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Since I had to hire a babysitter I looked around for a few days. I even called Jaime the girls old babysitter and she said she wasn't available because of school. But she gave me the name of her bestfriend who was taking early education classes and she would be the perfect fit. Her name is Miranda. So I decided to give her a call.  I told her about the  girls and that I would be needing her overnight 4 days a week. Those nights she could spend the night here in the guest bedroom. I told her that there are rules for her to follow as well. I also told her about the consequences if she didn't follow the rules.  I had a contract pulled you and she agreed to the terms and the pay. I flat out asked her. "Are you ok with being spanked if you break a rule?" She looked at me and nodded. "Jaine is my bestfriend and she told me about how you spanked her a couple of times. Yes I agree that if I'm naughty you can and will spank me. But may I ask if that also means if I dont do well in school you'll spank me too?" I looked at her and said "well yes if you need it. Why are you doing bad in school?" "Well..... kind of. I'm doing amazing in my childhood development class, but the others not so much."  'Ok. Let me see your grades." I tell her. You know if I'm going to do this I might as well start from the beginning right!? "Oh and another thing Miranda if you'd like you can go ahead and move into the guest room. I know college kids need to save money. Who is paying for your apartment?" "Well I am. Both my parents passed away two years ago. I had gotten a job to support me and my sister. Then we came here. We live together in a studio apartment. That is why I jumped on your offer." "Wait you have a sister too? How old is she? Forget staying in the guest bedroom you guys can move into the guest house we have in the backyard. You will treat it like it's your own. Anyway let me see your grades and then we will take it from there. "  "My sister's name is Michelle  and she's 17." She says as she is pulling out her laptop. She then opens it to her grade book. I see all the classes that she has and I don't like what I see.  She is failing English and is in the verge of failing math. The other grades look great! "Ok Miranda. In my house if you get any thing below a C you get spanked. So you have an F and a D as your class grade. I want you to go upstairs and go to the room.  When I tell the girls that they go in and take down their pants and underwear and fold them into a neat pile. After that they must lay on the bed with their tummy on the bed and their legs hanging down. You will get 15 warm up spanks with my hand. And 19 with which ever tool I choose. Now go and get into position!" Miranda makes her way upstairs.  I had already given her a tour of the house so she knew where the room was. I made my way up there five minutes later.  I decided since it was her first time I was going to go easy with her. I picked out the hair brush and walk over to her. Just like the girls I ask her why she is in that position.  "Because I'm not doing well in school". " I hope this is teaching moment for you. I hope after this you will bring your grades up." With that I started the spanking. 15 with my hand. Then I pick up the hairbrush and start. As usual I alternate left, right, left right until i reach 19. She is crying. I tell her to stand up. When she does I give her a hug. Then I tell her to stand in the corner with her hands on the wall and no rubbingfry fry. Twenty minutes later  I tell her to get dressed and come downstairs. I hug her again and she thanks me. Afterwards we sit down and start to eat lunch. We talk for a bit until she gets up and says that she has to go get her sister.  I looked at the time and realized it was time for me to go get the girls.
"So Miranda you can start tomorrow night because I have to go to work. Bring your sister and some of your stuff. That way you're guys can start getting settled in the guest house."
She said ok and we each went to our own cars to go pick up our people!
When I got all the girls I suggested going to Wendy's for dinner. They all agreed.  We ordered and went home to eat. After dinner I asked all of them to stay for a minute.  "Ok girls I hired a new babysitter. She starts tomorrow.  I want you all to be on your best behavior. She and her sister will be moving into the guest house on Saturday.  They both are coming tomorrow. Her name is Miranda and her sisters name is Michelle. She's really nice and I think you guys will like her." Annabel, Alice, Amber, and Amelia seemed happy about it or at least ok with it. Amanda on the other hand not so much. Amanda  rolled her eyes and said to me "we dont need a fucking babysitter!" I looked at her. The other four girls got up and went upstairs. "What did you just say?" I asked her. "I did not stutter I said we dont need a fucking babysitter. Are you going deaf now old bitch!?" "Amanda you have about two seconds to get your butt up to the room." I told her. "No! I'm to old for you to spank. I'm not a little kid anymore." "Are you? You still live in MY house. You WILL do as your told. As for being to old? I spanked a 19 year old this afternoon. You are not to old. NOW MOVE!!!" I yelled at her. She went upstairs and I followed.  She went into the room and I went to go see what the other girls were up to. Alice was in the shower. Amber was already showered and ready for bed. Amelia was headed towards her bathroom. Annabel was already asleep.
I went over to her and kissed her cheek. I then covered her up.
I finally went to the room to deal with Amanda.  "Amanda stand up a second. Where is the attitude coming from? I thought you had changed a bit. Now all of a sudden your back to being the way you were before we moved here. I don't like it! Don't make me spank you for a whole week again!" I told her. "Mom I'm just tired. I'm tired all the time. No matter how much I sleep I never feel rested. Oh and I'm so thirsty like all the time. I drank  a 2 liter bottle of water today I'm still  so thirsty.  I'm peeing like every hour..." She said to me. I told her that I would make a Drs appointment for her to figure out what's going on. "But that doesn't excuse you for talking to me like that! Get back into position." I grab the slipper and start with her spanking.  15 with my hand. 15 with the slipper. I stand her up and give her a hug. This is when I realized that she looked thinner. So I'm definitely going to call the doctor tomorrow. I told her since it was late then she didn't have to do corner time.  I hugged her again and sent her to bed.
After all the girls were in bed I went to my computer and googled Amanda's symptoms. Everything was screaming type one diabetes. So I called Leo who is a pediatrician. I described everything to him and he told me that he would be right over. He has a glucose monitor because one of his sons was diagnosed at the age of four. About half an hour later he arrives. We go up to Amanda's room and woke her up. "Hey hon! Leo is here. I want him to check your sugar levels. I think everything you described to me earlier is leading towards diabetes." Amanda sat up and looked at me. "That makes sense actually.  I know Tommy was diagnosed when he had all the symptoms too. But mom can you hold my hand while he pricks my finger. I still dont like needles." So I grab a hold of her hand as Leo prepares the glucose  meter. "Ok Amanda. I am going to wipe your finger with an alcohol wipe. Then I'm going to count to three on the count of three take a deep breath in and let it out fast. While you are doing that I would have already stuck you with the Lancet. Ready? One, two three deep breath in and out! Good job"!! He did it so fast that Amanda didn't even flinch. He put a drop of blood on the test strip. A few seconds later the reading  comes back as HI. We all look at each other. "Ok Cindy you need to take Amanda to the hospital now!" Leo said. "I'll stay with the girls. When you get there tell them that I sent you. Tell them that she needs all the diabetic testing there is." Amanda looked scared. "Sweetheart you will be in good hands ok!? You got this!" Leo told her.
"What about your kids?" I ask him. "Dont worry about them. They are old enough to know what to do in the morning. And they are old enough to understand the consequences of their actions. Now go!!"

My Daughters Part Two Where stories live. Discover now