My hands went down her shoulders and into her robe. We continued kissing as my hands found their way to her breasts. Even after having five kids her breasts are still beautiful. As soon as my hands grabbed her , her nipples hardened. I fondled them and she moaned. We continued to kiss as I picked her up and took her to the guest bedroom. I laid her down on the bed. We stoppped kissing for two seconds. I took her robe off and was pleastantly surprised that she had not a stitch of clothes on! I then peeled off my clothes and laid down next to her. We started kissing again. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. My hands were back on her breasts as hers were lightly scratching my back. I stopped kissing her lips and started kissing her neck. I stayed there for a few minutes. Then made my way down to those breast. One at a time my tongue made circles around each nipple. Again they perked up. I then made my way down to her tummy. I kissed her stomach. Then with my tongue I ate her bellybutton. That made her groan even more. I continued to work my way down. I found that certain lady part. I spread her open and ate her out. I kept going until she exploded into an orgasm. I made my way back up and my man part was ready for some action as well. I entered her and like a well oiled machine we got into a synchronized rhythm. Before long we both hit our own orgasms! I laid down next to her and said "well I guess after 2 months of not being able to do this kind of paid off!" She laughed and said "For sure!" "well now that the coffee and food are cold would you like me to go warm them up? We could have breakfast in bed and then start round two?" I asked her. "That sounds good to me!" she replied as she got underneath the sheets. So I got up and headed to the kitchen. As I was warming up the food and coffee I knew then and there tonight was going to be the night the kids and I surprised her with a proposal!! I carried the food and coffee to the guest room. We decided to turn on the T.V. so she could watch her favorite show. We settled down on the bed and ate. That was the best tasting food I have had in awhile. We talked a little bit about the kids and what after school activities we could put them in. "Annabel is definitely taking swim classes. Despite getting two spankings in one day that girl continues to just jump in the pool. I do admit she is a gifted swimmer." Cindy said with a sigh. " I'm not sure what to do with the other girls though." "Let's not worry about that right now." I said as I reached underneath the sheets and found what I was looking for. Cindy screamed and giggled at the same time. She then reached down and grabbed a hold of me. "I guess we are starting round two?"
A few hours later we were up and dressed and ready to start the afternoon school pick up. We kissed each other goodbye. "I'll see you later my love." I said to her. I got to the elementary school and parked I noticed the twins standing next to their teacher. I walked up to them and I saw that they were not looking to happy. "Hello Ms. Shepard! How are you? What did these two do now?" I asked her looking down at them. "They didn"t do anything wrong. We were talking about seperating them this year and we wanted to see if it was ok with you. Neither one of them are happy about it. But I think it will be healthy for them." Ms. Shepard said. "Yeah I agree if that is what you think is best for them." I said. "But daddy we have been together since we were in mommy's tummy. We don't want to be seperated." Robert whined. "We have always been together" Rebecca also whined. "I understand that guys but it will be better if you guys had seperate classrooms. That way you can make your own friends." I said to them. "But we don't want to!!' They both said in unison. "Twins that's enough!" I scolded. " We will talk it over tonight Ms. Shepard. But you can go ahead and make the move!" I smiled and waved goodbye to their teacher. "Come on guys we have to go get the rest of your brothers and sisters." We walked over to Teddy's class to pick her up. All the way over there the twins were still whining about getting separated. "Guys that's enough! One more complaint and your bottoms will be the next ones to complain. Got it? Besides you are in fifth grade. Next year when you go to middle school you will have different classes. So you might as well start getting used to it now." I said to them. "But daddy...." Rebecca whined again. " Ok young lady when we get home go straight to my office." As I shook my head. Once we made it to Teddy's class I went in to say hi to her new teacher. "Hi Ms. Webber! How was the first day of school?" I asked. "Not to bad. I had to warn Teddy quite a few times today though. Seeing that it is the first day of school we let some of the warnings slide. I will not do that tomorrow though." She said to me. " Oh really? What did she do?" I asked her. Knowing my daughter I think I already know the answer. " Running in the hallway. Butting kids in the lunch line. Talking during silent reading. But like I said I put up with it today but I will not tomorrow or the rest of the school year." She said. " Ok Ms. Webber. We will have a nice chat in my office when we get home now won't we?" I saw Teddy's face go pale when she put the two together.
The drive home was a quiet one. I picked up Alexa and Tommy on the way home. " How was your day guys?" I asked. I looked at them and they both looked tired!! "Fine, but I'm not used to getting up so early!" Said Tommy. "Well when we get home you guys can rest for a bit. I have to take care of some business with Rebecca and Teddy. I want you all to shower and get ready to go out around 8:30. I also need you guys to call Cindy's kids and tell them the same thing. We will swing by their house around 8:45 to pick them up. Everyone dress nice ok?" I said. Then I said. "I'm going to ask Cindy to marry me tonight. I arranged for the conference room at the hospital to be empty. I'm going to have her boss call her into a meeting at 9:00. A few of her co workers are in on it! I'm so nervous!" I told the kids. As soon as I parked the car the kids jumped out and ran to the door. "Rebecca and Teddy don't think I forgot. Meet me in my office." I told them. "Yes daddy" they said as they headed towards my office. They knew that if there were multiple people getting a spanking then the youngest goes first and the oldest had to stand in the corner. They also know that they need to take off their pants and underwear. Just like Cindy's kids my kids have been getting spanked since they were two years old. But unlike Cindy's kids mine don't get a warm up spanking. I dive right in. Fifty spanks. Also unlike Cindy I only use my hand. Unless the offense is major. Then it's either a hairbrush or worst case scenario my belt. I've only had to use my belt once. As I entered my office the girls were already ready. "Teddy come here please" I say as I pull my chair out and sit down. "Teddy why are you in this position?" I ask her. "Because I didn't behave in school today." She said looking down at the floor. "That's right. And what is my number one rule?" I asked. "To listen to my teacher!" I shook my head and pulled her over my lap. Like I said before I dive right in. I started spanking her. Left cheek, right cheek. I spanked her fifty times. Twenty five on each cheek. By the time I was done her bottom was red and she was crying. I stood her up and hugged her "Teddy for the remainder of the school year I want you to behave like I know you can ok?  Now go on upstairs and start your homework. I'll start dinner soon." I dismissed her and called Rebecca over. " Rebecca why are you in this position?" I ask her. "Because I kept whining even after you told me to stop." She said. "That's right. You know I don't like it when you whine like that." I pulled her over my lap and began her spanking. Fifty spanks later she too was crying. I stood her up and hugged her as well. "Listen to me Rebecca. All of us want what is best for you and your brother. You will thank me one day. Now go upstairs and start your homework as well." "Ok daddy! And I know you guys want the best for us. I'm just really going to miss not having Robert next to me all the time." She said. We both left the office. She headed upstairs and I headed to the kitchen. I needed to start dinner. Just as I was pulling stuff out of the fridge to make spaghetti Tommy's glucose meter started going off on my phone. I looked at it and saw that his sugar was dropping and dropping fast. I grabbed a few glucose tablets and a juice box. I ran upstairs to his room. Tommy was laying on his bed asleep. I nudged him a couple of times trying to wake him up. He wasn't responding so I turned him over and sat him up. "Tommy here drink some if this." I said as I got a few drops of juice into his mouth. "Come on son don't make me get the glucagon" He mumbled a little. He swallowed the juice. But he still wasn't waking up fully. "Alexa can you come here?" I called out. Alexa came into Tommy's room and asked what she needed to do. " I need to go get the glucagon. It's in the medicine cabinet in my bathroom. Just get the equipment but don't prepare it yet. I'm going to try to get more juice into him." I said as Alexa ran off to get the stuff I asked for. In the meantime I was still forcing juice into Tommy. Just as Alexa got back Tommy started coming around. I  got up for a second and went to get his diabetes bag off of his desk. I went back over to him and pricked his finger. I put a drop of blood on the glucose meter and was happy to see that it was going back up. " Dad is everything ok?"  Tommy asked. " Yeah but you gave me a scare. Did you eat anything when you got home?" I asked him. " I did. I had some cheese and crackers. I don't know why I dropped so low. I guess getting up early and the first day of school got to me!" He said. "Well I am glad you are feeling better. I'm going to go start on dinner. After that we have to get ready to go to the hospital." I told him. I left his room and headed to the kitchen.
After dinner I made sure Tommy had the right dosage of insulin. We all finished up with the dishes and stuff and headed out. We stopped by Cindy's house to pick up the girls. I had called Miranda to tell her what was going on and to see if she could drive the girls following behind us. So we did a caravan to the hospital. As we approached the hospital I was getting nervous. I parked and told the kids " the rules still apply tonight. We are still in a hospital and there are sick people here. So no running in the hallway. I don't care if it is a great night or not I will spank you if I have to." So we met up with Miranda and the girls and we head into the hospital. We go straight to the conference room. Just like I imagined it was decorated beautifully! It was 8:50 by then. All we needed to do is wait. At exactly 9:00 we heard voices outside the door. "Ok I just don't understand why we have to meet in the conference room. I mean if there's something you want to tell me why can't we just do it in your office." We heard Cindy say. "Just trust me Cindy. We have to do it in here." Said her boss. With that they walked in. Cindy looked around the room and saw everyone there. "Guys what are you doing here?" She asked as she looked right at me.
"Cindy I have been in love with you since high school. Even though we remained friends all these years and had kids who are best friends I still loved you. Then fate would have it that we finally got together. Cindy my love for you grows stronger and stronger everyday. I want to send the rest of my life with you. I want to make all the kids brothers and sisters." I said as I knelt down on one knee. "Cindy my love, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" "Oh My God! Leo! Kids! Of course I'll marry you! I have loved you for so long too! OMG I can't believe this is happening!!" Cindy said crying. I put the ring on her finger then stood up and kissed her. Everyone started clapping. The next thing I know we are getting hugged by everyone. I hear a lot of "Let me see! And it's so pretty!" Now we get to plan a wedding! Let's see how many times someone gets spanked between now and then. Who knows maybe I'll get a good spanking as well!!! ........

My Daughters Part Two Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ