Part 15

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Paul looked down at the phone in shock by how you had lashed out at him. He was worried and had approached the situation wrong. He hit the redial button as he watched his two-year-old play in the living room. After a single ring, the call was sent to voicemail, causing Paul's heart rate to accelerate. He slammed the phone back on the base.

"Goddamn it!" Paul said through gritted teeth.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as he leaned against the kitchen counter, trying to come up with a plan to fix the situation and meet everyone's needs at the same time. Evan babbled in the living room, making Paul see the little boy fussing with your little kitten. Paul felt his heart slowly break, knowing his son's attachment to both you and Maverick.

"Whatcha doing, Ev?" Paul asked as he walked into the living room and took a seat next to his son.

Evan smiled up at his dad and pointed at his cars before returning to his previous task. Paul's mind raced as he watched the little boy play. Paul had two people that were his top priority to keep safe, but knew his time with his son would be put on hold for a bit if Paul flew out to Oklahoma to check on you. The little boy going with his dad wasn't an option, with Paul not knowing the situation he would be walking into.

Paul sighed to himself, knowing the only option he had would be to have Pam take the boy early. A fight he didn't want, but he saw no other choice. Paul needed to know you were safe even more so now that you had decided to shut down communication with him.

"Dad, When is Y/N coming back? I miss her," Evan asked, slightly looking at his dad.

Paul took a deep breath, trying to figure out the best way to explain to his son when Paul didn't know himself. He kissed his son's head before heading back to the kitchen to make arrangements.

"I miss her, son, me too. How about I go find out for both of us, and then we will make breakfast?" Paul asked, smiling at the boy.

Paul took one last look at his son before grabbing his cell phone and walking toward his office. Taking a few deep breaths, he punched in his ex-girlfriend's number feeling his stomach turn as he waited for a response, with no luck.

"Pam, it's Paul pick up; if you're there, I need a favor," he said.

Paul stuffed his phone back into his pocket and stormed out of his office. Evan looked up at his dad as Paul scooped him up, walking out the front door.


"How long am I gonna be stuck in this hell hole?" Your mom groaned.

You patted her shoulder as you pushed her down the hallway of the physical therapy unit. You were doing your best to keep your attention on your mom. Your thoughts were on the conversation you had with Paul before you had left the hotel earlier in the day.

"I'll find out from the doctor while you're in your first session. Try not to worry." You said,

"If your brother were here, I would be getting care at home, not left in a hospital while you go back to Mr. Rock Star." She snapped.

You rolled your eyes and continued to push her toward the exercise room, not in the mood to have two fights in one day. Your main goal was to get through the next two days before you had to decide what you would do at the end of the week. The sound of someone clearing their throat pulled you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see a doctor standing in front of you.

"Mrs. Stanley, I'm Dr. Stewart, your mom's doctor during her stay here." The doctor said, extended his hand.

You looked from the doctor and then down at your mom as you felt yourself cringe at the statement. You looked down, shaking your head at your mom. You shook the doctor's hand as he led you into the equipment room. Your mom continued to scowl as you took a seat next to her wheelchair.

Hide Your Heart From The PastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora