Part 28

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"Melissa, I was hoping to get out of town without seeing your face again." You said

"Sorry to disappoint, Michael and I were grabbing things for your poor mother, what's that in your hand?" She asked with a smirk.

"Cant you leave things alone or is your life that fucking miserable that you have to take everyone else down with you?" You snapped.

"Oh poor little Y/N, she was asked to do a job that the oldest daughter is required to do and couldn't handle it. So she told a bunch of lies to a big rock star to escape her duties.Now look at you knocked up and where is Paul? I heard he left the hotel last night and flew out of here." Melissa said

You doubled up your fist and punched your aunt square in the nose, watching as the blood-splattered everywhere and Melissa hit the floor. You shook your hand out already noticing the swelling, as the tension left your shoulders. You finally got a chance to let them get a dose of their own medicine only wishing that Paul would have been with you to see it all happen.

"Bitch" You said, as you walked over her body.

You quickly headed to the front of the store and paid for the test. Checking over your shoulder a couple of times to make sure Melissa didn't get up and come charging after you. The last thing you needed was to get arrested because of a member of this family. Nausea hit again pulling your thoughts away from your family and back to the original task. You checked the door of the store one more time before climbing back into the vehicle.


Paul POV

"When is the last time you've talked to him?" Eric asked

"Well, let's see not since he punched me in the mouth," Gene replied

"Don't act like you didn't deserve it, Gene, you know you were out of line" Eric told him.

"Shut up and knock on the door, asshole" Gene said, as he pushed the drummer toward the door.

Eric rolled his eyes at the bassist before turning around and banging on the door. The drummer tapped his foot impatiently waiting for Paul to come to the door, but after a few minutes, there was no sign of their friend. Gene reached around the drummer grabbing the door handle and turning it, finding it unlocked.

"That's odd," The bassist said, as he walked in

"Yeah since we all walked in on him and Y/N, you would think he'd keep the door locked," Eric replied.

"Paul! Are you here man?" Gene yelled toward the stairs.

"Y/N?" Eric asked as he headed in the opposite direction

Eric walked toward the kitchen looking around for his friends opening different doors checking for his friend. The drummer turned around seeing the door to the backyard feeling his heart sink.

"Uh Gene, the back door is opened, that's not like him at all" Eric said turning toward the bassist

"Maybe they are out in the studio, bonehead," Gene said, pushing past the smaller man.

Eric followed behind Gene scanning the patio and pool for his best friend and you worried about what they may find. Gene slowly opened the door to the little guest house pointing at the drummer to go in first. Eric rolled his eyes and walked in. He scanned seeing the damage done to the room and hearing the crunch of glass as he moved more into the room.

"What the fuck happened in here?" Gene asked

Eric shrugged his shoulders at the bassist's comment and moved toward a large figure wrapped in the corner of the room. He grabbed the blanket pulling it back slightly to find the singer fast asleep reeking of booze.

"Paul, wake up dude," Eric said, as he shook the singer's shoulder

Paul slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times at the sight of the drummer before trying to snatch the blanket away and cover his head back.

"Go away, and leave me the hell alone" Paul mumbled


"This is the longest five minutes of my life!" You yelled as you checked your watch again.

You paced back and forth from the bedroom to the bathroom waiting for the test results. You looked over at the phone wondering if calling Paul would be the best thing at this point or if you should just accept the results of the test and move on with the outcome. You ran a finger across your eyes wiping away the stray tears that had escaped.

"Why bring the man down anymore in this horrible situation he hadn't asked to be in?" You asked yourself

You took a deep breath trying to stop the building anxiety attack, as you looked down at your watch. Finally seeing five minutes had been up. Heading toward the bathroom you grabbed the stick out of the small cup feeling your knees buckle at the two lines in the little boxes. Sinking to the floor and pulling your knees to your chest you loudly began to sob. Your thoughts racing to yours and Paul's relationship to the tumultuous one with your mother.

After a few minutes, you pulled yourself off the floor and wiped your face off, before heading back toward the bedroom. You looked at the hotel phone trying to make a decision on calling the only person that truly loved you, which is still a mystery to you.

"Better now, than never," You said, as you picked up the phone.

You punched in the numbers to the house phone, taking a deep breath as you patiently waited for someone to pick up the other line. After numerous rings, the answering machine greeting came across the speaker causing you to groan.

"Paul, It's Y/N listen I know you're still probably pissed at me, but there's something we really need to talk about. It's something that should be done face to face, though I understand if you don't want to see me. Call me on my cell phone. Love you, bye" You said, before hanging up the phone.

You looked at the phone one more time wondering if calling the man's cell phone yourself would be a better option. You scanned the room looking for your messenger bag finding it hanging on the back of the door. Snatching off the door you opened it up rummaging through it to find your phone. If he was going to call you wanted to make sure it was at least charged up some.

You turned it on finding a miss call and two voicemails flashing across the screen. Familiar nausea started rising as you pressed the number for voicemail on the device waiting for the first message to play.

"Oh my god," You whispered, as tears fell down your face. 

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