(sister dear) Steve Harrington x Sister!reader part 5

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Will get to season one in the next one, because this one ran a little too long 😅

Think this is good enough to become its own separate story?

Also, just a quick rant, someone I know (who is incredibly toxic) got into stranger things and idk why but that low-key pisses me off. Especially knowing that she's also simping for Steve Harrington.

Anyway, you don't want to hear me complain.



You were trapped in that horrible place for so long.

Every breath felt like shards of glass ripping down your throat.

Vines wrapped around your ankles whenever you stumbled past them.

Any sound sent you running for the hills.

The monster knew you were somewhere in that place. It knew that you were alive and running from it... and it loved the new game it had. You just knew it did.

You were just a mouse to it.

A delicious snack.

Something to track and play with.

It never outright attacked you.

It hid in shadows.

It scraped its claws along the cement or along the sides of trees.

It emitted strange clicking noises before you could see it.

Then it would attack.

Even then, it would only leave you with scratches. Occasionally, a bite mark.

You hid in Steve's old bedroom for most of the time. You would sit curled up on his bed, dreaming that he would come through the door and chew out the monster for being late. Or maybe throw IT in the pool instead of you.

Maybe he would apologize.

Or rescue you.

Take you out of the weird place.

Bring you home.

One day, she did see Steve.

But it wasn't REAL Steve.

It was never real Steve.


You shivered, pulling up the blankets of Steve's bed to your shoulders. They were BLANKETS for crying out loud. Why wouldn't they make you feel warmer? You had three of them on, after all. Even rubbing your hands up and down your arms didn't help.

It felt like you had been there forever.

It was only two weeks.

Tears slipped down your face, dampening the blankets beneath you.

"I told you running away was a dumb idea." Steve's voice spoke suddenly.

You nearly fell off the bed in shock. "STEVE!" You nearly screamed, covering your mouth before it could get out. You paused and turned to look at the window, waiting to see if the monster had heard.


Not even a clicking noise.

You whipped back around and stood up. "Steve?" You called out quietly.

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