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It's the friday before school starts and we are getting ready to go get our before school pictures taken. Mom does this every year. We always take one right before school starts and right after school ends for the year. I don't like going to these things because they make you sit still for a bit and I hate sitting still!! Hopefully this year it won't rain and we can do it outside. Mommy had picked out a dress for me to put on when we get to the studio. But right now she just wanted us to wear regular clothes.
I was already dressed and brushed my teeth so I went downstairs to watch TV. I hear my mom and Amber arguing about something and then I hear mom tell Amber to go to the room. Amber has been in a bad mood a lot lately and mom has to keep spanking her. So a few minutes later I hear mom spanking Amber.
By then I didn't want to watch anymore TV. I got up from the couch and looked outside the window towards the pool. Man the pool looked inviting! Mom was upstairs busy with the other girls. Maybe if I jump in really quick and take a quick swim and get back into my clothes mom will never know!! So I opened the door and snuck over to the pool. I stripped out of my clothes and jumped in!! It felt awesome! I swam for a few minutes and got out. I then realized I didn't have a towel!!! I stood on the deck with no clothes on trying to figure out how I am going to dry off when I see Miranda come out of the guesthouse with a towel. "Annabel here! What were you thinking sweetheart?" She asked me as she wrapped me up. "I just wanted to swim really quick. Everyone is taking for ever to get ready!!" I told her. "Well let's get you back into your clothes and get you inside." As we walk back into the house mom is coming downstairs with a bag of our clothes for the photo shoot. She noticed us walking in and noticed my hair wet. "Annabel why is your hair wet?" She asked me while looking at Miranda. "I went in the pool." I told her. "You did what?" Mom asked me. "I went in the pool." "But, Annabel! We are trying to get ready to go! Why would you do that? Especially since you know darn well you are not supposed to go in the pool without someone out there with you!! Go upstairs to the room right now!!" I looked at her and said "Mommy I love swimming and I'm good at it!" I tried to argue with her. She just pointed towards the stairs. I went upstairs already crying. I didn't want to sit through a photo shoot with a sore butt!! I got in the room and got into position. Mom came in a few minutes later. "Annabel why are you in this position?" Mom asked. "Because I went in the pool when no one was outside with me." I responded. She started the spanking. 15 with her hand. Then 7 with the slipper!! When she was done she stood me up and hugged me. "Annabel if you are serious about swimming then I'll sign you up for swimming classes. But please don't do that again!!" We had to leave then so I didn't get any corner time.
A few minutes later we all got in the car and headed towards the studio. Once we got there we grabbed the bags and started changing our clothes. Since it wasn't raining we got to take a bunch of pictures outside!! It took about 2 hours. By the time we were done we were hungry and tired.
"Mommy can we go to McDonald's for lunch?" I asked. "Of  course honey!" Mom said. We got in the car and headed towards McDonald's. Once we got there and ordered our food we sat down and started eating. 
An hour later we finally got home and I couldn't wait to get back into the pool again. I ran upstairs to go change into my bathing suit.  I found it right away. I changed and as I was headed out of my room I heard screaming coming from the bathroom. Mom came running upstairs to the bathroom to see what was going on. "Mom! I'm bleeding! Am I going to die?"  Amelia said crying. "No baby you just got your period that's all." Mom said.
Anyway I headed downstairs and went straight to the pool. I took off my cover up and jumped in! Once again the water felt amazing! I swam for about 15 minutes when I saw mom come out of the house with a very mad face! Oh no! I forgot I wasn't supposed to be in the pool without someone else with me!!! "Annabel get out of that pool right now!" Mom screamed at me! I got out and she wrapped a towel around me. "Upstairs now!!" She said. "But mommy the water looks so good and I am a good swimmer!!" I tried to tell her! "What if you had gotten a cramp Annabel? You could have drowned!! I dont want to here it! Get upstairs now!!" I went inside and went upstairs. I can't believe I'm getting spanked for the second time today!! I got in the room and got ready. Mom came in a few minutes later. "Annabel I'm really disappointed in you. I thought after getting a spanking this morning you would know better!! I think I'm going to use something a little harder this time. Obviously the slipper didn't work!!" She got something off the wall and came over to me. "Annabel why are you in this position again?" "Because I went in the pool without anyone coming with me!" She then started the spanking. 15 with her hand. And then 7 with the hairbrush! By the time she was done my butt was on fire!! "Go stand in the corner. Hands on the wall and no touching! By the way Leo and the kids are coming over for a swim and dinner. You will not be going in the pool. If I catch you trying to get in you will be spanked right there in front 9f everyone!! Do I make myself clear?" She asked me. "Yes mommy." I stood in the corner crying. All I want to do is swim and nobody seems to understand that.
A few minutes later I heard Leo and the kids come in. Then mommy called me to come out. I went downstairs and I saw everyone else in the pool. I so badly wanted to jump in. But moms words rang through my ears. I didn't want to take the chance of getting spanked again. So I went to the lounge chairs and laid down. Next thing I know I feel mom shaking me awake. "Hey sunshine! We are about to eat. Wake up and come join us!!" I sat up and stretched! Dinner as usual smelled really good. I got up and went to make a plate.
We all sat down to eat and I noticed Michelle was looking a little pale and flushed. "Michelle are you ok?" Mom asked her. "Are your sugar levels alright?" Miranda asked her. "My sugar levels are fine! I just feel a little  nauseous that's all." As she said that she looked around and stood up. She didn't make it far before she threw up in the grass. "Your ok, your ok." My mom said to her as Leo came over with his doctor kit. "Michelle when was the last time you had your period?" He asked her. "I dont know about 8 weeks ago..... oh no! I can't be! No! I just can't be!!" She started crying. "Its ok Michelle! We will help you no matter what you decide. But I think you need to go see an OB/GYN." Miranda told her. "Ok. I just didn't want to be a teen mom. Let alone one with diabetes!!".......

My Daughters Part Two Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora