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I walked my hands through the hair of my little one lying on my lap. A smile settled on my face as the yellow tufts sned between my hands one by one.

"What story are you going to tell today, Dad."

I giggled at the slightly lisy speech and put my hand on my chin. I put a serious expression in my face and started thinking. Atlas turned to me, lifting his head and opening his big blue eyes with curiosity. He was curious about the story I was going to tell.

"How about a girl with a red hood?"

"I listened to him."


I took my eyes around the shelves of the books library fixed to the other wall.

I told him almost all the tales.

I took my hand off my chin and got off. I turned my eyes to the window and watched the snow rain slightly for a while. Just as I was about to take my gaze, a light bulb flashed in my empty mind, illuminating memories in the darkness. I hit my hands together with joy and turned to my little one. Half curiosity filled with half joy turned his eyes to me and smiled. I left a little kiss on her slightly chubby cheeks like herself and put her back in my lap. I put my hands in the yellow tufts and walked them slightly. I turned my eyes out the window and focused on the white grains that landed on earth.

"Do you want me to tell you the story of two princes?"

"But don't fairy tales have princes and princesses?"

The edge of my lip curled up.

"No, there's no princess in this fairy tale. There are only two princes and their epic love of languages."

Atlas moved and settled more into my lap. He picked up his teddy bear and hugged him tightly.

I rolled my eyes.

He loved his teddy bear more than I did.

I rested my idle hand on the bed and rested my back on the headrth. I took the water from the night night and finished it in one seam. I put the empty glass back and lyed my rotten cherry lips. I took a deep breath and took a break from my lips.

"Once during, there was not. Two years ago, there was a boy who grew up with fairy tales just like you. He always dreamed he'd find true love. Then this boy grew up and fell in love with someone he thought was a fairy. But as if he didn't know, this man he thought was a fairy was actually a demon who ruled all evil..."

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