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"Good morning  mom!" I said to my mom as I came downstairs.  "Good morning my love!" She replied. I love morning time with her. This is when we get to spend some one on one time with each other.  We always make breakfast and sit and talk. So as I'm scrambling eggs I ask her if I can go to the mall later. "Mom can we go to the mall later? I need a new bathing suit. And if we can can it just be us and the older girls? I mean we haven't done that in a while!" Mom looked at me and said "you know that sounds like a good idea. Alice and Annabel can stay here with Miranda. Afterwards we can get some lunch." Mom went upstairs to ask the older two if they wanted to go. Amanda said no because she was having friends over. Amber said she would come.
About an hour later we got ready to leave. Annabel was a little upset that she couldn't go with us but I promised  her that when we got back I would play with her. She gave me a hug and said ok.
In the car over to the mall we listened to the radio and talked about everything.  From Amber being so sick to Amanda having diabetes. I asked mom " Mom do you think any of us could be diabetic as well? How did she get it anyway? Was anyone in our family diagnosed with diabetes?"  I spit out all these questions. Mom kept her eye on the road and answered all of them. "Well baby I'm not sure if anyone in the family is.  I know on my side there isn't but I'm not sure about your father's side. Sometimes it just happens.  And no I dont think any of you are diabetic.  Ever since Amanda's diagnosis I've been watching the four of you. And so far you all look great!"
Just as she finishes explaining all this we pull into the parking lot.  "Now you know the rules.... no running off. Buddy system etc. " mom said with a laugh! Amber and I looked at her and laughed too!
We head into the mall and headed towards a store that has nothing but beachwear. We start looking around and I find a bikini that I absolutely loved! "Mom how about this one?" I asked her. "No Amelia it's to revealing.  Your only 11. Besides your sisters didn't get bikinis until they were 13." I put it back and start looking at other ones. But my eyes kept going back to the bikini. I walked over to it and kept an eye on my mom and sister. Luckily the one in my size didn't have a security sticker on it. Plus it was on a display that was a table. While still keeping an eye on my mom and sister and the store clerk I shoved it in my bag. No one saw me!!! I then went back to where they were and picked up a one piece. "Here mom how about this one?" I asked her. She looked at it and said "much better!" Both she and Amber picked out stuff for themselves. We then went and paid. I was holding onto my bag with a death grip! After mom paid we went into some other stores including Bath and Body Works. I love that place. I got some body lotion and hand sanitizer.  My mom bought the other girls some hand sanitizer as well.  After that we head over to the food court. I ordered from Burger King. Mom got some Chinese food.  And Amber got pizza. We start eating and I notice security guards looking right at me. I'm getting paranoid.  They cant possibly know can they? No.... the store clerk didn't see me. Oh shit they are walking towards us! My hands start to sweat. They come over and start talking to my mom. "Ma'am we got a call from the Beach Bum store saying that your daughter stole a bikini. With your permission we would like to search her bag." Mom looked at Amber. " Not her ma'am. Her" the security guard says while pointing to me. "Amelia!? Give the guards your bag now!" I handed over the bag and they went through it. Sure enough they found the bikini as well as some hand sanitizers from Bath and  Body  Works that I threw in there when no one was watching. I looked down at the table. "We won't press charges if you agree that she has to do community service here. We have a program where kids come and work for the stores they steal from. They learn about all the stock that is in the store as well as how the store works." The lady security guard said. "That sounds like a good idea!" My mom says. The guards agree and take the merchandise back to the right stores. "Young lady you are in a lot of trouble! You are going to do the community service but with a sore bottom! Just like when Amanda snuck out. You will get a spanking for the whole week. You will get dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon. Now I have to go to the office and register you. Oh and when you get home everyday you will go directly to the room!" Mom, Amber, and I made our way to the mall office to register me for community service. The mall manager told us that the program starts at 7:00 sharp and ends at 3:00 with a 15 minute break at 10 and lunch at 12:30. "Ok so we will see you tomorrow Amelia!" The manager said.
We got to the car and got in and that's when mom started yelling!! And she lectured me all the way home. As soon as we got in the driveway we all get out and make our way up to the door. Mom was walking behind me smacking my butt the entire time!! "I did not raise you to steal! Get your butt up stairs now!!!" I flew up the stairs while mom went to see what was going on with the rest of the house. Amanda was outside sitting by the pool with a few of her friends from school. Annabel and Alice were in the pool with Miranda.
I got up to the room and I got into position. I knew by now not to push my mom. Especially when she is this mad. And one thing about her is you never know when she will walk in. So I'm laying there half naked not looking forward to this. I should not have stolen those things! And now I have to go to stupid community service with a sore butt!! Finally I hear her outside the door. "I'm going to have to call you back. Of course you and the kids can come over. Leo you guys are always welcomed. Ok... I'll talk to you soon! Bye!" She walks into the room and walks directly towards the wall. "Amelia I am so disappointed in you! What you did today is totally unacceptable! Because of it you will be spanked with the belt. Just like sneaking out I will not tolerate it!" She then began with her warm up spanking. 15 with her hand. Then she started with the belt. That first smack stung. Only ten more to go. Second one came but a little lower. Third, fourth, fifth, by number six I was begging her to stop. Only 5 more to go. By the time she was done I was crying so hard I could barely breathe. She stood me up and saw that I was struggling.  "Amelia look at my. Deep breathes. Calm down you are going to make yourself sick." She pulled me close to her and calmed my breathing down. "That's better. Now go stand in the corner. No rubbing!" She said. I did as I was told. I put my hands on the wall and stood there until she came back. I started to think about what I did and I truly regretted it. Besides it wasn't worth the pain of that spanking. I think that was the worst one I have ever gotten.And I still have a whole week of spanking to go.
"Amelia you can come down now!" Mom called from the stairs. I pulled my underwear and pants back up and headed downstairs.  By then Leo and the kids were there. I said hello to everyone and went to sit by the pool. There was no way I was going to change and go in. Little by little all of Leo's kids came out. Tommy went over to talk to Amanda and her group of friends.  Amber and Alexa were getting ready to go in the pool. The twins Robert and Rebecca were playing on the swing set with Annabel, Alice, and Teddy. We ate dinner then I went to bed because I had to be at the mall at 7:00.

The next morning I got up and ate breakfast and then mom drove me to the mall. It was creepy seeing the parking lot so empty.  Mom parked the car and walked me in to the managers office. She had to sign me in and out everyday. After that she left and the manager started handing out papers to some of the employees that work in the different stores. I recognized the girl from the Beach Bum store. She comes over to me and introduces herself as Julie. "You are going to spend two weeks with me and two weeks at Bath and Body Works. Let me tell you these jobs aren't easy. Come on." She says. We start walking over to the store and I feel even more creeped out because the Mall looks like a ghost town. "Is it always this quiet this early in the morning?" I ask Julie. "Yeah it is. We have to get here early so we can check the inventory, clean up the store, make sure the cash is in the register, and set up the displays." She says. We get to the store and she punches in the security code. We step inside and she shuts the gate behind us. Then she puts the security code back on. "Ok Amelia this is what I'm going to need you to do. We are going to go to the back of the store. We have to open all the boxes that are in storage and make sure the correct number of the product is in the box. Then we put a check if everything is there and put an x if everything is not there. Then we put how many are missing. So I would like for you to do that. I have to go to the front of the store and reorganize the merchandise up there. If there are any questions please let me know." I nodded and got to work. Thankfully there wasn't a lot of boxes.  I counted 30 boxes. I was half way through when Julie came back. I started organizing the boxes to. "I hope you dont mind I organized the boxes by one piece, two pieces, and bikinis." I told her. "No I dont mind as a matter of fact I like that better." It was around 9:00 by the time I got done with the boxes. "Boxes are done what now?" I asked Julie.  "Now we just chill for an hour. I can teach you how to help customers. But we don't open until 10. I dont think it will be that busy today anyway. I mean summer is almost over. People have already bought their swimsuits."
So we just relaxed for an hour. Then she went and opened up the gate. By 11 we still hadn't had any customers.  But by then it was time for my 15 minute break. I made my way to the food court and sat down.

Fast forward to 3:00....
I made my way back to the managers office and waited for mom to come in and sign me out. When she did I said goodbye to the manager and Julie and we headed to the car. Once we got in mom asked how it went. I told her the details.
When we got home she reminded me to go to the room.  I said ok. I went back up and she spanked me with the ruler. Which hurt because my butt was still sore!! The next day it was the hairbrush, day after that the slipper, day after that the hanger. And so on. By the time Saturday came I no longer wanted to see the inside of the room for a long time!!

The month flew and before I knew it my community service was done. The following week found us back at the same mall getting clothes and school supplies. I asked mom if we could go to the Beach Bum store and say hi to Julie. "Of course we can!" Mom said. We went in and said hi to Julie. Julie looked at my mom and said. "Amelia maybe young but she is a good worker! I see a lot of potential in her. And under the circumstances I'm really glad I got to meet and work with her! Good job mom!!"
They talked a bit more and then we left. I made a promise to myself to never steal from a store again!!!

My Daughters Part Two Where stories live. Discover now