Part 31

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Later That Evening

You entered the security code into the gate and waited for it to open so you could pull the car into the driveway of Paul's house. Your stomach started to turn as the anxiety built up. You haven't spoken to each other in a week, and now you were showing up to tell him the biggest news of your life, not knowing how he would react to it.

The gate opened a few seconds later, and you drove the car up the steep driveway seeing all the cars parked outside the mansion. You parked the car closest to the garage and shut the engine off, rubbing your hands across your face and taking one more deep breath; whatever happened, you knew you would be okay.

"Please let this be okay," You prayed as you got out of the car holding the small package.

You stood in front of the door, trying to get the courage to knock as the sound of music blaring behind it. You banged on the door multiple times, waiting for someone to come to it. After a few minutes, Eric came opened the door grinning at the sight of you.

"Oh my god, Y/N, what are you doing here?' He asked, pulling you into a hug

"I came to talk to Paul. Is he here?" you said as you pulled away.

"Oh yeah, he is, but maybe you should let me go find him," Eric said, looking away from you.

"What's going on?" You asked

"Well, you see.." Eric started,

You held your hand up to stop him and pushed him out of your way, going to find Paul yourself. The anxiety you had earlier was quickly turning into anger as you moved down the hallway seeing the different women and crew that work for the band. You scanned the room finding a small blonde woman sitting on your boyfriend's lap.

"PAUL STANLEY" You screamed.

Paul shot his head up from the woman on his lap to you, his mouth hanging open at the sight of you standing in the living room. You turned and ran toward the door, hearing Paul yell your name behind you. You wiped the tears away, trying to get to your car and get the hell away from the place when you felt a hand on your shoulder stop and turn you around.

"Y/N wait, please," Paul yelled.

"Why Paul, so you can give me some stupid excuse?" You said as you turned around to face him.

"Why didn't you call and tell me you were coming home?" Paul countered.

"I guess I should have that way that bitch could have been out in time. Is that why you hightailed it out of Oklahoma?" You asked.

"I fucking left because you picked those people over me! You weren't exactly running behind me to stop me from leaving the hospital, I thought we were over, but I wasn't going to sleep with her." He said.

"Then why didn't you call me back?" You sobbed.

"You never.." Paul started.

"Fuck you, Paul, you didn't even give me a chance to come back to the hotel and talk," You spit as you opened the door to the car.

You took one final look at Paul before slamming on the gas and speeding down the long driveway. You sobbed as you continued down the street, tears blurring your vision. The whole situation pulled up in your face, you wanted a happy reunion, and it backfired.

The sight of the gift in the passenger seat caught your eye, making you wish you had just followed Paul out of the hospital that day. The sound of a horn pulled your attention as you looked up to see another car coming in your direction.

"Oh fuck!" You yelled,


Paul's POV

"EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OUT" Paul yelled as he walked back into his house.

Paul watched as everyone gathered their belongings and bolted out the door, not daring to look at him as they left. Paul walked toward the living room, searching for his bassist, knowing he wasn't going to be able to control his anger. He turned around the corner finding Gene leaning against the counter talking to Tommy.

"You motherfucker! This situation is all your fault!" Paul snarled.

"What did I do?" Gene asked, confused.

Paul pushed Tommy out of the way as he grabbed the bassist by the shirt and threw him against the wall. Paul caught out of the corner of his eye the road manager racing off to get help. Gene grabbed the singer's hands, trying to pull them off of his shirt.

"Did she call?" Paul asked.

"Maybe she did, so what? You had a better girl on your lap tonight. That's what you deserve, not trash." Gene said

"You bastard! You erased her message!! I lost her because of you!" Paul yelled.

Paul slammed his fist into the bassist's jaw, watching the blood splatter out of his mouth. Gene slumped down, trying to recover from the hit. Paul pulled the bassist back up and punched him again in the face and then in the stomach before letting him fall to the ground.

"You stay the fuck away from me. I'm not going to let you destroy another one of my relationships. I never aired out your dirty laundry when it came to Shannon. You're not a brother. You're a snake," He said.

Paul looked down at the bassist one more time as he walked out of the kitchen, feeling the swelling in his hand already starting. He headed toward the bathroom seeing Tommy and Bruce walking toward the kitchen to help the bassist. Paul turned the faucet on, running his hand under it, hissing as the hot water hit his hand.

After a few minutes, Paul shut the water off. He opened the medicine cabinet, trying to find some bandage to wrap his hand. His thoughts racing faster than Paul could control. Now in six months, Paul had hit his bandmate twice, all for a relationship that just crumbled.

A knock echoed off the door pulling Paul from his thoughts as he finished wrapping his hand. He swung the door open, finding Eric standing in front of him looking ghost white with the phone in his hand.

"I don't know how to tell you this," Eric said.

"Spit it out Singer, what is Gene throwing a fit?" Paul asked, annoyed.

"Paul, there was a bad accident, and um, Y/N was severely hurt." The drummer said.

Paul snatched his keys off the counter and ran out the door racing to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. 

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