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I took my steps to the door after I looked at myself for the last time in the mirror and decided I looked good. I opened the door and went outside. I went down the stairs to the outside door. I took my coat and put it on. I was ready after I put my bag on my shoulder and put my boots on.

I took a deep breath and opened the door and went outside. I closed the door behind me and went down the little two-step staircase in front of me. As soon as my boots reached the white background, they were buried in a few inches. I smiled and touched the other foot black.

I loved the winter season because the most beautiful fairy tales always come out of snow-covered countries...


I rubbed my cold- fried hands together and climbed the five-step staircase of the glass building. I walked through the revolving door and went to the front door.

"Hi, I was accepted here yesterday."

The middle-aged man straightened his bone glasses and looked at me with a wedgy expression.

"Can I get your name?"

"Bulut Özdemir."

"Well, you're with Mr. Aras today, but don't even enter the company."

It was the ear-tying sound of the ringing phone interrupting his words.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

The old man took the phone to his ear and listened for a while. Then he turned his tired eyes to me and walked me around for a few seconds.

"All right, sir, I'm sending it."

He put the phone back and pulled some papers out of the drawer. He put the papers close to me and left them on the table. He took one of the pens and left it on the papers.

"Read and sign, please."

I nodded and took a quick look at the contract. Then I decided it was pointless to look further and picked up the pen and let the black ink get on the white page. I signed my name and handed the paper to the man. He took the paper and turned his tired eyes to my greens.

"Mr. Aras will be here in five minutes. You can wait for him outside."

I confirmed it with my head.

"Good work."

"To you, to you."

I got off and made my way to the revolving door.

Why did I have to wait for him in this cold?

I wish I could have kept him as short as he kept me waiting...

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