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"Ugh only one week of summer left!!" I whined to my oldest sister Ananda. "I know right! I can't believe how fast this summer went by!" Amanda replied.  Amanda and I where hanging out by the pool waiting for Leo and his kids to come over. I like them and everything but I dont like the fact that they are here all the time now!! I especially don't like the idea of mom and Leo dating! I want things back to the way before he came into the picture!!! I'm going to do everything possible to make that happen!
"Mandy do you think mom and Leo are going to get married?" I asked Amanda. (I always call her Mandy when I'm worried about something.) "I don't know Alice. Maybe but I really don't know!" She replied. "I'm going to grab a snack would you like anything?" Amanda asked me.  "No I'm ok." I said.  I sat there for awhile and started thinking of ways to break mom and Leo up. I came up with just the plan! I was going to be a brat everytime they come over! I will throw temper tantrums. Hell I'll even pick a fight with Annabel and Teddy!! Or maybe even the twins!! I get up to head inside and as I pass the guesthouse where Miranda and Michelle are living I hear them arguing. "Michelle if you don't start behaving I'm going to ask Cindy to spank you!" I hear Miranda saying. "Why Miranda? You can't do it yourself? Why do you have to have Cindy do your dirty work?" Was Michelle's response.  "Fine I've had enough! Pull your pants down and lean over the couch!.... Now Michelle!" A few seconds later I heard the sound of a well deserved spanking happening! "Ow ok I get it please stop!!" I heard Michelle crying! "Alice!? What are you doing?" I jumped 50 feet in the air! I didn't realize mom was standing behind me! "Nothing I was sitting by the pool when I heard them arguing!" I said as I ran inside the house.  I went upstairs to my room to finalize my plans to break up mom and Leo! First things first. Go bother Annabel. I walk into my little sister's room and I see her playing dress up. "Whatcha doing Annabel?" I ask her all innocent. "I'm playing dress up! Want to play?" She asked me.  I looked at her and went over to where she keeps all the dress up clothes. "Sure!" I say. I then proceed to take all the clothes out of the chest. And I start throwing them all over the floor. "Stop! Alice stop it!!" Annabel screams. "Mommy!!" She starts crying and runs to get mom. I in the meantime leave and hide! "Alice come clean up your sister's room!" I'm hiding in this little room right off the stairs that only I know about. I stay in there until I hear the voices of Leo and his bratty little kids. I can't wait to go bother them!! So I wait about 15 minutes more before I come out. I peeked my head into Annabel's room its already cleaned up. She is in there with Teddy. I go in and stick my tongue out at them. I went downstairs and I hear Leo and mom talking. Gross! I see that Leo is holding a drink so I accidentally bump into him making him spill the drink a little! "Alice! Go get some paper towels and clean this up!" Mom said. "Why did you throw your sister's clothes all over the floor?" She asked. "I don't know" I replied. I went and got the paper towels and cleaned up the mess. I then went outside. The twins were playing on the swing set. I walked over to them and asked if I could play with them. "Of course you can!" Rebecca said. So I started pushing Robert. After a while I wanted to get on the swing too. So I asked and neither one of them wanted to get off! I grabbed Rebecca's swing and made it stop. Then I asked her again and she said that she wanted to swing a little more. I got mad and I grabbed her arm. I tried to pull her off  but she grabbed on with the other arm. So I walked around the swing set and pushed her off from behind. She fell face first into the ground! I started laughing as she started crying. Robert got mad and jumped off his swing and pushed me down to the ground. The three of us started fighting. We were covered in dirt by the time mom and Leo made it over to us. "Alice upstairs now!!!!" Mom yelled as she grabbed me. "Robert and  Rebecca corner now!" Leo said as he got them both on their feet. "But we didn't do anything! Alice pushed Rebecca down and started laughing at her when she started crying!" Robert said. "Ok calm down. Why don't you guys go sit by the pool for a bit?" Leo told the twins. As for me. I headed inside but before I did I turned around and stuck my tongue out at the twins. When I got inside Annabel and Teddy were playing with Lego's. Just to irritate them I knocked down what they were building!! "Alice!! Stop it! I'm telling!" Annabel said as she and Teddy started to cry. "Daddy.... Alice knocked down the house me and Annabel were building." Teddy said to Leo. "Mommy.... Alice knocked down our house!" Annabel said to mom. "Yeah I don't know what is wrong with Alice today but she will not be able to sit comfortably for a few days!!" Mom told Annabel.  So I go upstairs to my room. I know I was supposed to go to the room but mom never said room. She just said to go upstairs. A few minutes later I hear mom enter the room. "Alice! Why are you not in here?" I heard her ask. She came into my room and I was sitting on my bed. "Alice! What are you doing? Get in the room now!!" "But mom you just said to go upstairs. You didn't say Room." I told her. "Alice..... get up and get into the room NOW!!!" I stood up and headed towards the Room. I got in the room and got into position. I didn't think this through. I forgot that with fighting or bratty behavior I get spanked. Mom comes over to the bed and asks the usual stupid question. "Alice why are you in this position?" "Because I have been a brat the whole day." I say. "I don't know what has gotten into you today but this is unacceptable!" Mom says. Then she begins. 15 with her hand. I'm trying not to cry. She then starts with the spanking tool. She had grabbed the slipper. 9 times. By the time she was done I finally broke and was crying.  She stood me up hugged me and told me to go to the corner. I forgot about the other rule. No rubbing or you get another spanking. I rubbed my sore butt! She saw that and told me to get back into position.  Once again I find myself getting spanked. This time when she stands me up I don't touch! I go to the corner and stand there with my hands on the wall. While I'm standing there I start to think of other ways I can break them up. Next on my list through a full blown temper tantrum!! Finally mom calls for me to come downstairs. By then it was lunch time. Mom and Leo had made hamburgers and hotdogs.  I go to the pool area where everyone else was. "Ok kids come and get your food!" Leo called out. We all line up and start getting food. It's my turn and mom asks me what I want. "Burger please." She hands me one and tells me that there are bags of chips I can get. "But I wanted fries. We always have fries with burgers!" I whine. "Yes we do but today we are having chips. You don't have to have any if you don't want to." I did not like that answer. So I threw my plate and food at Leo! "This is all your fault!! You came and ruined our routine and our lives!! I wish you never met each other!!!" I screamed at him! "Alice! Upstairs  to the Room now!!!" Mom said. "I'm so sorry! I need to go deal with this!" I hadn't even made it to the room yet when mom was already on me! She picked me up and carried me to the room. She sat down on the bed and had my underwear off and me over her knees in a heartbeat! This was new! She's never spanked me over her knee before! She started spanking me. I lost count on how many times but when she was done my poor butt was on fire!! She stood me up and told me to go stand in the corner. She left the room. I stood there and cried. A half an hour later she came back. "Alice what is wrong? What has gotten into you today?" "Mom I don't know! I'm worried that Leo is going to take you away from us. I'm also afraid that you are going to love his kids more than you love us!!" I say to her as I break down. "Babygirl  come here. Yes I love Leo. I have since high school.  But that doesn't mean I'm going to love you and your sisters any less. As for loving his kids of course I love them. But again it doesn't mean I don't love you guys!! All five of you are my heart and soul!" She says as she holds on to me. "Now I want you to go apologize to everyone and then you can eat." Mom says as she gives me a love tap on my already sore butt.
I go downstairs and I apologize to everyone and then I go over to Leo and give him a hug. "I'm really sorry for yelling at you!" I say. Leo hugs me back and says "Its ok my love! Hey now that everyone is busy can I ask you something.? Do you think it'll be ok to ask your mom to marry me?" I look at him and I realize that he really does love my mom! So I nodded yes. Then I asked him "when are you going to ask?" "Well I was thinking that I want all ten of you kids to be part of it. So we can plan something. I was thinking that we can close off the cafeteria at the hospital.  Then you all come with Miranda and Michelle. All of you can be there with "Marry Me by Train playing. What do you think?" He asked looking at me. "I think it would be wonderful!! Does this mean we get to dress up???" I ask. "Of course! You know what else? I get to be your stepfather and I get 5 more kids!" I laughed and gave him a hug! I went to go play with the other kids.
Later on that night I started thinking that Leo really isn't that bad. I guess being a brat wasn't worth getting spanked twice in one day!!!

Author note here! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! With the holidays and everything I kind of didn't think about this chapter. Plus I was also trying to figure out where I want this story to go. I still have Annabel to write about. Plus I want to do a couple of chapters about the engagement and the wedding. Anyway  I really hope you all like this story!! If anyone has any ideas that I can add please feel free to let me know!!

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