What Happened?

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Sophia’s POV:

4 hours later

It is now 6 pm and we are sitting down eating dinner, i have always had a small apitite so when Jade brought me fish and chips i couldn’t finsh 1/2 of it off. I felt really bad but i thought i was going to be sick! I asked Jade if i could be excused and she said yes. I ran up to my room and shut the door. I was just about to put music on when i heard the girls talking. ‘ Guys we should ask her.’ I heard a voice say. ask me what? i questioned. I put my music on and ‘We are who we are came on! Yay i love this song i thought outloud.’ In the middle of the song there was a knock at my door. I turned my music off and opened the door and standing there was all of the girls i let them come in and they all sat with me on my bed. They all looked serious, i was wondering what was up when Jesy spoke. ‘ Hey babe, do you not want anymore food?’ I shook my head and she sighed. she continued ‘ Babe are you anerixic?’ she asked me with a symperthetic look on her face. I shook my head. I think it was time i told them about my past i mean the first few hours have gone well haven’t they. ‘ The reason i don’t eat alot is because of my past.’ I paused they all nodded understandabely. ‘ I think i’m ready to tell you guys about my past’ I continued. They all nodded and Jade said ‘ If your sure.’ I nodded quickly and started.

Sophia: Well it all started when i was 6, my dad started hitting me. I thought it was a joke so i used to laugh he continued to slap me and hit me until i was 7. when i was 7 he thought i was old enough and i didn’t understand what he meant. He hurt me badly, he said i hoped i have fun. I didn’t understand anything until i was 9 and then realised he had raped me! After he did that he did it every month. He kicked me, raped me, punched me, slaped me. i had just turned nine and he raped me again. I was screaming so he picked me up and throw me down the stairs. I was crying and screaming. 

Jade: Babe, you don’t have to continue if you don’t want to.

But i continued anyway.

Sophia: One of the neighbours must have heard and called the police because i heard sirens and then a policemen nocked down our door. i was so scared, daddy told the police it was all a game and he was just messing around with me. But that wasn’t the case. A month after daddy was taken into court. They told him i would be taken  away and that he didn’t have to go to prison. Thats when i was taken into the care home. For a year Daddy would be allowed to vist and he would abuse me at the orphanage. Then Mrs Smith found out by a security camera and he was put in jail. I was there for 3 years in total and made loads of friends. seeing them come and go. Finally i met 2 friends and they have been my friends for 2 years. They are the ones that were with me.

I smiled rembering them and then i started crying because i wasn’t sure on what their reactions would be. They all hugged me and said that they would never hurt me and that its ok. I smiled. 

Sophia: The reason i don’t eat much is because at the orphanage we were only allowed small meals so i gave 1/2 of mine to the younger children because they needed more energy. I didn’t ever eat lunch because at lunch i would get beaten up and so i would only eat breakfast and a tiny bit of dinner. 

They all nodded and smiled saying that i can eat as much as i want, that they would give me time but i need to start eating more because it is bad for me. They also brang up bullying. Perrie asked ‘Baba what did the bullies do to you?’ i replied nervously ‘Well only Tori and Chrissie know but they used to push me, punch me, Kick me, and hurt me. It used to be verbal and phisical. ‘ Jade looked worried when i said that and she said Babe, i know you’ve never told anyone but did the bullies do that to you?’ She questioned looking at my hip and my leg. I nodded quickly and they hugged me. ‘Why didn’t you tell anyone?’ Jesy asked me. ‘ Well the bullies said it would get worse and i didn’t want that so i just left it. When this happened i was on the way back from school and i couldn’t walk and the bullies were nearby and could hear everything. I decided not to tell anyone because i didn’t want to get told off and didn’t want it to get worse, my friends respected my choice and they agreed with my story.’ they nodded except for Leigh. ‘ Babe, why the heck would you get told off?’ She questioned. i answered quickly, ‘ Well i had kept it to myself and my friend for over 2 years and i didn’t want anyone to tell me off for not telling them.’ She nodded and said ‘ Ok, well your safe now. Anyway its 10.30, you should be getting off to bed.’ I smiled and nodded. they all said goodnight and left the room. I quietly put the DNA album on so i could listen to it to get to sleep. I finally dozed off around 11‘o’clock. 


Daddy took me to my room.

sophia: Daddy why are we here is it night time?

daddy nodded his head and took my clothes off he put them into the basket while i went to get my pjs. I was about to put them on with daddys help an then daddy placed them on the draws.  

Sophia: Daddy Why have you put my pjs up there? I need to get ready for bed? I questioned.

Daddy: No you don’t you. You can sleep naked!

Sophia: Daddy no! I want my pjs!


Daddy shouted at me.

I quickly hopped into bed and snuggled up uncomftable. Daddy got undressed.

Sophia: Daddy what are you doing? 

Daddy: Daddy’s coming into your bed tonnight!

Sophia: Why? Whats Happening?

Daddy: Just Watch.

I felt daddy come right up close to me. I could feel him rape me. It hurt so badly!

Daddy got out of my bed and told me.


he exited my room and i was scared i didn’t understand what had just happened. i quickly ran to my pj draw and got another pair of pjs because the other ones were on my draw top that i couldn’t reach. I got them on then went to bed. In The morning all i could feel was daddy in my bed again. I started screaming!


**************END OF FLASHBACK****************************************************

I woke up to Jade shaking me. I was crying my eyes out and Jade hugged me she told me that everything was ok, and that Daddy wasn’t here anymore it was just her, me and the girls. i smiled and Jade came and sat down next to my bed. She told me that everything was ok and i soon drifted off back to sleep. 


Authors Note:

Hey Guys,

hope you like the story so far :) 

Sorry this isn't as long as the first one but it is still longish. 

Tell Me what you think.

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Em xxxxx

( Follow me on twitter on @happymixer4life) xxxxxxx

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