Luke Patterson x anxious! Reader (last one)

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I'll explain why she's anxious in the story XD she's not just gonna be like "ahhh... I worry about... stuff... cause anxiety."


"Come on! Will says this guy might be able to help us!" Alex told his band members as they walked down the street. "He could help us become visible again! Isn't that cool?"

  You shut your mouth and trailed behind your friends warily. You tried to ignore their chatter but you couldn't. Your thoughts were being pulled in a million different directions. 

 Something was going to go wrong.

You could feel it in your shaking hands. 

What if something separated you and your friends? 

What if you had to go on without them? 

You were lucky as it was to becomes ghosts with them!

Luke glanced back at you and rolled his eyes playfully. "Alright, guys, let's stop for a second." He put his hands in the universal "time out" sign. "Regroup."

  You frowned as your band mates stopped curiously. "What's going on, Luke?" You crossed your arms.

  "Why're you so nervous?" Luke chuckled to himself, draping an arm over your shoulder. "We're gonna be seen again! We should be celebrating!" 

   You removed yourself from him immediately. Being that close made you feel crammed and crowded. "I'm not nervous!" 

  Alex raised an eyebrow. "Girl, you're shaking." 

  You looked down at your quivering hands and covered them. "Yeah, it's just...cold." 

  "You're dead, Y/N." Luke teased, unaffected by your abandonment of his attempt at comfort. "Ghosts can't feel the cold." 

   "Yeah, stop lying!" Reggie shook is head in fake disappointment. "I thought we were friends!" 

  You were too worked up at this point to realize he was joking. "We are! I'm just... I can't..." your mind was racing to find something  to say. Anything but the truth would have worked. "I don't want to meet this Caleb guy! I feel like somethings gonna go wrong and we won't have Julie and the one good thing about this afterlife will be gone and-!" 

  Luke rolled his eyes, making you stop. "Don't be so anxious! It's all gonna be fine!" He placed a hand on your back and began guiding you back in the direction you all were going in the first place. "Why do you worry so much?" He mumbled to himself. 

  You tensed a bit. 

  Why was he treating you like a little kid? 

He didn't even let you finish talking! 

And now he was just steering you towards certain death?

You shoved his hand away from you and walked over to Alex instead, hands wrapping around his arm to keep you steady and moving. 

  "Hey, what gives?" Luke protested. 

 "Drop it, man." Alex told him quickly. 

  You didn't bother looking at Luke. You already knew he was offended. 

  It wasn't really spoken, but Luke was always the designated person for you to cling to. At band practice when you were tired, at concerts when you got nervous, and late at night when you were beginning to fall asleep after street dogs. You and Luke never dated, but you still had a crush on him. 

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