Why me?

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Kate's POV:

We kiss passionately till a grunt interrupts us, and I pull away; I stick my tongue out at Chase. "Don't look pissed at me I'd rather not have to watch you two have sex, unless it is my turn with Kate. We could have a threesome though, that would be fun." Chase suggests, mischief clear in his eyes. "We should, BK. It would be so fun." I say, in eagerness. Chase and I smile at BK excitedly; "I seriously can't deal with two Chases, and there is no way I'm gonna have a threesome with you two." I roll my eyes and give Chase a wicked smile.

"Fine, then Chase I will go have sex, while you watch t.v. We will have a good ole time, won't we baby?" I say as I walk over and crawl into Chase's lap, he looks surprised at first, but like the guy he is, he pulls me closer. He moves his face, so our lips are almost touching. There is just something by the way he is touching me; I just can't get enough. BK's touch doesn't feel this good; the butterflies are going crazy in my stomach. I pull away from Chase reluctantly, and I look at BK.

He is just on his damn phone, and he gets a phone call. He looks at the screen and grins like he just saw the love of his life. He answers the phone and says "Hey gorgeous, how ya doin' baby?" I stare at him in disbelief; I get up and dash out of the room. I walk down the hallway to the bedroom BK and I slept in last night. I curl up on the bed and lay there silently. My shallow breaths, pouring rain and the thunder are the only noises I hear, but they are all quiet compared to my pounding tired, broken heart.

Chase POV:

I move my face so Kate's lips are almost touching mine, my heart starts to race and I am suddenly nervous. When I touch her it feels amazing; like I'm holding something really perfect. She looks at me with her beautiful blue Bambi eyes with green flecks in them. They are truly breathtaking, and she moves her lips away from mine and looks at BK. He is just playing on his damn phone and then it starts playing 'Honey Bee" by Blake Shelton. He looks at it like it is the most incredible thing in the world. He answers it and he says "Hey gorgeous, how ya doing, baby?" in a flirty, happy voice.

That is all it takes for him to break Kate's heart; she takes off down the hallway. I growl and cuss at BK. How could he hurt a perfect thing like her? I clench my fists trying to resist the urge to punch him in the gut. He just chats with some damn girl, acting like she is the most amazing thing in the world. I can't take it anymore and I get up. I walk over to him and grab his phone out of his hands. I hang it up and punch him in the gut.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Brian grinds out, as he doubles over in pain. "Me? What about you, dumbass? You just broke her heart. I never viewed you as a two timer, but obviously I was wrong." I seethe at him. He looks away ashamed, "I love Kate, but not as a boyfriend, I guess. I love her as my best friend." I stare at him in total disbelief. "Are you kidding me? You kiss her and act like her boyfriend, but you only think about her as your fucking best friend." I roar, hoping he realizes how stupid he sounds. "I didn't realize it till now." He says, quietly.

"She probably thinks you are just like that dumbass who just broke her heart." I hiss; shame and anger cloud his face. "I'm nothing like Logan! He had sex with other girls. I just..." he trails off and I finish for him "You just flirted with other girls and acted like Kate was the only girl in the world when she was around. You don't deserve someone as amazing as her." I stare at him.

He looks up at me and shakes his head. "You are right; she deserves someone way better. Someone who is really in love with her. I hope you and her get together; y'all are perfect for each other. You will treat her like a princess, promise me that, Chase." He says looking me straight in the eyes. My mouth drops at the way he noticed the way I look at Kate. "I promise, Brian. You should go fix this thing with her. She may love you the same way; y'all should figure this out." I urge and he nods. He walks past me towards Kate's room and I follow him.

I look inside the door and my heart twists in pain when I see her broken expression; her eyes look haunted like there is monster staring her in the eyes. BK tears up when he looks at her, "Gah, I can't believe I did this. She looks like she is being chased by monsters." I walk past him and I sit on the bed beside her. I pull her onto my lap, and she wraps her arms around my neck.

She lays her beautiful head on my shoulder, and she whispers, " I don't blame him. But, why me?" I ain't sure if she talking to me, but I wrap my arms her. I hug her tightly, and I whisper, "I'm here, baby. I'm always gonna be here. Right now that might not be enough, but that's what I can give you. " She looks at me, her eyes with a slight twinkle. "It's more than enough. You don't even know how much that is. People don't do that for me. I don't blame them though; I am just a hurricane waiting to happen." Her words are much too experienced and wise for an eighteen-year-old girl.

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