My Favourite Song, My Favourite Band!

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***********************************3 days Later********************************************

Jades POV:

Its been 3 days since Sophia wouldn’t wake up from her nightmare, ever since we have been right by her side and waiting for her to wake up!The docter had told us that Sophia was having a flashback from her past, i nodded and he conitinued to say, it must have been a really bad one because she reacted really bad to it. we aren’t sure what it was about and when Sophia wakes up we will let her tell us in her own time.’ we weren’t sure if that was good or not but at least we know whats going on. Sophia had a heart attack and is now in a coma. No-one knows for sure how she will be but we are all thinking positive! Sometimes its been too hard for Tori, bless her shes only young, so she had to be taken out by Jesy or Leigh. Chrissie was upset but was taking it well. I was so scared for both of them, i mean they are both young and there best friend is in a coma!

Tori’s POV: 

I can’t bere seeing Sophia like that, i mean i’ve known her for ages and we have spent everyday together and now i have to watch and can do nothing while shes in a ‘coma’ i think thats what its called. I didn’t know what it was so Leigh brang me out of the room to explain. I was terrified that something might go wrong a Sophia might go. I’ve already seen my Parents die and seeing my best friend would just be painful!

Jades POV: 

I was still beside Sophias bed holding her hand and squezzing it tightly talking to her. i was trying to get her to wake up and apperently it helps if she can hear familier voices. i knew she liked the dna album because i was looking for some clothes and saw that she had been listening to ‘we are who we are’ I was thinking on what to do and thought me and the girls could sing that to her. I gathered them around and decided we would sing ‘ we are who we are.’ 

Momma, momma, momma made me the way I am

My face, my eyes, someone turn me up, I'm speaking my mind

And I, and I, I've been wasting lot of time looking in mirrors

And hating on me, but now I like what I see

I know, I know, I never be perfect

I know, I know, but I'm gonna work it

Let go, let go, put your new shoes on

The new you on

We are who we are, who we are, pretty's just a pretty word

And I'm gonna shine like a star, cause I'm the only me in this world

Throw with the books and the magazines, 

I never gonna look like a beauty queen

We are who we are, who we are, and I'm just doing me, just doing me

And I'm just doing me, just doing me

Momma, momma, momma made me the way I am

She told me I should look up on the world with my head held high

And I, and I, I've been wasting a lot of time looking in mirrors

And hating on me, but now I like what I see

I know, I know, I never be perfect

I know, I know, but I'm gonna work it

Let go, let go, put your new shoes on

The new you on

We are who we are, who we are, pretty's just a pretty word

And I'm gonna shine like a star, cause I'm the only me in this world

Throw with the books and the magazines, 

I never gonna look like a beauty queen

We are who we are, who we are, and I'm just doing me, just doing me

And I'm just doing me, just doing me

I know, I know, I never be perfect

I know, I know, but I'm gonna work it

Let go, let go, put your new shoes on

The new you on

We are who we are, who we are, pretty's just a pretty word

And I'm gonna shine like a star, cause I'm the only me in this world

Throw with the books and the magazines, 

I never gonna look like a beauty queen

We are who we are, who we are, and I'm just doing me, just doing me

And I'm just doing me, just doing me

And I'm just doing me, just doing me

And I'm just doing me, just doing me

And I'm just doing me, just doing me 

We finshed singing and all frowned until i felt a hand twich. i looked down and sophia was moving  her arm! i screamed in excitment, when i finally calmed down i whispered ‘ Please open your eyes Sophia, we are worried sick.’ Just then i felt a bit of fidguiting and then Sophia opened her eyes!

Sophia’s POV:

I heard muffling voices, singing. It was my favorite song, it was my favorite band! OMG Little Mix are singing! i listened as they finshed. i tried to open my eyes but i couldn’t. I wondered what was wrong. I tried to move my legs but agan i couldn’t. then i tried my arm and it moved. I heard screaming and shouting. Then finally heard Jade whisper to me ‘ Please open your eyes Sophia, we are worried sick.’ i tried to move my eyes but i couldn’t. After a few minutes i tried again and it worked! i opened my eyes to see 7 people over me.


Authors Note:

Hey Guys, 

Sorry, i was going to update on monday and had written 5 chapters and then i lost all of it! So i had to rewrite and think of chapters. also on top of homework and schoolwork :) xxx 

I will try to upload tomorrow, Friday or Saturday. 

Tell me what you think :) xxxxxxxx

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Em <3 xxxxx

( Follow @happymixer4life on twitter :) xxxx ) 

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