Part 26

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The Next Day

Paul sighed as he pulled his SUV into the parking lot of the band's rehearsal studio. He had gone straight from the airport to his house to work on material for the possible new band album most of the night. Paul pulled his sunglasses onto his forehead, taking a good look at his face, and shook his head at the reflection looking back at him.

His eyes were bloodshot from the mix of crying and being up over a day, the stubble on his face was thicker, and his hair sticking out everywhere. Paul looked around in the backseat of his car, finding his baseball cap. He threw the hat on his head and got out of the vehicle, as Gene was pulling in beside him.

"Great, no time to prepare myself for his bullshit," Paul mumbled to himself as he grabbed his guitar case.

"Well, look who made it back safe and sound," Gene said, holding a thick folder.

Paul nodded his head at the other man as he walked into the building and put down the guitar case near his amp. He looked around the room, trying to find the other two band members and their tour manager, finally spotting them in a conference room.

"Hey guys," Paul said as he walked into the room.

He looked down at the other two men, confused as they looked back at him with their jaws hanging open. Paul took a seat at the head of the table, watching as Gene walked around, handing out pieces of paper to everyone. Gene scrunched up his nose as he handed the singer a piece of paper.

"Dude, did you forget how to use a bar of soap or a razor?" The bassist asked.

"They flew home last night, Gene; they had a lot of shit to deal with. Let him be." Bruce said.

"Gene, what the fuck is this? A grunge album that's not what we are about," Paul said, looking up at the bassist.

"Paul, this is what's hip. If you weren't so lost in hicksville, you would know what's going on in the world." Gene scoffed.

"What do we have to complain about, the limo arriving late or the butler not showing up?" The singer said, throwing the paper down.

"Well, if you have something better, then let's see it," The bassist said

Paul glared at the older man as all four men walked out of the conference room into the studio. He walked over to his guitar case, pulling out his acoustic guitar as the other three took a seat around him and waited.

"Alright, I just started this last night, and it's not finished, so EVERYONE, please try to keep an open mind, okay?" Paul said, glaring at Gene.

Paul stretched his neck and fingers out before clearing his throat. He started strumming the soft melody swaying his head back and forth as he started singing.

Each and every day, People turn away.

Change the things they feel, Change the things they say

We can never know, Where our lives will lead.

Wherever you go, Whenever you need

I Will Be There. I want to be there.

I will hear you when you call, Give you anything at all.

I Will Be There, Anywhere

Like a father to his son.

Paul finished off playing the melody out on his guitar before sitting down his guitar on the floor and looking up at his bandmates. Bruce and Eric giving him a thumbs up and smiling at him. He nodded at them. He looked over at his best friend and felt his blood begin to boil at the sight of Gene's smug look.

"It's not finished, and it is not what we usually do," Paul said.

"You really don't have a clue what's going on in the world of music anymore!" Gene said.

Paul stood up from his chair and moved closer to the bassist, doing his best to keep his anger in check. He went through a lot of bullshit over the past two days, and Gene knew how to push his buttons. The older man crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking down at Paul, something he knew the singer hated.

"No, you've lost sight of what this band is!!! We don't follow everyone else," Paul shouted.

"Paul, if you weren't feeling up to coming today, you didn't have to. I know you had to deal with Y/N and her crazy family." Eric said, stepping in between the two men,

"First off, keep your mouth shut about her family. Secondly, we are here to talk about the new album. Are we going to be serious about that or keep up with this bullshit?" Paul asked sternly.

"Where is little Miss Hick anyway?" Gene asked

"Oh boy," Eric said, as he moved away.

"I'm surprised she didn't come with you, it's like she's attached to you, but then again, Y/N probably influenced that horrible song now, didn't she?" The bassist said with a smirk.

"Bruce, get Tommy quick!" Eric yelled,

Paul grabbed the bassist by the shirt and threw him against the wall, glaring at him for a moment before punching Gene square in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. Paul was beyond pissed and now was seeing red. The man had crossed the line twice, first with you, and now with his son. He leaned down and grabbed his friend's shirt again as he drew back his fist. Tommy and Bruce trying their best to pull him off the older man.

"You son of a bitch, Don't you EVER talk about Y/N like that again!" Paul spit, pushing the men off of him.

"Oh, Mr.Sensitive," Gene laughed.

"At least I put my heart into my songs and play a part in raising my kid, unlike someone," Paul said as he walked away.

"Paul, wait!!!" One of the guys yelled.

Paul ignored them and continued to head to his car, knowing that more damage would be done if he stayed any longer. He got in his car and punched the steering wheel, flinching at the instant pain that coursed through his hand. Paul looked down to see his knuckles were bleeding and shook his head at the sight of his hand.

"The audacity of that bastard," Paul said as he started the car and sped off.

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