The Zoo :) xxx

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Jades POV:

I lifted the waterproff cover over the stroller and Sophia and all of a sudden sophia started moving. and crying badly. I watched her as she fidgited but the straps were keeping her from too much movement. i bent down infront of her and lifted it up, she relaxed. 

J: Honey, whats wrong?

S: I don't want it on.

She said tears flowing down her face. 

J: Babe, Leigh told you. 

S: I know. 

She stuttered threw tears. 

J: Then why were you moving all of a sudden. 

S: Be-ecc-ause I do-onnn-ttt want to look like a baby!

I shook my head. 

J: Babe you don't. If anyone says anything ill just say that you have a promblem. And nobody will comment. It was just so you don't get wet!

S: B-but it feels like i'm trapped. I can't get it off of me!

J: babe. If you want it off just ask one of us and we will do it. And the straps are there so you don't fall out. 

S: o-ka-yy mu-mummy. 

J: good girl. 

Sophias POV: 

Mummy lifted the cover back down and went back behind the stroller and started pushing. i looked around and saw that Chris and Tori were looking at me. I smiled at them. i then felt really hungry. I tried to get Jades attention. 

S: Mummy..

S; Mummy... 

it wasn't working so i decided to scream at her. 


She still didn't hear so i started crying and moving. Then she relised and came back down to my level. 

J: Shhhh, whats up?

S: m-um-mmy i'm hungry. 

J: So why are you crying?

S: Because i was screaming for you and you didn't listen and my tummy hurts. 

J: okay babe. i'll get you something. 

She went to grab her bag and got me a packet of crisps. I thanked her and she continued to push me. After a while, we stopped. I looked around to see that we were at the lions. I was right up close to the glass. I didn't like lions. I tried to get out of the chair but the straps were keeping me from doing so. 

Jades POV: 

I Pushed Sophia to the lions and put her against the glass so she could see. I was about to take pictures when Chrissie came over to me. 

C: Jade, i think we should take Sophia away from the glass. 

J: Why Chrissie?

C: Because, lets just say Sophia isn't ' in love' with lions. 

J: Oh, what happens?

C: Well she starts freaking out.

I Looked at her and she was trying to get out. Luckily the straps were stopping her. I pushed her away from the glass and she relaxed.  

Perries POV: 

Sophia has been acting up recently. apperenty its normal because she is being treated like a child even though not on purpose. I looked at her and she was trying to get out. I left it because i thought it was that she didn't want to be in it although it was for her good. Then i looked up and Chrissie was talking to Jade about something, probably shocking because Jade had shook all over her. She quickly went over to sophia and pushed her away from the glass and Sophia relaxed. I wonder what chrissie told jade?

Sophias POV: 

When Jade pushed me away, i was so relieved. I hate lions. i knew they were going to ask why but i didn't care. Jade came down and looked into my eyes with pity.

J: Hey babe

S: hi

J:why don't you like lions, then. 

She asked coming straight out. 

S: Well when i was at a foster home, we went to a wild zoo and they had lions. My carers weren't looking after me properly and a lion bit me. I screamed and had to go to hospital then i ended up back at the orphanage. So now im scared of them. i've never been near one since. 

J: oh babe, you know we would never let anyone hurt you!

S: i know, im sorry.

She nodded.

S: Mummy, please can i go to the toliet. 

She nodded and unstrapped me. she took my coat off and blanket and put it in the chair. She directed me to the toliets and then i went. 

Jades POV: 

I felt so bad. I should have known about Sophias phobia. As i was thinking Jesy, Leigh and Perrie came up to me.

Je: Hey Jade.

J: Hey

L: You ok. We saw what happened.

J: Yeah.

P: What happened exactly?

J: well i put sophia up near the glass so she could see, but she has a huge phobia of lions because of something in her past. And Chrissie came to tell me, she said that Sophia would start freaking out and thats exactly what she was doing. So i took her away from the glass.

L: aww babe.

J: Don't worry.

Je: SO what happened to her earlier eh? 

J: She just didn't want to have the cover on. She felt trapped and that she was 2. But apperently its completly normal. anyway i think we should head home soon. After Sophia comes back from the loo. 

Sophias POV: 

I came back and went over to mummy. she told me to sit down so i did. Luckily it had stopped raining so i didn't need the cover. She took my coat behind, strapped me in and put the blanket over me then she pushed me to the exit. Once we got to the car, Jade carried me in while Jesy put my stroller in the back. All of a sudden i felt very tierd. I lied down, where mummy had put me. I felt my eyes getting heavier and Leigh must have noticed because she told me to go to bed. I nodded and closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


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2 in 1 day :) xxx 

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Em <3 xxxx

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