Results - part 2

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I was nervous doing the tests but I know it's for me. I did 10 tests and then Waited in the waiting room the girls left with chrissie and tori but jade stayed. I liked that she stayed because it means that I'm not alone when I find out what happened the other night. After about an hour of talking about random things the doctor asked us to follow him. He took us to a hospital room and told me to sit on the bed. I did as I was told and he began to explain,  

Doc: ok, as you know we've done some tests and we can confirm at that moment she had a flashback and had trouble getting back into the prensences. Unfortunately as we were trying to test you for this you showed other signs. We did other tests and unfortunately we have found out you have got a mental illness called scinzerthener and an aggressive type of cancer . I couldn't take it all in! Then it hit me I have an illness! I started to cry. Jade came over to me and started cradling me, like a baby, until I was calm. Then she placed me back on the hospital bed so I was layed down. 

Doc: right now, may i? He asked pointing to my top.  

I shook my head, trying to make him stop but he did it anyway. He lifted my shirt up to expose all of the Bruises and cuts all over my body. Jade looked shooked. The doctor told us that he would go and get a nurse to dress me into the hospital gown. When he left I started talkin to jade 

Me: mummy! Mummy! I dd-don't wa-want to be undressed by them!  

Jade: babe you have to it will be for your own good. 

Me: please mummy! Help me! 

Jade looked at me with symperthy as the nurse walked in and sat the gown on the bed beside me. Just the jade interrupted my thoughts. 

Jade: sorry, Sophia isn't really comfortable with people changing her, is it ok if I do it and call you back in when she's done?  

The nurse agreed and jade started taking my clothes off!  

Me: mummy why can't I do it myself? 

Jade: well baby, you will probably feel weak a lot and you won't be able to remeber things. So we will have to help you. 

Me: ok mummy, but please, I only want you changing me! 

Jade: ok baby! I will go and get the nurse and doctor in. 

Jade went to press the button and almost straight away the staff were they. They told me I would need a lot of help and they would like to keep me in tonight I nodded and asked jade if she would stay and of course she said yes!

Jades POV: 

We've just found out that Sophia had cancer and a mental illness. I can't believe it! I rang the girls and told them and they all burst into tears. They said they would come in the morning so we could have some time alone for now. Which is good. When I saw Sophia terrified when the nurse was going to change her, I automatically stepped in and told her I would do because she doesn't feel confatable. They told Sophia she has to stay the night and can be let out tomorrow! Hopefully she will be out tomorrow!





Em <3 xxxx

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