Gone gone gone (Peter Parker x Reader)

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Relationship status: Best friends
Description: This is at the time when Peter's uncle Ben died and Peter is blaming himself and shutting everyone out. Y/n decides to be there for him, no matter how many times Peter tells her to leave. And all she wants is for him to be healed. 
Not a request, I'm just bored

Also I wrote these next few like two years ago and it's 1:00 in the morning and I don't feel like editing

        I sit with Aunt May at her table. We've made a habbit of meeting every monday night for coco in her apartment. It's always at that time, because that's when Peter is hit the hardest by his sadness. Peter and May might be related, but they take sorrow differently. When i first visited May after the funeral, she all but welcomed me in, inviting me for dinner and even staying the night. When i asked why, she said she had to be strong for Peter and being around other people was good for her. May and I talk late into the night. The topics always vary, but they usually find their way back to Peter.

           I sip the coco thoughtfully. "Do you think we'll ever be friends again?" I don't look her in the eyes. But i can tell she immediately knows I'm talking about Peter. We never say his name, because he's only a room away. "All he does is shut me out." I set down the mug and put my hands over my eyes. "He just seems like he doesn't like me anymore." It had been about two months since Ben died. And all he did was bury himself in hate.

        May's gaze fills with sympathy. " Oh sweety," she says as she craddles my cheek, "I'm sure Pete will come around." I look away from her. "Peter just...needs more time." She seemed to be fighting to find the right words. " I know Peter still cares." 

    "He ignores me in school. He was paired with me as a partner in chem, and he requested someone else. He invited Ned over to build legos, but not me." I remembered when i was Peter's go to lego buddy. Before Ned. Sure, Ned's cool, but i feel as if Peter's replacing me slowly. 

      "Try talking to him again while i go start some laundry." May smiles. I shake my head, knowing my efforts will be fruitless. When i walk down the hall to his room, i notice it open a crack. I open it slowly and see Peter cashed out on his bed. I want nothing more than to go over and kiss his cute sleeping face. But, he likes Liz. I know cause Michelle spilled the beans while we were in math. Apparently she stalks Peter and Ned at lunch. 

      Instead i reach for my bag and pull out a pen and some pictures
-------------------------------------Peters Pov---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  I wake up to the door closing. My eyes open slowly as i hear voices fade. I rub my eyes. I feel so tired all the time. I guess having a secret identity does that to somebody. I know that y/n was here. She talks with May every monday night. It's like she knows that's when i need to hear her voice the most. 

      I shift so I'm facing the door. Instead, i see something littered across my desk. I get up to look closer, and see that they are photographs. They are are placed upside down so i can see her careful penmanship. I pick up the first one and it says: when we first met. I flip it over and see a picture of seven year old us. I remember that day. I accidentally knocked out four of her teeth by jumping off the swings and not looking where i would fall. Instead of getting mad, she was happy, because now the tooth fairy had to visit her four times in one night. So we became friends.

       I smile and look at the next one. It says: my first sleepover with you. I flip it over and see us as eight year olds, our faces smeared in chocolate as we run around the apartment dressed up as pirates.

 Her eleventh birthday party, celebrated at Chuck E Cheese.

playing tag in the park

Failed attempt at baking (ending with both of us covered in flour)

8th grade graduation

Freshman orientation


Study day

 It progresses like this, watching us get older. My smile grows wider the more photos i flip over. And then i get to the last one. It says: the day i knew you had my heart and love.

        I flip this one over with shaking hands and see us going to comicon together to meet Mr.Stark. That was before i was spider man. She was dressed as Natasha Romanoff and I was Clint Barton. We somehow managed to make it look pretty good. It had taken a lot of convincing from her to get me to dress up. 

     I know, I did push Y/n away, and let Ned in, but Ned found out who i am on accident. Ned is in danger, and I can't let Y/n in anymore danger. And whenever i see her, i see us laughing with Ben. Next to the last picture was a note. 


    I know you're hurting from Ben. I know you want to push everyone out. But, you're doing more harm to yourself and others. Please, at least let Aunt May back in. She can help. She sure helped me. Just...don't blame yourself for Ben. 


      -------------------------------at school next day------Y/n pov--------------------------------------

    I walked slowly down the hallway to my class. I missed Peter. I missed him so much. I don't know if my gift did anything, or helped him, but it helped me. 

         I saw Peter hanging out with Ned next to his locker, talking about something. I remember being that person for Peter. I looked away, speeding up as i walked past them. "Was it you?" I heard him say quietly as i  passed. I stopped. "Did you leave those pictures in my room last night?" 

       I nodded slowly. What if i only made him mad? what if i destroyed any chance i had at getting our friendship back? What if he hates me now. "Yeah, I did."


 I knew i made a mistake. I should have left him alone. But it's too late now. "Because I don't like watching you hurting Peter. I care about you, way more than you know." I looked down. "I just wanted to be there for you. and i see that i shouldn't have bothered. I'm sorry." I tried to speed walk away, but Peter surprised me.

      He hugged me. "Why should you be sorry?" I was flabbergasted. "You helped me. And i love you for that." Did Peter just say that? After all these years? He said he loved me? 

      "I love you to." I smiled.

It's probably very crappy, but whatever. like, vote, comment, and share!

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