Voltron x reader (motherhood)

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Okay so I kinda wanted something a little heart felt and sad, and I got back into Voltron again so here we goooooooo. Also since Mother's Day is on its way it's kinda themed that way. Go hug ur moms okay? Or go hug the people that matter to you if you can't or don't want to :p 

By the way, there's mentions of death so... beware? 


"Keith, don't push yourself too hard." You called from the side of the training room with worry. That boy kept upping the fighting level of the training bot. He hadn't eaten breakfast yet, he hadn't had any water, and he went to bed late last night. It was just a disaster waiting to happen. 

  Keith wiped the sweat off his forehead and readjusted his grip on his sword. "I'm fine." He ran at the bot again. 

  You bit at your nails nervously. "You want to take a break? I can make you a snack or something. You should really eat or take a nap..." 

"I said I'm fine!" He yelled as the bot swiped at him. "You're distracting me! Just go!" 

You swallowed your hurt. "Okay... let me know if you need-."



"Hunk, that's dangerous!" You called up to the yellow paladin.

He was cooking in the kitchen and was trying to reach the bowl on the top shelf. Instead of grabbing a ladder he used a swivel chair. 

"I got it!" He yelled down to you. 

You knitted your eyebrows together. "You sure? I can grab a ladder... or I can get the bowl for you?" 

He could fall and hurt himself. 

He could break a bone.

He could get a concussion.

"Y/N, no offense, but I don't need your help, okay?" He informed you, stretching his hand out to grab the bowl. "I got it. I can do things myself, you know." 

"I know..." you trailed off, running closer to stabilize the chair he was standing on. "I just worry about you guys." 

  "Just stop, okay?" His fingers barely touched the rim of the bowl. "We don't need a mom." 

 His words ripped at your heart. So you let go. He was right. They didn't need a mom. You were just being a smothering worry wart. 

"Okay." You sighed, leaving the kitchen and casting one last glance at the disaster waiting to happen. "You're right! But if you need anything-."

  "Nope. I'm good."


"Pidge, maybe you should put the computer away." You told the girl from your spot on the couch. "You've been on it all day."

She wasn't being very social. It couldn't be good for her. Maybe a little time away from it would be good for her.

  She snorted. "And do what?"

  You frowned at her. "I don't know, play a game? We could rope the other paladins into it." Your worry faded as your enthusiasm grew. "Maybe Allura and Coran have some Altman games we could try?" 

  "I doubt we'd understand it." Pidge shot that idea down immediately.

  You tensed a bit. "Okay... maybe we play an earth game!" 

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