(sister dear) Steve Harrington x sister! reader part 4

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   Your memory was hazy...

where were you? 

Why was everything so bright?

 You flinched as an even brighter light was brought to your eye, the lid around it being pushed open. 

 "Subject seems to be stable." A mans voice echoed loudly in your head. "She's reacting well."

  You groaned, trying to brush the hand away. but... why wouldn't your hand move? 

 You tried again.

  It was restrained by a cold metal cuff. 

  "And the family?"

  "They ate up the story." 

 "Good. We needed their hearts ripped out, and ripped them out you did." 

 "They won't come looking for her, sir." 

  You blinked your eyes rapidly. Why wouldn't your eyes adjust fast enough? 

 "Any witnesses?"

  "One, but we eliminated him before he could become a threat"

 "And the story you gave the public?" 


 "What about the police officer. And the other workers at the morgue."

  "The officer and the workers suspected nothing."

 "Very good."

  You frowned at the blurry figures in front of you. "Steve?" You called out softly. "Hopper?" 

  "You neglected to tell me she's awake." The second voice stated disappointedly. 

  "Sir, I didn't-!" 

 "No matter." The man brushed him off. 

  The man walked closer to you. 

  "Where am I?" You asked quietly. "Why am I here?" 

  The man gave his colleague a glance, some message hidden behind it. He looked back and cleared his throat. "Miss. Harrington, what do you remember?" 

 Miss. Harrington? Was that you?

  Your eyesight was clearing up already. The man had Snow White hair and a face full of analyzation. He didn't seem to be as kind as he liked to portray. 

 "I... I remember my brother..." The more you tried to remember... the harder it was to grasp at your memories. "I remember the woods... and the cold weather..." 

  "Is there anything else." the man asked, writing on a clip board. "Anything that stood out to you." 

   You shook your head, horrified that you could barely even remember your brothers face. "I don't know anything else." you studied the man before you. "Who are you. how did I get here." You struggled bit harder against your chains.  

   He clicked his pen and handed the clip board to another man in a white lab coat. "My name is Doctor Brenner. You are here to pave the road to a bright future of knowledge."

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