Soulmate AU (Peter Parker)

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relation ship status: friends, and she knows he is spider man
story type: fluff :)
story: so i saw this on pinterest, so i am NOOOTTTTT saying i made this up. Definetely not. it was by the desperately single house wife, as it said in the comments. I just saw this and REALLY loved it. The AU is where you have a black mark on where your soulmate is gonna touch you for the first time. I saw and LOVED it, because when they touch it, it creates a burst of color on the skin. like a colorful firework. Y/N doesn't have a mark, but you will have to deal with black hair. Sorry if you don't like that :) again, disclaimer, i no make this up myself


          you walked up to the school of midtown tech highschool, desperately wishing to turn invisible. Of course, it was all buzzing in the halls about how some people found their soulmates. Others, you could just tell that they found their soulmates based on the way they played tonsil hockey together.

          Soulmates, Bleh. You weren't ever going to find yours since you never got your mark. Your mark was supposed to appear when you were born, anywhere your soulmate would touch you. But your skin was unblemished by any soulmate mark.

            You brushed your black hair into your face, knowing you would be getting the same looks as last year. It was always a mix of pity or pride that they knew they weren't the most hopeless case. It was torture, mixed with the typical high school terror.

          "No luck?" Michelle inquired as she fell in step with you.

         you just shook your head. "I'm going to die alone, with only my twenty cats to keep me company."

            "Eh, that sucks." She said, sticking her tongue out. You could tell by the way she rolled on the balls of her feet and fiddled with her hands that there was something she was excited about. Something she wanted to tell you.

         "What is it you want to say?"

      She took a deep breath. "I found my soulmate!" she rolled up her sleeve to reveal the splotch of bright colors on her forearm. "Ned Leeds. Who'd of thunk it?"

            Gloom settled in your stomach. "Wow, good for you." you said meekly as you walked. "I'm happy for you."

        "Ned decided to take me on a date to top it all off. He took me to the bookstore and told me to get whatever i wanted. He bought me a coffee and we then went to a movie. He paid for it all." She looked dreamily at the ceiling. "I never would have thought that would happen to me."

        (ladies, get yourself a Ned Leeds. don't settle for someone less than that. Don't settle for someone who treats yourself like garbage, cause you deserve better:D)


     She realized what she did. "Sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel left out."

        "It's fine."

       "MJ!" It was Ned. Michelle grabbed your arm and dragged you over to her boyfriend. You then noticed Peter, standing with him. You had to admit, you liked that boy. But he would never be with you. Once he had saved you as spider man and no burst of color appeared. So he just stayed in the friendzone.

   You just glared at the floor.

    "You to?" Peter asked as he shuffled over. "I didn't find my lucky girl yet."

  "I didn't find my lucky guy. And i never will since i don't have my mark yet."

       "Hey, you'll be okay." He said as he touched your shoulder with a gloved hand. "If i never find my soulmate we can be single pringles together."

       It hurt your heart, but you smiled anyway.

------------------time skip-----------------------------------

     "Truth or dare?"

   "I choose none of the above."

"Y/n, you can't do that."

"Watch me."

  "Truth or dare?"


  You immediately regretted your descision. Having people over for a get together and playing truth or dare was so stupid. especially when one of them was an inaccessable boy you loved. The one who infuriated you, the one who shared laughs with you, the one who paid attention to you, and the one who paid for meals for you. the one and only peter parker and spiderman. it seemed like just a crush, and you hoped you would grow out of it soon. It hurt, knowing he would never love you.

            Michelle smirked, feeling a tiny bit evil. "I dare you to sit on peters lap."

           Immediately, your face went bright bright red. "wha-what?!"

       you turned to Peter, and sure enough, his face was the same color. In fact, it even looked like the color of his spiderman suit. His soft brown eyes flickered to yours before looking away.

           How could Michelle do this to you?

       "Fine." you slowly got up and moved over to Peter.

         What if you were to heavy and crushed him? or disabled him? Spiderman can't save people while being disabled! well, who knows, he might. But what if Peter just thought you wanted Michelle to plan this? Or what if he thought... I DON'T KNOW?! SOMETHING NOT GOOD?!

              Slowly, you sat on his lap, fitting perfectly. stiff, and like a board, you stayed there, only coming  in contact with his clothing.

             "Alright, continue." Peter stuttered, not knowing how to react. Michelle and Ned shared a look, evil thoughts racing between them.

            you sat there the whole time, blushing furiously. The game moved on, nothing at all as drastic happening.

          "Y/n?" peters small voice squeaked. "c-can i braid your hair?"

       if you weren't red before, you sure were now. ", sure."

            As soon as his hand touched your black hair, a burst of colors and light lit up the room.

Everyone shrieked (mostly ned) and backed away.

"WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?! IS MY HAIR ON FIRE?!" You, however, had no idea what happened.

            Michelle immediately shrieked, "YOU'RE SOULMATES!!! I KNEW IT!" She and Ned hopped around like crazy five year olds. "MY SHIP HAS SAILED, THANK THE HEAVENS! I INTRODUCED YOU, NOW YOU MUST NAME YOUR FIRST BORN CHILD AFTER ME!"

             You leaped off Peter immediately at these words. "WHAT?!" you grabbed your hair, seeing that it was no longer black, but a large array of blues, pinks, greens, yellows, and purples. it seemed to emit light.

             "But, Y/n and i have touched before! How can this be?!" Peter exclaimed, shooting the question at everyone. "Not, that, ummm, you know, it would be a bad thing."

                Ned shouted, "you and her only touch when something is seperating you, like clothing, or a spiderman suit!"

            you turned around and looked at the dumbfounded peter. "wow." you both said.

           at first, the information made you both awkward, no one speaking. your eyes couldn't even leave the floor. apparently neither could his. the glow died down from your hair, leaving it y/h/c. finally, you both looked at one another.

                         Peter cracked a smile.

        you couldn't help but smile back. soon enough, you were both laughing and holding one another. he peppered your face with kisses, causing giggles to errupt from you throat. Inside Peter's arms, you never felt safer.
a little cliche and such, but I'm not sorry :D

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