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I need someone to talk to...


I rushed into my G-wagon and drove out of the school while calling Vivian.

This number is switched off.

What is going on with her? I'm worried.

When I got home, I ordered some Chinese food hoping Noah would deliver it this time.

I just want to see him once more. I just want one geniue smile of someone that truly cares.

I want to explain to him. I want to tell him. He was right. I was wrong.

I jumped into the shower and scrubbed my body so hard till I felt my skin was going to peel off.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of good memories but none came.

He hurt me.

I scrubbed my body harder as his face kept appearing in my head. He was wearing that smirk.

  I memorized every touch.

I fell to the ground and groaned loudly as the cold water hit my body.

Every moan

I screamed, wishing the voice in my head could shut up but it didn't. I tried to scream but I only let out a sound of a dying chicken.

Every gasp of excitement as he explored my lips.

I felt used. I wanted my first kiss to be someone special but... Parker Ford. He stole it. He trapped me.

I felt so dirty and humiliated.

I scrubbed harder and harder and harder and harder as my sobs filled the air. I screamed and shouted as I felt his hand on my cheek.

I sobbed so hard that I gasped for breath. I tried to calm down but I couldn't. To other girls, what happened might not be a big deal; but to me...

I tried to breathe but the room was closing in on me. I tried standing up but my limbs failed me. I gasped but it seemed like oxygen had gone scarce.

"Emily?" A familiar voice called me as I saw yellow dots.

"Emily? You're scaring me. Are you okay?" The voice asked. I tried to pin the voice with a person but I failed miserably before I passed out.

N  O  A  H    B  E  L  L  S

I walked up to the Perkins house to deliver Emily's order only to notice that the door was opened but still I knocked.

I knocked for a while but got no response so I went in. Different thoughts ran through my mind as I saw her car keys on the floor.

Was this Parker's way of getting back at me?

Was she robbed?

Was she kidnapped?


Was she raped? I could die if a guy laid hands on her.

"Emily?" I called but got no answer.

I left the keys on the floor for evidence. You know, if something actually happened to her.

I walked upstairs to her room...

Don't ask me how I knew her room, that's another story.

I saw her sneakers beside her bed. That's so unlike her, she's always organised and neat.

"Emily? You're scaring me. Are you okay?" I asked and got no response.


I heard the shower running and I heaved a sigh.

She was just having a shower.

I sat on the edge of her bed and waited for her.

No movements.

"Maybe she's busy with her girls stuff in there." I thought.

I can't take this anymore. Maybe she was raped in the toilet and she passed out.

I need to stop these thoughts.

"Emily?" I called out going closer to the bathroom.

She is legit going to freak out if I go in there.

But I just want to know if she's safe.

I walked in only to be met with the most heart breaking sight.

There she was, my Emily, sprawled on the floor naked, looking lifeless, pale face, white knuckles, red patches on her skin, damp hair, water still flowing on her body that laid on the ground not moving.


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