being free xxx

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I have stayed here all night and all i want to do is go home. I haven't been able to see anyone but Jade. I mean theres nothing wrong with Jade just i miss the others. I have been feeling sick for ages but im going to wait until they let me go before i tell anyone. Jade is asleep at the moment, ive been up all night because i can't sleep. Jade told me she wasn't going to sleep before i did so i pretended to be asleep until i new she was asleep. The nurse came in to check on me about 10 minutes ago.  I've been hearing voices, bad ones. And they are scaring me. They keep on reminding me about my past and its upsetting me. Just then i hear Jade from the other side of the room get up and walk over to me.

J: Are you ok babes?

S: Yes thankyou mummy.

J: Ok, your gonna be allowed home today :)

S: I know, i just want to see everyone again and be where i belong. 

J: I know you do hun i'll go and get the docter. 

I nodded and Jade got up and went out of the door. I sat in my bed not knowing what to do. After a few minutes Jade came in followed by the doctor. He asked me how i was doing and i just replied that i was doing ok. he nodded and went out the room. Jade sat down next to me on the bed and hugged me. I was about to ask her something when the doctor came in and told me i could leave. I jumped up in happiness and me and jade left the hospital without saying anymore. Once i got out i saw the big black limo and relised jade must have called the on the way to get the doctor. All of a sudden my legs felt like jelly and i nearly fell until Jade came and lifted me up bridal style and carried me into the limo. As we entered i looked around and there was everyone. I smiled knowing they all came for me. There was something unusal they were all whispering.  I then thought about what jade had told me before i went to sleep that ' We are going to be very quiet for you, because you will be even more damaged if you hear too much noise.' I relised that Jade must have mentioned that to them too! Jade took me over to the two spares seats and i was inbetween Jade and Jesy. 

Je: Hey babe, how are you feeling?

S: im okay, ive been better.

Je: aww okay if you need anything just ask.

S: Okay thankyou Jes.

C: Soph, we've missed you so much! we were so scared!

Tori nodded.

S: I've missed you too! Don't be scared, i'm fine, ive had much worse.

P: What do you mean 'lots worse' 

S: I was rapped and i was nearly killed. I can survive everything.

L: Poopey, have you told her yet?

J: I was going to wait. 

S: Mummy, what is it?

J: well babe its hard to say, but you have to big kind of illness. One won't harm you as much as the other. 

S: Okay. What are they.

P: Well babe have you ever heard of schenzerphina? 

I shook my head.

P: Well its a mental illness and you have voices in your head. It wont harm you but could cause stress and lead to self-harm.

I nodded.

L: And well the other one is.. 

Je: Cancer. You have an agressive type.

S: Oh.. Whats going to happen?

I said on the verge of tears.

J: Well hun, they have let you go but you will need to do chemotheropy once a week and come back of you get worse. 

I nodded  and looked around to see Tori and Chrissie crying. That made me cry. 

L: Omg we didn't tell Chrissie and Tori! 

P: Girls, we have to be strong okay, we will get through this. 

S: Okay. Whats going to happen when your on tour. 

J: Well babe, thats up to you. We have told the doctor and there is two ways.

Je: The first is that you stay with a relitive while we are on tour. 

P: And the second is that you come on tour with us, we will hire a fully orginised doctor to come with us. and hire a kit for your chemo. 

S: Okay mummy and auntie perrie, leigh and Jesy, can i do the second one? 

They all nodded with smiles. 

L: We did try to cancel the tour but it would be awful to let the fans down. 

J: You will have your own room in the tour bus for when your ill or having chemo or medicine. Other than that you can share with all of us. Like normal. 

She smiled and hugged me. I didn't resist and hugged her back. it hurt knowing, i could die any minute...


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Em <3 xxx

(@happymixer4life) xxx

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