Having fun together/ Meeting Mr. Chase Rice

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She just stares at me, and gets slowly out of the truck; I shut the door, and push her against it. I crush my lips roughly and she moans into my mouth. I trace her lips with my tongue, and she denies me access. I growl and rub my fingers inside her upper thigh she moans in reaction to my closeness to her core; I slip my tongue in her mouth. We fight for dominance until a deafening clap of thunder makes her jump.

She pulls away, runs to a puddle, and jumps into it causing the water to fly in every direction. I laugh at her playful and child-like attitude; she runs towards me after picking up a handful of mud. "Don't you even think about it....Kate!!!" I yell as the mud slams against my white T shirt. She giggles, and splashes in more puddles.

I smirk to myself as I get a great idea on how to get her back good. I grab a handful of mud and toss it at her. It hits her shirt, right on her boobs, and she looks surprised that I would stoop to her level. "You are gonna get it now, Brian Edward Kelley!!!" she declares with an adorable smirk on her face. "Bring it, Kathleen Elise Kelley!!" I challenge her, saying her name with my last name sounds so good and natural. She genuinely smiles before throwing a handful of mud into my hair. She smirks at me, and then throws another handful of mud on my used to be perfectly white shirt. I slip it off because it is ruined now any ways. She smiles at me and jumps in a giant puddle; "Are you coming, BK?" she yells over the pouring rain, and rumble of the thunder. I nod my head and run into the puddle with her. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. She squeals and yells "BK, PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" I smirk to myself as she slaps my ass. I pretend I'm gonna put her down, but then pick her up bridal style; she giggles and squeals as I pinch her ass really quick. Her giggle makes me grin even wider than I already am.

I look in her eyes and lean forward; I crush my lips on hers and smile at all the sparks that are running through my whole body. She rubs her tongue against my lips and I let her in. We make out in the middle of a puddle in the middle of a huge thunderstorm in the middle of the day. Bright headlights light up the darkness around us, and I pull away when I hear a familiar and teasing voice. "Hey Brian, I'm sure it is great to let your girlfriend freeze in the rain." I turn to look at Chase, with Kate in my arms still, bridal style. I notice Kate is giggling and I smirk at Chase. "Nice to see you wanted to ruin the moment, Chase." I yell over the pouring rain. "Just get her in the fuckin' house; she is shakin' like a leaf." He yells and I notice that Kate is shaking like a leaf.

Chase runs onto the porch and open the door for us; I carry Kate in and try to set her on the couch. "No, Bry, it is too cold. Don't put me down." She whines, still shaking. "I'll hold her while you get the towels and stuff, BK." Chase says, smiling at the adorable girl in my arms. "Fine, Chase will hold you while I go get some towels and clothes for you to wear." I mumble and Kate smiles at me reassuringly.

Kate's POV

BK hands me to Chase, grudgingly; "You've got em wrapped around your little finger don't you?" Chase asks smirking. I snuggle against him to get more body heat, and he chuckles. I smile at how his chest rumbles as he chuckles; "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Damn, you are so warm." I say snuggling even closer to Chase's chest. "You are the cutest girl I have seen. Seriously why haven't I met you before?" he ask smiling as I bury my head in his chest.

"Because I was a naïve idiot and didn't see who loved me, and who was just using me." I whisper into his chest. "I'm glad you see that Brian loves you, cause I can see it in his eyes. I never noticed this till right now, but you look a lot like Luke Bryan." He drawls, his southern drawl is really sexy. "Yeah, that may be cause he is kinda my father." I say smirking.

"Wait, you are Luke Bryan's daughter? The perfect, princess like daughter, but is known by the singers in Nashville for being a crazy, badass, wild child, that one?" he asks with surprise in his tone. "My reputation keeps getting better; the public thinks I am the perfect daughter, while all the famous singers know I am a badass who gets crazy. That does make a lot of sense, because almost all of those people know me personally; they have seen me be a wild child first hand, and work magic on my daddy, so I can get away with pretty much anythang." I say smirking.

"I heard that your daddy is real protective of you. I heard he yells at the roadies if they even talk to you." Chase says smirking at me when I roll my eyes at my dad's protectiveness. "Don't get me started, but the roadies they are easy, so I fuck em then act like I never ever looked at them twice." Chase's eyes get really wide, "Wait are you telling me you are a slut?" I slap him, and act pissed off. "Wow, I can't believe you're so gullible! You think I would actually let some dirty roadie touch me. I would never let that happen in a million years." I say smiling then make a face of disgust when I say roadie. "That is good to know, baby girl." Brian says as he walks in the room; his hair isn't muddy anymore, so he must have taken a shower.

"Finally, I thought you were going to leave me alone with this dumbass forever." I say jumping off of Chase's lap, and run to BK. "Hey! I held you for a half an hour because you were so cold!" Chase yells in protest, and Brian picks me up, and I play with his spiky yet soft, wet hair. "You should go change into some dry clothes, baby girl. I laid some on the bed for you." "Thank you, sweet pea." I say, before kissing his nose; he sets me on the

ground, and I head into his room.

I smile at how rustic and neat it is; his bed is made of small logs of red wood. It is like log cabin themed, actually his whole house is. I walk to his bed and look in surprise at the light blue lace bra and panties lying on the bed for me beside a vintage Willie Nelson t shirt, a light blue chevron pair tall socks and a pair of BK's shorts. I smile as I slip on the bra and panties and I put on the Willie Nelson shirt. It goes down to my mid thigh, and I decide to put on the socks because my feet are freezing. I try to put on the shorts but they fall off, so I decided to leave them on the bed. I look in the mirror and realize I kinda look like a slut, but oh well.

I walk back into the living room, and BK is looking at something the other direction. Chase's mouth drops, and it just opens and closes like a fish; "Dude, what the fuck are-" Brian turns around, and freezes when he sees me; his mouth drops. "Do I really look that ugly? The shorts fell right off, so I decided to leave em off." I say scratching the back of my neck, looking at the ground. "Kate, why the hell do you have to be so fuckin sexy and innocent?" Chase says, finally able to speak. "Sexy? I was thinkin' more along the lines of slutty." Brian walks to me and cups my face forcing me to look in his eyes. "Baby, listen to me, okay," I look at the ground. "Kate look in my eyes," I look in his beautiful blue diamond eyes. "Kate, you are beautiful. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and this shit were you call yourself a slut or slutty or something along those lines, is the most bullshit I have ever heard. You are faithful, and you deserve the best. You impress Chase without even sleepin' with him and that doesn't happen to very many girls, let me tell you." "Dude, that is not cool." Chase interrupts Brian, mock upset. I smile at him, and look in BK's hypnotizing twinkling eyes; his lips softly pressing against mine. My eyes close as he caresses my cheek, softly; causing fire to light through my body.

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