Part 8

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You stood in the kitchen with little Evan, making his bottle before Paul put him down for his 8:30 bedtime. You had started to adjust to life as Paul's girlfriend and his routine of taking care of his son and the chaos of his work schedule. Though doubts started to cloud your mind, his work found him leaving the house later. Leaving you to find yourself going to bed alone or waking up alone.

Evan shrieked at the sight of his dad coming around the corner, causing you to look up from your task and smile. Paul returned both of your smiles as he pulled on his jacket over his black shirt and vest. He was going out again, the third time this week.

"Do you mind putting him to bed for me? I have to meet my friend for another dinner meeting, so ill be out late." Paul asked.

Doubts filled your head that he could be cheating on you, as Gene's words came back to haunt you. Maybe he was right, Paul didn't do relationships just passed the time with a girl for a couple of months and then moved on.

"Yeah, that's not a problem. Evan and I have become pals since we've spent the last few nights alone." You told Paul

He came over kissing his son on the head and then dipping down to kiss you quickly. Grabbing his keys off the hook for his sports car and headed to the door.

"I appreciate it, Y/N. I'll I'll probably be late so don't wait up. I love you both" Paul yelled as the door closed behind him.

Sighing you carried the two-year-old up the stairs, the kitten Paul had adopted for you in tow. Flipping on the light to the nursery before laying Evan on his changing table to get him ready for bed.

"Daddy, go bye-bye Y/N." the little boy told you.

"Yeah, buddy, he did. Let's get a book to read so you can go to bed." You replied

You quickly changed Paul's son into his pajamas and sat down in his rocker, reading him the same book for the tenth time in the week you had been around him. Soft breathing filled the room, giving you the sign Evan had fallen asleep. This had become a routine that you were sure you could become used to if Paul didn't throw you out and replace you with his new flavor of the month.

Tears started to pull at the side of your eyes as you headed to the bedroom you were sharing with the singer. The thoughts over the last four months playing in your head. The passion, chaos, and joy the two of you had shared. Gene's words still played like a broken record, you were a hick from a small town in Oklahoma, and Paul had millions of girls doing anything they could to be in the spot you were.

The phone ringing pulled you from your thoughts. Wiping your eyes and taking a shaky breath before reaching for the phone.

"Hello?" You asked

"I'm looking for Paul, is he there?" A woman's voice asked

"No he's not, Can I take a message?" You snapped

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