Part 29

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"Paul, what happened? Your front door was unlocked, and this place is a wreck," Eric asked, sitting next to the singer.

Paul sat up in the bed, rubbing his eyes before looking around the room seeing what Eric was talking about. Camera equipment smashed everywhere and holes in the walls. A liquor bottle was lying with the picture of you and Paul on the pillow next to him.

"What are you guys doing here? Did I miss a meeting or something?" Paul asked as he looked at both men.

"We've been trying to call you for two days, man, and Pam called, trying to find out if you had made it back home yet. When she called, we got worried about you." Gene told him.

Paul scoffed at the bassist comment feeling the anger build up at the site of the man. He looked at Gene's lip seeing the gash in it, and remembered he had laid the bassist out after his comment about you and Evan. Paul jumped up off the bed, scooping his t-shirt off the ground and throwing it over his head.

"Gene gets out, I'll handle Pam, but the sight of you right now makes me want to hurl," The singer admitted.

"Easy Paul, I know things were said the other day, but we are all here because we care about you," Eric said, grabbing the singer's shoulders.

"Where's Y/N?" Gene asked as he looked around the room, concerned.

Eric pushed back down as the singer attempted to charge at the bassist.

Gene put his hands up and moved away from the other. Eric turned back to Paul, waiting for him to answer the question, seeing the singer's chin quivering. Paul sat back down on the bed, covering his face to hide his tears.

"Gene, why don't you go back to the house to see if you can find a number for Y/N or something," Eric said.

"She's gone, man! Y/N isn't here anymore, all because of those fuckers manipulating her into taking care of her mom and brother! I loved her, and that wasn't good enough, I'm not good enough," Paul sobbed.

"Are you sure, man? She loved you. I don't see her just taking off," Eric said.

"Really, Eric? She's just another gold-digging.." Gene started to say.

"Out! Call Pam and tell her that Paul is home and safe. Then go find something to do that will help our friend, Now," The drummer said, as he pointed toward the door.

Gene opened his mouth to say something else, making the drummer jump up from the bed and push him out. Eric slammed the door behind him rolling his eyes. Paul uncovered his face wiping his nose with the sheet on the bed. He looked over at the drummer and shook his head, one of the few times he was at a loss for words.

"Do you want to tell me more of what happened?" Eric asked.

"Well, her brother got arrested for putting his hands on Y/N. Well, her mother found out and tried to bully Y/N into staying for a few more days to bail Jake out. When Y/N tried to ask me for more time, I gave her the ultimate of them or me, but I left assuming she would pick them. She hasn't called or anything, man," Paul told the drummer.

"Do you want me to try and call her or maybe your therapist? Bro, you look and smell bad?" Eric said, holding his nose.

Paul chuckled at the comment getting out of the bed and walking out the door back toward the house. He looked around, trying to find his best friend, finally noticing him by the phone in the kitchen pressing buttons on the answering machine. The singer slowly walked into the room-clearing his throat, causing the bassist to jump and turning around.

"What are you doing there, Simmons?" Paul asked, arching an eyebrow, confused.

"I was just seeing if you had any messages from Y/N, but there's nothing," Gene replied with a small shrug.

"Figures, I'm going to take a shower since I've been informed that I smell," Paul said, running up the stairs.

"Was there no new messages on the machine?" Eric asked as he turned toward the bassist.

"Scouts honor, I may be a bastard, but I wouldn't hurt my best friend like that," Gene replied with a small smirk.


Reader's POV

"Y/N, It's Paul. I wanted to let you know I'm flying out in about five minutes. There's a ticket waiting for you if you come to your senses and decide to come back home where you belong. If not, I understand, and I wish you the best."

You sat down on the bed, looking at the phone in your hand as you slowly tried to process everything you had just heard in Paul's message. You had both let anger get the best of you and assumed the relationship was over without really talking everything out. You were jumping off the bed you quickly through all of your belongings into your suitcase.

"No better way to find out if we can make it work than flying back home," You mumbled.

You grabbed your suitcase and room key, hurrying down to the front desk to check out. Paul hadn't left any details on when your flight was set to leave, just that it would be waiting for you if you decided to go back to California. Throwing everything into the trunk of the car before taking one last look at the area.

You silently said goodbye to the town that had brought nothing but misery in the thirty years you had been alive—climbing into the front seat of the car speeding off to the airport in high hopes of saving your relationship.

In 20 minutes, you were waiting in the long line in front of the service desk, patiently waiting for the line to move forward so you could be on your way back to Paul. After ten minutes, you were greeted by one of the service desk attendants. Quickly pulling your I.D out and handing it over to the gentleman in front of you.

"There's supposed to be a ticket waiting for me here. Can you check for me ?" You asked nervously.

"Yes, Ma'am, It looks like a first-class ticket is here for you to California," The clerk replied.

"Thank you," You said as you grabbed the ticket from the man.

You scanned the ticket in your hand, looking for the gate number to board the plane. Finding the correct gate, you started heading toward the waiting area, feeling a smile grace your face for the first time in days. You made it to the gate just in time for the plane to be boarded and quickly found your seat in first class.

You leaned your head against the window, looking out at the clouds as you tried to think of the best way to tell Paul the big news and what you would do if he didn't believe you. He was such a good father to Evan and seeing them together melted your heart. You hoped to be half the parent he was and nothing like the woman that brought you into the world.

"No matter what happens, I will always be here. Let's see if your daddy feels the same way," You whispered, rubbing your belly. 

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