Best Friends

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Just two little words, but it makes me lose all control I have. I sling my fist and hit his face with so much force he stumbles back and almost hits the door. His eyes blazed with hatred and I smirk; hate only fuels me to go on. He walks out, fuming and Caroline shakes her head at me and says, "You shouldn't have defended me. You are only going to get yourself deeper." She hugs me and I wrap my arms around her. "Don't worry I'll be out of here soon." I whisper looking out at the dirt road out my window. "He loves you. He is mad at himself for what happened with your mother." Caroline whispers and I hug her tighter. "You won't have to worry anymore." I whisper as she walks out my room. I look out at the road, knowing it will always be my home. I smile as Chase calls and I answer it.

>>C: Hey baby girl K: Hey sexy C: I got bad news; I have to leave today to play a show in Austin, Texas tomorrow. I'm sorry we can't do Bachelor night. K: I'll survive. I'll miss you though. C: I'll miss you more K: Bullshitter C: I bullshit a lot, but not to you. K: Awww, aren't you just the cutest thing. C: No you are the cutest thing. I'm the sexiest thing. What's new in your life? K: My dad is being an asshole, but I graduate tomorrow and turn eighteen, so I will be free from him and his shit. C: You should cut him some slack, baby girl. It is terrible raising teenagers like you and me. We have rebel souls and we hate doing what our parents want. We really don't think of their point of view enough. K: I like you, but your advice is kind of pissing me off. And my fist hurts like a bitch. C: What did you do to it? K: I punched my dad real good. C: Baby girl, you shouldn't get yourself in so much trouble. K: I can't help it I swear trouble follows me around. C: Or you have a temper problem like I did in college. K: You sound like Ryder... C: Who's Ryder? K: He is my best friend; he plays football. C: What is he like? K: He can be an arrogant bastard, but he has a genuinely huge heart behind all that cocky shit. C: He sounds like a decent best friend. K: He really is the best and he is really protective and I find it really sweet sometimes. C: Sometimes, huh? K: When you are flirting with a hot guy, it gets infuriating when your best friend drapes his arm around your neck and shoots the guy a death glare. C: Hey, I like this guy already. K: He'll probably hate you at first honestly. C: I'd hate me too. K: You're so cute. I just want to squeeze you so hard. C: Trying not to smile at what you just said is impossible. K: See you are SOOOOO CUTEEEE! C: Goodness, baby girl, quit squealing in my ear. K: Maybe I should you sneak out to see you while you're on tour. C: That would be pretty fun. K: We could get lost in my truck when I meet you out there. C: You shouldn't have this effect on me already, but I could text you my tour dates for the next couple months. K: Hell yes, sugar. I need that list and my pups and I will be down there with you. C: You know it, baby. What are your puppies' names? K: Cash and Strait, they are the cutest babies in the world. Cash is a bloodhound and Strait is German shepherd. C: You talk about them like they are cute little puppies, but I know for a fact those dog breeds are giant. K: They are pretty decent sized... you could say. C: I miss having a dog real bad. K: Well, they could be ours, baby. C: I'd love that. Oh shit. I got to go talk to my manager. Can I call you later, gorgeous? K: Whenever you can, Chasey. Talk to you later.<<

I hang up the phone as Ryder, Cade, Jack, Cash, and Strait come stomping into my room. Ryder's towering muscular six foot three frame is home to a beautiful smile, the biggest heart, and more loyalty than any other human anyone else I have ever met; he has longer chocolate hair that reaches the collar of his shirt. Ryder is intense and will put so much into people and teams so that they will succeed; he is a totally different person when he is around me, he becomes a protective, invested, softhearted and caring. Everytime he moves you can see every muscle in his body flex and move; it causes everyone to fawn and fall at his feet as if he is royality. Cade is shorter than his big brother, Ryder and his golden blond hair was cut to a neat short length, but he had a much sweeter personality to everyone unlike his older brother who can be quite cocky and arrogant. Cade and I have an extremely close relationship because he is like my baby brother. Jack has been Ryder's best friend and mine since we all met; his shaggy blond hair and big eyebrows made him look comical; his looks matched his goofy, laid back nature. He was the one who settled the arguments between Ryder and I because everyone else was too scared to intervene because we get so bad-tempered when we are fighting.

"Hey beauty." Ryder says as he lies on my bed without permission. "Hey Beast." I tease back and he puffs out his chest in pride. Ryder's little brother, Cade wraps his arms around me and pulls me tight against his chest. I smile at his sweetness and wrap my arms around his waist. "Goodness, Cade. I love you more every time you hug me." I whisper and he chuckles. I feel the deep rumble of his chest against me as he laughs and it brings a bright smile to my face. "Okay, break it up. It is my turn, little guy." Jack says, cutting in and I laugh gently as Cade lets go of me grudgingly. Jack wraps me up in his arms and lifts me up as he spins me around the room.

"So who gave your dad that huge ass bruise forming on his face? His eye is going to be swollen shut tomorrow." Cade says when Jack finally puts me down. "Forget about your dad's bruise, who the hell marked you?" Ryder says with his eyes wide. "Well, his name obviously starts with a C because that's what he made right here." Jack says with a sly smirk on his face and I punch his arm. "Kathleen Elise Bryan, if you don't tell me right now, I'm going to go downstairs and ask your father about who did this." Ryder growls and I sigh deeply. "Logan was cheating on me with Jess." I say and kindhearted little Cade clenches his fists in anger. "I found out last night." I say shaking my head "And I went to Brian's; I slept there and then the next day Chase Rice was there during the big storm. And Jason and Britt were there too; well, BK and Jason got into an argument and Chase and I ended up having sex. And apparently he marked me and then Dad found out and he called me a slut and he was treating Caroline bad. And I told him to stop and he said 'make me' and I punched him in the eye..." I say sheepishly, trailing off at the end.The boys' eyes were wide and filled with disbelief, well except Jack whose eyes were filled with amusement. Ryder starts sputtering and Jack starts to chuckle at my life. "Your life is better than Nashville. I swear I am watching a soap opera." Jack says still snickering hardily. I shoot him a deadly look and he stops for a second and then he starts to laugh again. Cade is still shell shocked and Ryder has finally got it together. "Holy shit, my little Kate isn't innocent any more. I am not sure whether to kill Chase or give him a cigar." Ryder says with shock still in his system. "Well, he left for Austin about an hour ago so you really can't do either for a while." I say with a little sadness in my voice and Cade recovers and shoots me his charming little smirk just like his big brother. "Awww, do you miss your lover boy already?" Cade teases and I roll my eyes as the boys all start laughing and the dogs join in with barking and howling. "Why is this so funny to y'all?" I say in exasperation.

"Think about it, Katers. You're the girl who has always been wild yet innocent, but always talked about being dirty, now you are wild and not innocent. You punched your dad in the face for being a jerk and lost control. You always said you'd never lose control, but here we are sitting in your room because your dad won't let you leave because you had sex with Chase Rice, scared the fuck out of him, and broke his face. It is pretty ironic." Ryder declares and I realize he is right. "I am surprised it didn't happen earlier. You have a pretty short temper, Kate." Jack says and I nod in agreement again. "I love you, Kate. Don't forget that." Cade says and I wrap my arms around the guy I consider my little brother. "I love you too, Cade." I whisper and Jack and Ryder hug us. I smile because they are my family and the people I would die for without a thought.

"I'm going to miss y'all so much when I leave here. It will be so hard to figure this all out. I love y'all so much." I say and they hug me tighter. Then Ryder stiffens up and I sigh knowing he understood what I said. He pulls away and we all let go; I look out the window at the dirt road that keeps calling my name. "Why are you leaving? What do you even mean leaving?" Ryder says in desperation and his eyes were worried. "I have to leave someday anyway. I am making my get away this summer. I mean my dad already hates me so it won't be near as hard. I just have to figure out leaving y'all. I mean I'll be back, but never here forever." Cade's bright loving eyes dim and he looks at me with tears in his eyes; his stance makes him look like I told him his mom died. I start to cry when I see him in that state. I sit against the wall as sobs rack my body and I let all of my brokenness flow out in my tears. Ryder gathers me up and sits me on his lap; I lay my head on his chest and cry with my head buried in his chest.

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