Part 22

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A few hours later

"Is she going to be okay?" Paul asked.

"She will be fine. It was just a bump on the head, Mr. Stanley, though I would have her get in touch with a therapist once you get home. Her anxiety seems to be out of control." The doctor replied.

"Thanks, We will look into that. Is Y/N going to be able to leave tonight?" Paul asked as he looked at you asleep in the hospital bed.

"As soon as she wakes up, you are free to go but try to keep the environment as stress-free as possible." The doctor replied as he exited the room.

Paul shook his head as he walked over to the bed, taking the stool next to it. He had been trying for months to keep you away from the people that had hurt you the most, yet you seem to pull away from him the more when he did, especially when they needed to be rescued. Now they had put you in the one place Paul had feared, the hospital.

Paul was pulled from his thoughts as you started to stir in the bed. He grabbed your hand and pulled it to his mouth, placing a small kiss on the back of it.

You slowly opened your eyes, looking around the room confused for a bit before you landed on him. Paul tried to swallow the lump in his throat before he tried to speak.

"Hey baby," He whispered as he leaned down and kissed your head.

"My head hurts a little bit. What the hell happened?" You asked, confused.

"You passed out. The doctor said it's from the fall and stress," Paul told you.

"What about Jake? What happened to him?" You asked

"We can talk about that later. Right now, let's worry about you, okay?" Paul asked

"Am I stuck here for the night, though?" You asked.

"No, You're free to go whenever. I'll go get the nurse." Paul said as he walked out the door.

You looked up at the ceiling, trying to process everything that had happened before you blacked out. The last few things you could remember is being shoved down and your little brother being handcuffed. Your mind immediately went to your mom as regret washed over you. With everything she had been through, Jake being arrested again was going to send her over the edge. You felt the tears well up in your eyes as a knock sounded on the door.

You quickly brushed the tears away as the nurse came in and started disconnecting everything. You looked back at the door, confused as to why Paul wasn't behind her.

"Your husband is talking to the doctor one last time before you two leave. He's been a nervous wreck since you went down. You're a pretty lucky lady." The nurse replied as she patted you on the shoulder.

"Thank you. Paul is my boyfriend, though, not my husband. Am I good to go?" you asked, feeling annoyed.

"Yes, Ma'am, just sign here, and I'll go get the wheelchair." She replied, handing you discharge paperwork.


Later That Evening

The two of you were stepping off the elevator and walking toward the room. Paul was exhausted from California's trip and the events that had all gone down during his first day with you. The main goal was to get food for the two of you then go to bed. He grabbed the key out of his jacket pocket as you cleared your throat.

"We should have stopped so I could let my mom know what happened," you said, looking down at the ground.

Paul looked over at you, trying his best to bite his tongue, as the anger built up inside him. You had just been discharged from the hospital, and your only worry was on someone that made it clear you didn't matter. He didn't want to escalate the situation any more than it had already been for the day.

Paul opened the door and went inside as you followed behind him, waiting for him to answer your question. He threw the key down on the bedside table before flopping down on the bed, patting the spot next to him. You sighed but did as he had silently requested, taking your place next to him. Paul wrapped his arm around you, pulling you as tight to him as humanly possible.

"Y/N, sweetheart, I know you love your family and would do anything in the world for them. I don't fault you at all for that, it's one of the many things that I love about you, but baby, you just got out of the hospital because of them. You need to focus on yourself now. Let them figure this shit out on their own." Paul told you.

"I can't just do that to my mom, Paul," You replied, as you leaned up to look at him.

"You can't or you won't?" Paul fired back

You looked down at him, feeling the tears well up in your eyes, as the night your dad had passed came flooding in. you had promised him your mom would be taken care of, and three years later, it was still something you could seem to shake.

"It's my fault that he's locked up..." You started, but Paul held up his hand.

"No! Y/N, it's not your fault!! If you call her right now, she's going to make you think that, though, just like she blamed you for her accident. Please, for your own health, just cut ties for a little bit. Let me help you get better. Please?' Paul pleaded.

You nodded your head as the dam broke, and tears flooded your face.

You knew he was right, but it didn't stop his words from hurting all the same. Paul pulled you back down to him, feeling his heartbreak as you sobbed into the side of his neck. He ran his hand through your hair and down your back softly until you started to quiet down.

"I'm sorry baby, I love you, okay?" He murmured.

"I love you too. Can you arrange for us to leave tomorrow?" You whispered.

"Anything for you." He said as he kissed the side of your head.

Paul continued to rub your back until he heard your breathing even out, and you began to snore lightly. He pulled the cover-up over the top of the two of you. Quickly finding himself falling into a fitful sleep. 

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