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After 1 Years

Bulut Öztürk

I put my jacket on and checked the gun on the night police and placed it on my back. With the familiar melody, I turned my gaze over the table.

'Arya Öztürk'

As a distressed breath came out of my lips and blended into the air, I picked up the phone and pressed the green button. I put the cold glass in my ear and stood on the seat I was sitting in.

"Hello, son."

I responded to your cheerful voice with an eye-roll and an expressionless voice, even if I didn't want to.


"Don't cloud it, I've apologized to you a thousand times, son."

A smile devoid of emotions settled on my lips.

"Can your apology bring me back my connection to Aras?"

I had a soulless laugh with the silence that formed.

"That's what I thought. Now say what you want quickly, I've got work to do, Mom."

That word I used after a long time seemed so foreign to me.

"I was going to ask if you were coming to dinner."

I just sit back.

"I have one last delivery. If it ends early, I'll come."

By the end of a year, I'd been in the position of boss, but I was still making some deliveries myself.

After all, it was hard to find reliable people in this day and time, and I wouldn't want to lose important clients.

I rubbed my tired greens with my fist hand and turned my gaze to the table. Petrified by the familiar sea smell that filled in, he broke the thick layer on my heart and started beating fast.

I raised my right hand and pressed against my heart, which beat like it wanted to dislodge.

I took my looks off the table and walked them around the room.

There was no one there.

As my heart turned to its normal rhythm with disappointment, I walked my gaze through the black walls.

If there was no one in there, where did that smell come from?

As I directed my gaze back to the table, I paused with the glass bottle that caught my eye.

I picked up the bottle and took it up my nose.

I instantly felt my eyes fill with the smell of the sea filled my nose.

That was Aras' scent.

As I snapped from my eyes and made my way to my cheeks, I breathed deeply and confined it to my lungs, the beautiful smell I longed for.

"How did you do that? How did you tie me so long to yourself in that short time?"

Last time I took a deep breath and trembleed for the first time in months, I put the perfume back in its place. I wiped the age that flowed down my cheek and stood up. I went out on the gray floor. I went down the hallway of my new room and called the bathroom.

Yes, my new room.

A few days ago, thanks to my superior weapons skills, I was promoted to where Aras was before. Naturally, I settled in Aras' room.

Before I settled in the room, I wanted it cleaned up and nothing left about the old because I knew that when I saw something about Aras, I would get confused and go back to the way I was, and it wasn't even the last thing I wanted.

I finally wiped my eyes filled with sinks I found and sped in.

There were a few people inside.

I raised the decibel of my voice and hit my hand on the floor of the taps.


Those inside jumped out of their place in fear.

I tightened my teeth and mumbled to myself.

"Flock of sheep."

I got in front of one of the taps and turned on the faucet. I put my hands under cold water and filled my palms. I slammed the cold water in my face and refilled my palms. I once again brought the cold water together with my skin and turned off the faucet. I put my palms on cold marble and turned my greens into a mirror covering a wall.

If just smelling it again makes me like this, then I'd give it a hug...


That's never going to happen.

I ruined his life.

I let him down.

I don't deserve him.

He's happier without me.

I didn't resist my filled eyes again and let my tears meet my cheeks.

He's happier without me...

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